Python Language
Externe Datendateien mit Pandas eingeben, unterteilen und ausgeben
In diesem Abschnitt wird der grundlegende Code zum Lesen, Untersetzen und Schreiben externer Dateien mit Pandas beschrieben.
Grundlegender Code zum Importieren, Subset und Schreiben von externen Datendateien mit Pandas
# Print the working directory
import os
print os.getcwd()
# C:\Python27\Scripts
# Set the working directory
os.chdir('C:/Users/general1/Documents/simple Python files')
print os.getcwd()
# C:\Users\general1\Documents\simple Python files
# load pandas
import pandas as pd
# read a csv data file named 'small_dataset.csv' containing 4 lines and 3 variables
my_data = pd.read_csv("small_dataset.csv")
# x y z
# 0 1 2 3
# 1 4 5 6
# 2 7 8 9
# 3 10 11 12
my_data.shape # number of rows and columns in data set
# (4, 3)
my_data.shape[0] # number of rows in data set
# 4
my_data.shape[1] # number of columns in data set
# 3
# Python uses 0-based indexing. The first row or column in a data set is located
# at position 0. In R the first row or column in a data set is located
# at position 1.
# Select the first two rows
# x y z
#0 1 2 3
#1 4 5 6
# Select the second and third rows
# x y z
# 1 4 5 6
# 2 7 8 9
# Select the third row
# x y z
#2 7 8 9
# Select the first two elements of the first column
my_data.iloc[0:2, 0:1]
# x
# 0 1
# 1 4
# Select the first element of the variables y and z
my_data.loc[0, ['y', 'z']]
# y 2
# z 3
# Select the first three elements of the variables y and z
my_data.loc[0:2, ['y', 'z']]
# y z
# 0 2 3
# 1 5 6
# 2 8 9
# Write the first three elements of the variables y and z
# to an external file. Here index = 0 means do not write row names.
my_data2 = my_data.loc[0:2, ['y', 'z']]
my_data2.to_csv('my.output.csv', index = 0)
Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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