

Was ist Selbstbeobachtung?

Introspektion schaut nach innen, um etwas über das Innere zu erfahren. Das ist eine einfache Definition von Introspektion.

In der Programmierung und in Ruby im Allgemeinen… Introspektion ist die Fähigkeit, Objekt, Klasse… zur Laufzeit anzusehen, um etwas darüber zu erfahren.

Sehen wir uns einige Beispiele an


s = "Hello"  # s is a string

Dann erfahren wir etwas über s. Lass uns anfangen:

Sie wollen also wissen, was die Klasse von s zur Laufzeit ist?

irb(main):055:0* s.class
=> String

Ohh gut. Aber was sind die Methoden von s?

irb(main):002:0> s.methods
=> [:unicode_normalize, :include?, :to_c, :unicode_normalize!, :unicode_normalized?, :%, :*, :+, :count, :partition, :unpack, :encode, :encode!, :next, :casecmp, :insert, :bytesize, :match, :succ!, :next!, :upto, :index, :rindex, :replace, :clear, :chr, :+@, :-@, :setbyte, :getbyte, :<=>, :<<, :scrub, :scrub!, :byteslice, :==, :===, :dump, :=~, :downcase, :[], :[]=, :upcase, :downcase!, :capitalize, :swapcase, :upcase!, :oct, :empty?, :eql?, :hex, :chars, :split, :capitalize!, :swapcase!, :concat, :codepoints, :reverse, :lines, :bytes, :prepend, :scan, :ord, :reverse!, :center, :sub, :freeze, :inspect, :intern, :end_with?, :gsub, :chop, :crypt, :gsub!, :start_with?, :rstrip, :sub!, :ljust, :length, :size, :strip!, :succ, :rstrip!, :chomp, :strip, :rjust, :lstrip!, :tr!, :chomp!, :squeeze, :lstrip, :tr_s!, :to_str, :to_sym, :chop!, :each_byte, :each_char, :each_codepoint, :to_s, :to_i, :tr_s, :delete, :encoding, :force_encoding, :sum, :delete!, :squeeze!, :tr, :to_f, :valid_encoding?, :slice, :slice!, :rpartition, :each_line, :b, :ascii_only?, :hash, :to_r, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :between?, :instance_of?, :public_send, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variable_defined?, :remove_instance_variable, :private_methods, :kind_of?, :instance_variables, :tap, :is_a?, :extend, :to_enum, :enum_for, :!~, :respond_to?, :display, :object_id, :send, :method, :public_method, :singleton_method, :define_singleton_method, :nil?, :class, :singleton_class, :clone, :dup, :itself, :taint, :tainted?, :untaint, :untrust, :trust, :untrusted?, :methods, :protected_methods, :frozen?, :public_methods, :singleton_methods, :!, :!=, :__send__, :equal?, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__id__]

Sie möchten wissen, ob s eine Instanz von String ist?

irb(main):018:0* s.instance_of?(String)
=> true

Was sind die öffentlichen Methoden von s?

irb(main):026:0* s.public_methods
=> [:unicode_normalize, :include?, :to_c, :unicode_normalize!, :unicode_normalized?, :%, :*, :+, :count, :partition, :unpack, :encode, :encode!, :next, :casecmp, :insert, :bytesize, :match, :succ!, :next!, :upto, :index, :rindex, :replace, :clear, :chr, :+@, :-@, :setbyte, :getbyte, :<=>, :<<, :scrub, :scrub!, :byteslice, :==, :===, :dump, :=~, :downcase, :[], :[]=, :upcase, :downcase!, :capitalize, :swapcase, :upcase!, :oct, :empty?, :eql?, :hex, :chars, :split, :capitalize!, :swapcase!, :concat, :codepoints, :reverse, :lines, :bytes, :prepend, :scan, :ord, :reverse!, :center, :sub, :freeze, :inspect, :intern, :end_with?, :gsub, :chop, :crypt, :gsub!, :start_with?, :rstrip, :sub!, :ljust, :length, :size, :strip!, :succ, :rstrip!, :chomp, :strip, :rjust, :lstrip!, :tr!, :chomp!, :squeeze, :lstrip, :tr_s!, :to_str, :to_sym, :chop!, :each_byte, :each_char, :each_codepoint, :to_s, :to_i, :tr_s, :delete, :encoding, :force_encoding, :sum, :delete!, :squeeze!, :tr, :to_f, :valid_encoding?, :slice, :slice!, :rpartition, :each_line, :b, :ascii_only?, :hash, :to_r, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :between?, :pretty_print, :pretty_print_cycle, :pretty_print_instance_variables, :pretty_print_inspect, :instance_of?, :public_send, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variable_defined?, :remove_instance_variable, :private_methods, :kind_of?, :instance_variables, :tap, :pretty_inspect, :is_a?, :extend, :to_enum, :enum_for, :!~, :respond_to?, :display, :object_id, :send, :method, :public_method, :singleton_method, :define_singleton_method, :nil?, :class, :singleton_class, :clone, :dup, :itself, :taint, :tainted?, :untaint, :untrust, :trust, :untrusted?, :methods, :protected_methods, :frozen?, :public_methods, :singleton_methods, :!, :!=, :__send__, :equal?, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__id__]

und private Methoden ....

irb(main):030:0* s.private_methods
=> [:initialize, :initialize_copy, :DelegateClass, :default_src_encoding, :irb_binding, :sprintf, :format, :Integer, :Float, :String, :Array, :Hash, :catch, :throw, :loop, :block_given?, :Complex, :set_trace_func, :trace_var, :untrace_var, :at_exit, :Rational, :caller, :caller_locations, :select, :test, :fork, :exit, :`, :gem_original_require, :sleep, :pp, :respond_to_missing?, :load, :exec, :exit!, :system, :spawn, :abort, :syscall, :printf, :open, :putc, :print, :readline, :puts, :p, :srand, :readlines, :gets, :rand, :proc, :lambda, :trap, :initialize_clone, :initialize_dup, :gem, :require, :require_relative, :autoload, :autoload?, :binding, :local_variables, :warn, :raise, :fail, :global_variables, :__method__, :__callee__, :__dir__, :eval, :iterator?, :method_missing, :singleton_method_added, :singleton_method_removed, :singleton_method_undefined]

Ja, hat einen Methodennamen oben. Sie möchten die Großbuchstabenversion von s erhalten? Lass es uns versuchen:

irb(main):044:0> s.respond_to?(:upper)
=> false

Sieht aus wie nicht, die richtige Methode ist upcase.

irb(main):048:0* s.respond_to?(:upcase)
=> true

Introspektion der Klasse

Nachfolgend sind die Klassendefinitionen

class A
   def a; end

module B
   def b; end

class C < A
   include B
   def c; end

Was sind die Instanzmethoden von C ?

C.instance_methods # [:c, :b, :a, :to_json, :instance_of?...]

Was sind die Instanzmethoden, die nur für C deklariert werden?

C.instance_methods(false) # [:c]

Was sind die Vorfahren der Klasse C ?

C.ancestors # [C, B, A, Object,...]

Oberklasse von C ?

C.superclass # A

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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