

  • bgWorker.CancellationPending //returns whether the bgWorker was cancelled during its operation

  • bgWorker.IsBusy //returns true if the bgWorker is in the middle of an operation

  • bgWorker.ReportProgress(int x) //Reports a change in progress. Raises the "ProgressChanged" event

  • bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync() //Starts the BackgroundWorker by raising the "DoWork" event

  • bgWorker.CancelAsync() //instructs the BackgroundWorker to stop after the completion of a task.


La realización de operaciones de larga ejecución dentro del subproceso de la interfaz de usuario puede hacer que su aplicación deje de responder, y le parece al usuario que ha dejado de funcionar. Es preferible que estas tareas se ejecuten en un subproceso en segundo plano. Una vez completado, la interfaz de usuario se puede actualizar.

Realizar cambios en la interfaz de usuario durante la operación de BackgroundWorker requiere invocar los cambios en el subproceso de la interfaz de usuario, generalmente mediante el método Control.Invoke en el control que está actualizando. Si no lo hace, su programa generará una excepción.

El BackgroundWorker normalmente solo se usa en aplicaciones de Windows Forms. En las aplicaciones WPF, las tareas se utilizan para descargar trabajos en subprocesos en segundo plano (posiblemente en combinación con async / await ). La actualización de las actualizaciones en el subproceso de la interfaz de usuario se realiza de forma automática, cuando la propiedad que se está actualizando implementa INotifyPropertyChanged , o manualmente mediante el Dispatcher del subproceso de la interfaz de usuario.

Asignar controladores de eventos a un BackgroundWorker

Una vez que se ha declarado la instancia de BackgroundWorker, se le deben otorgar propiedades y controladores de eventos para las tareas que realiza.

    /* This is the backgroundworker's "DoWork" event handler. This 
       method is what will contain all the work you 
       wish to have your program perform without blocking the UI. */

    bgWorker.DoWork += bgWorker_DoWork;

    /*This is how the DoWork event method signature looks like:*/
    private void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        // Work to be done here   
        // ...
        // To get a reference to the current Backgroundworker:
        BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
        // The reference to the BackgroundWorker is often used to report progress

    /*This is the method that will be run once the BackgroundWorker has completed its tasks */

    bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += bgWorker_CompletedWork;

    /*This is how the RunWorkerCompletedEvent event method signature looks like:*/
    private void bgWorker_CompletedWork(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
        // Things to be done after the backgroundworker has finished

   /* When you wish to have something occur when a change in progress 
     occurs, (like the completion of a specific task) the "ProgressChanged" 
     event handler is used. Note that ProgressChanged events may be invoked
     by calls to bgWorker.ReportProgress(...) only if bgWorker.WorkerReportsProgress
     is set to true.  */

     bgWorker.ProgressChanged += bgWorker_ProgressChanged;

    /*This is how the ProgressChanged event method signature looks like:*/
    private void bgWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        // Things to be done when a progress change has been reported

        /* The ProgressChangedEventArgs gives access to a percentage,
         allowing for easy reporting of how far along a process is*/
        int progress = e.ProgressPercentage;

Asignación de propiedades a un BackgroundWorker

Esto permite que BackgroundWorker se cancele entre tareas

bgWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

Esto permite al trabajador informar el progreso entre la finalización de las tareas ...

bgWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;

//this must also be used in conjunction with the ProgressChanged event

Creando una nueva instancia de BackgroundWorker

Un BackgroundWorker se usa comúnmente para realizar tareas, a veces mucho tiempo, sin bloquear el subproceso de la interfaz de usuario.

// BackgroundWorker is part of the ComponentModel namespace.
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace BGWorkerExample 
     public partial class ExampleForm : Form 

      // the following creates an instance of the BackgroundWorker named "bgWorker"
      BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();

      public ExampleForm() { ...

Usando un BackgroundWorker para completar una tarea.

El siguiente ejemplo demuestra el uso de un BackgroundWorker para actualizar un WinForms ProgressBar. El backgroundWorker actualizará el valor de la barra de progreso sin bloquear el subproceso de la interfaz de usuario, mostrando así una interfaz de usuario reactiva mientras el trabajo se realiza en segundo plano.

namespace BgWorkerExample
    public partial class Form1 : Form

    //a new instance of a backgroundWorker is created.
    BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
    public Form1()

        prgProgressBar.Step = 1;

        //this assigns event handlers for the backgroundWorker
        bgWorker.DoWork += bgWorker_DoWork;
        bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += bgWorker_WorkComplete;

        //tell the backgroundWorker to raise the "DoWork" event, thus starting it.
        //Check to make sure the background worker is not already running.

    private void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        //this is the method that the backgroundworker will perform on in the background thread.
        /* One thing to note! A try catch is not necessary as any exceptions will terminate the backgroundWorker and report 
          the error to the "RunWorkerCompleted" event */

    private void bgWorker_WorkComplete(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
        //e.Error will contain any exceptions caught by the backgroundWorker
        if (e.Error != null)
            MessageBox.Show("Task Complete!");
            prgProgressBar.Value = 0;

    // example method to perform a "long" running task.
    private void CountToY()
        int x = 0;

        int maxProgress = 100;
        prgProgressBar.Maximum = maxProgress;

        while (x < maxProgress)
            Invoke(new Action(() => { prgProgressBar.PerformStep(); }));
            x += 1;


El resultado es el siguiente...

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