
वाक्य - विन्यास

  • javap [विकल्प] <कक्षाएं>


नाम विवरण
<classes> अलग करने के लिए कक्षाओं की सूची। या तो में किया जा सकता है package1.package2.Classname प्रारूप, या package1/package2/Classname प्रारूप। .class एक्सटेंशन को शामिल करें।
-help , --help , -? इस उपयोग संदेश को प्रिंट करें
-version संस्करण जानकारी
-v , -verbose अतिरिक्त जानकारी प्रिंट करें
-l प्रिंट लाइन नंबर और स्थानीय चर तालिकाएं
-public केवल सार्वजनिक वर्गों और सदस्यों को दिखाएं
-protected संरक्षित / सार्वजनिक वर्गों और सदस्यों को दिखाएं
-package पैकेज दिखाएँ / संरक्षित / सार्वजनिक वर्ग और सदस्य (डिफ़ॉल्ट)
-p , -private सभी वर्गों और सदस्यों को दिखाएं
-c कोड डिसाइड करें
-s आंतरिक प्रकार के हस्ताक्षर प्रिंट करें
-sysinfo क्लास की प्रक्रिया की जानकारी (पथ, आकार, तिथि, एमडी 5 हैश) संसाधित की जा रही है
-constants अंतिम स्थिरांक दिखाएं
-classpath <path> निर्दिष्ट करें कि उपयोगकर्ता वर्ग फ़ाइलों को कहाँ खोजें
-cp <path> निर्दिष्ट करें कि उपयोगकर्ता वर्ग फ़ाइलों को कहाँ खोजें
-bootclasspath <path> बूटस्ट्रैप क्लास फ़ाइलों का ओवरराइड स्थान

जावप के साथ बायोटेक देखना

यदि आप जावा प्रोग्राम के लिए जेनरेट किया गया javap देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप इसे देखने के लिए दिए गए javap कमांड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

यह मानते हुए कि हमारे पास निम्न जावा स्रोत फ़ाइल है:

package com.stackoverflow.documentation;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;

public class HelloWorldService {

    public void sayHello() {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

    private Object[] pvtMethod(List<String> strings) {
        return new Object[]{strings};

    protected String tryCatchResources(String filename) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename)) {
            byte[] bytes = new byte[8192];
            int read = inputStream.read(bytes);
            return new String(bytes, 0, read);
        } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;

    void stuff() {

स्रोत फ़ाइल संकलित करने के बाद, सबसे सरल उपयोग है:

cd <directory containing classes> (e.g. target/classes)
javap com/stackoverflow/documentation/SpringExample

जिससे उत्पादन होता है

Compiled from "HelloWorldService.java"
public class com.stackoverflow.documentation.HelloWorldService {
  public com.stackoverflow.documentation.HelloWorldService();
  public void sayHello();
  protected java.lang.String tryCatchResources(java.lang.String) throws java.io.IOException;
  void stuff();

यह कक्षा में सभी गैर-निजी तरीकों को सूचीबद्ध करता है, लेकिन यह विशेष रूप से अधिकांश उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोगी नहीं है। निम्नलिखित आदेश बहुत अधिक उपयोगी है:

javap -p -c -s -constants -l -v com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService

जो उत्पादन का उत्पादन करता है:

Classfile /Users/pivotal/IdeaProjects/stackoverflow-spring-docs/target/classes/com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService.class
  Last modified Jul 22, 2016; size 2167 bytes
  MD5 checksum 6e33b5c292ead21701906353b7f06330
  Compiled from "HelloWorldService.java"
public class com.stackoverflow.documentation.HelloWorldService
  minor version: 0
  major version: 51
Constant pool:
    #1 = Methodref          #5.#60        // java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
    #2 = Fieldref           #61.#62       // java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
    #3 = String             #63           // Hello, World!
    #4 = Methodref          #64.#65       // java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    #5 = Class              #66           // java/lang/Object
    #6 = Methodref          #5.#67        // java/lang/Object.getClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
    #7 = Methodref          #68.#69       // java/lang/Class.getResourceAsStream:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream;
    #8 = Methodref          #70.#71       // java/io/InputStream.read:([B)I
    #9 = Class              #72           // java/lang/String
   #10 = Methodref          #9.#73        // java/lang/String."<init>":([BII)V
   #11 = Methodref          #70.#74       // java/io/InputStream.close:()V
   #12 = Class              #75           // java/lang/Throwable
   #13 = Methodref          #12.#76       // java/lang/Throwable.addSuppressed:(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
   #14 = Class              #77           // java/io/IOException
   #15 = Class              #78           // java/lang/RuntimeException
   #16 = Methodref          #79.#80       // java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace:()V
   #17 = String             #55           // stuff
   #18 = Class              #81           // com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService
   #19 = Utf8               <init>
   #20 = Utf8               ()V
   #21 = Utf8               Code
   #22 = Utf8               LineNumberTable
   #23 = Utf8               LocalVariableTable
   #24 = Utf8               this
   #25 = Utf8               Lcom/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService;
   #26 = Utf8               sayHello
   #27 = Utf8               pvtMethod
   #28 = Utf8               (Ljava/util/List;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
   #29 = Utf8               strings
   #30 = Utf8               Ljava/util/List;
   #31 = Utf8               LocalVariableTypeTable
   #32 = Utf8               Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;
   #33 = Utf8               Signature
   #34 = Utf8               (Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
   #35 = Utf8               tryCatchResources
   #36 = Utf8               (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
   #37 = Utf8               bytes
   #38 = Utf8               [B
   #39 = Utf8               read
   #40 = Utf8               I
   #41 = Utf8               inputStream
   #42 = Utf8               Ljava/io/InputStream;
   #43 = Utf8               e
   #44 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/Exception;
   #45 = Utf8               filename
   #46 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/String;
   #47 = Utf8               StackMapTable
   #48 = Class              #81           // com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService
   #49 = Class              #72           // java/lang/String
   #50 = Class              #82           // java/io/InputStream
   #51 = Class              #75           // java/lang/Throwable
   #52 = Class              #38           // "[B"
   #53 = Class              #83           // java/lang/Exception
   #54 = Utf8               Exceptions
   #55 = Utf8               stuff
   #56 = Utf8               SourceFile
   #57 = Utf8               HelloWorldService.java
   #58 = Utf8               RuntimeVisibleAnnotations
   #59 = Utf8               Lorg/springframework/stereotype/Service;
   #60 = NameAndType        #19:#20       // "<init>":()V
   #61 = Class              #84           // java/lang/System
   #62 = NameAndType        #85:#86       // out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   #63 = Utf8               Hello, World!
   #64 = Class              #87           // java/io/PrintStream
   #65 = NameAndType        #88:#89       // println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   #66 = Utf8               java/lang/Object
   #67 = NameAndType        #90:#91       // getClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
   #68 = Class              #92           // java/lang/Class
   #69 = NameAndType        #93:#94       // getResourceAsStream:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream;
   #70 = Class              #82           // java/io/InputStream
   #71 = NameAndType        #39:#95       // read:([B)I
   #72 = Utf8               java/lang/String
   #73 = NameAndType        #19:#96       // "<init>":([BII)V
   #74 = NameAndType        #97:#20       // close:()V
   #75 = Utf8               java/lang/Throwable
   #76 = NameAndType        #98:#99       // addSuppressed:(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
   #77 = Utf8               java/io/IOException
   #78 = Utf8               java/lang/RuntimeException
   #79 = Class              #83           // java/lang/Exception
   #80 = NameAndType        #100:#20      // printStackTrace:()V
   #81 = Utf8               com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService
   #82 = Utf8               java/io/InputStream
   #83 = Utf8               java/lang/Exception
   #84 = Utf8               java/lang/System
   #85 = Utf8               out
   #86 = Utf8               Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   #87 = Utf8               java/io/PrintStream
   #88 = Utf8               println
   #89 = Utf8               (Ljava/lang/String;)V
   #90 = Utf8               getClass
   #91 = Utf8               ()Ljava/lang/Class;
   #92 = Utf8               java/lang/Class
   #93 = Utf8               getResourceAsStream
   #94 = Utf8               (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream;
   #95 = Utf8               ([B)I
   #96 = Utf8               ([BII)V
   #97 = Utf8               close
   #98 = Utf8               addSuppressed
   #99 = Utf8               (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
  #100 = Utf8               printStackTrace
  public com.stackoverflow.documentation.HelloWorldService();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0
         1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
         4: return
        line 10: 0
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       5     0  this   Lcom/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService;

  public void sayHello();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: getstatic     #2                  // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
         3: ldc           #3                  // String Hello, World!
         5: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
         8: return
        line 13: 0
        line 14: 8
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       9     0  this   Lcom/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService;

  private java.lang.Object[] pvtMethod(java.util.List<java.lang.String>);
    descriptor: (Ljava/util/List;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
    flags: ACC_PRIVATE
      stack=4, locals=2, args_size=2
         0: iconst_1
         1: anewarray     #5                  // class java/lang/Object
         4: dup
         5: iconst_0
         6: aload_1
         7: aastore
         8: areturn
        line 17: 0
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       9     0  this   Lcom/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService;
            0       9     1 strings   Ljava/util/List;
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       9     1 strings   Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;
    Signature: #34                          // (Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/String;>;)[Ljava/lang/Object;

  protected java.lang.String tryCatchResources(java.lang.String) throws java.io.IOException;
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
    flags: ACC_PROTECTED
      stack=5, locals=10, args_size=2
         0: aload_0
         1: invokevirtual #6                  // Method java/lang/Object.getClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
         4: aload_1
         5: invokevirtual #7                  // Method java/lang/Class.getResourceAsStream:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream;
         8: astore_2
         9: aconst_null
        10: astore_3
        11: sipush        8192
        14: newarray       byte
        16: astore        4
        18: aload_2
        19: aload         4
        21: invokevirtual #8                  // Method java/io/InputStream.read:([B)I
        24: istore        5
        26: new           #9                  // class java/lang/String
        29: dup
        30: aload         4
        32: iconst_0
        33: iload         5
        35: invokespecial #10                 // Method java/lang/String."<init>":([BII)V
        38: astore        6
        40: aload_2
        41: ifnull        70
        44: aload_3
        45: ifnull        66
        48: aload_2
        49: invokevirtual #11                 // Method java/io/InputStream.close:()V
        52: goto          70
        55: astore        7
        57: aload_3
        58: aload         7
        60: invokevirtual #13                 // Method java/lang/Throwable.addSuppressed:(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
        63: goto          70
        66: aload_2
        67: invokevirtual #11                 // Method java/io/InputStream.close:()V
        70: aload         6
        72: areturn
        73: astore        4
        75: aload         4
        77: astore_3
        78: aload         4
        80: athrow
        81: astore        8
        83: aload_2
        84: ifnull        113
        87: aload_3
        88: ifnull        109
        91: aload_2
        92: invokevirtual #11                 // Method java/io/InputStream.close:()V
        95: goto          113
        98: astore        9
       100: aload_3
       101: aload         9
       103: invokevirtual #13                 // Method java/lang/Throwable.addSuppressed:(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
       106: goto          113
       109: aload_2
       110: invokevirtual #11                 // Method java/io/InputStream.close:()V
       113: aload         8
       115: athrow
       116: astore_2
       117: aload_2
       118: invokevirtual #16                 // Method java/lang/Exception.printStackTrace:()V
       121: aload_2
       122: athrow
      Exception table:
         from    to  target type
            48    52    55   Class java/lang/Throwable
            11    40    73   Class java/lang/Throwable
            11    40    81   any
            91    95    98   Class java/lang/Throwable
            73    83    81   any
             0    70   116   Class java/io/IOException
             0    70   116   Class java/lang/RuntimeException
            73   116   116   Class java/io/IOException
            73   116   116   Class java/lang/RuntimeException
        line 21: 0
        line 22: 11
        line 23: 18
        line 24: 26
        line 25: 40
        line 21: 73
        line 25: 81
        line 26: 117
        line 27: 121
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
           18      55     4 bytes   [B
           26      47     5  read   I
            9     107     2 inputStream   Ljava/io/InputStream;
          117       6     2     e   Ljava/lang/Exception;
            0     123     0  this   Lcom/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService;
            0     123     1 filename   Ljava/lang/String;
      StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 9
        frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
          offset_delta = 55
          locals = [ class com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService, class java/lang/String, class java/io/InputStream, class java/lang/Throwable, class "[B", int, class java/lang/String ]
          stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
        frame_type = 10 /* same */
        frame_type = 3 /* same */
        frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
          offset_delta = 2
          locals = [ class com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService, class java/lang/String, class java/io/InputStream, class java/lang/Throwable ]
          stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
        frame_type = 71 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
          stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
        frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
          offset_delta = 16
          locals = [ class com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService, class java/lang/String, class java/io/InputStream, class java/lang/Throwable, top, top, top, top, class java/lang/Throwable ]
          stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
        frame_type = 10 /* same */
        frame_type = 3 /* same */
        frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
          offset_delta = 2
          locals = [ class com/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService, class java/lang/String ]
          stack = [ class java/lang/Exception ]
      throws java.io.IOException

  void stuff();
    descriptor: ()V
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: getstatic     #2                  // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
         3: ldc           #17                 // String stuff
         5: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
         8: return
        line 32: 0
        line 33: 8
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       9     0  this   Lcom/stackoverflow/documentation/HelloWorldService;
SourceFile: "HelloWorldService.java"
  0: #59()

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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से संबद्ध नहीं है Stack Overflow