

  • player.awardAchievement (Achievement ach);

Assegnazione di obiettivi

Player player;     //The player you want to award your achievement with
Achievement achievement;     //The achievement you want to award your player

player.awardAchievement(achievement);    //Awarding the achievement

Controllare se il giocatore ha successo:

Player player;
Achievement achievement;
boolean hasAchievement = player.hasAchievement(achievement);

Il codice assegnerà il risultato e qualsiasi risultato genitore.

I risultati possibili sono:

  • ACQUIRE_IRON (acquisizione hardware)
  • BAKE_CAKE (La bugia)
  • LIBRERIA (Bibliotecario)
  • BREED_COW (Ripopolamento)
  • BREW_POTION (birreria locale)
  • BUILD_BETTER_PICKAXE (Ottenere un aggiornamento)
  • BUILD_FURNACE (Hot Topic)
  • BUILD_HOE (Time to Farm!)
  • BUILD_PICKAXE (Time to Mine!)
  • BUILD_SWORD (Time to Strike!)
  • BUILD_WORKBENCH (Benchmarking)
  • COOK_FISH (Delicious Fish)
  • DIAMONDS_TO_YOU (Diamanti a te!)
  • INCANTESIMI (Enchanter)
  • END_PORTAL (The End?)
  • EXPLORE_ALL_BIOMES (Adventuring Time)
  • FLY_PIG (Quando i maiali volano)
  • FULL_BEACON (Beaconator)
  • GET_BLAZE_ROD (Into Fire)
  • GHAST_RETURN (Torna al mittente)
  • KILL_COW (Cow Tipper)
  • KILL_ENEMY (Monster Hunter)
  • KILL_WITHER (The Beginning.)
  • MAKE_BREAD (cuoce il pane)
  • MINE_WOOD (Ottenere legna)
  • NETHER_PORTAL (Dobbiamo andare più in profondità)
  • ON_A_RAIL (Su una ferrovia)
  • OPEN_INVENTORY (Taking Inventory)
  • OVERKILL (Overkill)
  • OVERPOWERED (Overpowered)
  • SNIPE_SKELETON (Sniper Duel)
  • SPAWN_WITHER (L'inizio?)
  • THE_END (The End.)


Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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