

Wat is introspectie?

Introspectie kijkt naar binnen om te weten over de binnenkant. Dat is een eenvoudige definitie van introspectie.

In programmeren en Ruby in het algemeen ... is introspectie de mogelijkheid om naar object, klasse ... te kijken tijdens runtime om daarover te weten.

Laten we enkele voorbeelden bekijken


s = "Hello"  # s is a string

Dan komen we iets te weten over s. Laten we beginnen:

Dus je wilt weten wat de klasse van s is tijdens runtime?

irb(main):055:0* s.class
=> String

Oh goed. Maar wat zijn de methoden van s?

irb(main):002:0> s.methods
=> [:unicode_normalize, :include?, :to_c, :unicode_normalize!, :unicode_normalized?, :%, :*, :+, :count, :partition, :unpack, :encode, :encode!, :next, :casecmp, :insert, :bytesize, :match, :succ!, :next!, :upto, :index, :rindex, :replace, :clear, :chr, :+@, :-@, :setbyte, :getbyte, :<=>, :<<, :scrub, :scrub!, :byteslice, :==, :===, :dump, :=~, :downcase, :[], :[]=, :upcase, :downcase!, :capitalize, :swapcase, :upcase!, :oct, :empty?, :eql?, :hex, :chars, :split, :capitalize!, :swapcase!, :concat, :codepoints, :reverse, :lines, :bytes, :prepend, :scan, :ord, :reverse!, :center, :sub, :freeze, :inspect, :intern, :end_with?, :gsub, :chop, :crypt, :gsub!, :start_with?, :rstrip, :sub!, :ljust, :length, :size, :strip!, :succ, :rstrip!, :chomp, :strip, :rjust, :lstrip!, :tr!, :chomp!, :squeeze, :lstrip, :tr_s!, :to_str, :to_sym, :chop!, :each_byte, :each_char, :each_codepoint, :to_s, :to_i, :tr_s, :delete, :encoding, :force_encoding, :sum, :delete!, :squeeze!, :tr, :to_f, :valid_encoding?, :slice, :slice!, :rpartition, :each_line, :b, :ascii_only?, :hash, :to_r, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :between?, :instance_of?, :public_send, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variable_defined?, :remove_instance_variable, :private_methods, :kind_of?, :instance_variables, :tap, :is_a?, :extend, :to_enum, :enum_for, :!~, :respond_to?, :display, :object_id, :send, :method, :public_method, :singleton_method, :define_singleton_method, :nil?, :class, :singleton_class, :clone, :dup, :itself, :taint, :tainted?, :untaint, :untrust, :trust, :untrusted?, :methods, :protected_methods, :frozen?, :public_methods, :singleton_methods, :!, :!=, :__send__, :equal?, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__id__]

Wil je weten of s een instantie van String is?

irb(main):018:0* s.instance_of?(String)
=> true

Wat zijn de openbare methoden van s?

irb(main):026:0* s.public_methods
=> [:unicode_normalize, :include?, :to_c, :unicode_normalize!, :unicode_normalized?, :%, :*, :+, :count, :partition, :unpack, :encode, :encode!, :next, :casecmp, :insert, :bytesize, :match, :succ!, :next!, :upto, :index, :rindex, :replace, :clear, :chr, :+@, :-@, :setbyte, :getbyte, :<=>, :<<, :scrub, :scrub!, :byteslice, :==, :===, :dump, :=~, :downcase, :[], :[]=, :upcase, :downcase!, :capitalize, :swapcase, :upcase!, :oct, :empty?, :eql?, :hex, :chars, :split, :capitalize!, :swapcase!, :concat, :codepoints, :reverse, :lines, :bytes, :prepend, :scan, :ord, :reverse!, :center, :sub, :freeze, :inspect, :intern, :end_with?, :gsub, :chop, :crypt, :gsub!, :start_with?, :rstrip, :sub!, :ljust, :length, :size, :strip!, :succ, :rstrip!, :chomp, :strip, :rjust, :lstrip!, :tr!, :chomp!, :squeeze, :lstrip, :tr_s!, :to_str, :to_sym, :chop!, :each_byte, :each_char, :each_codepoint, :to_s, :to_i, :tr_s, :delete, :encoding, :force_encoding, :sum, :delete!, :squeeze!, :tr, :to_f, :valid_encoding?, :slice, :slice!, :rpartition, :each_line, :b, :ascii_only?, :hash, :to_r, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :between?, :pretty_print, :pretty_print_cycle, :pretty_print_instance_variables, :pretty_print_inspect, :instance_of?, :public_send, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variable_defined?, :remove_instance_variable, :private_methods, :kind_of?, :instance_variables, :tap, :pretty_inspect, :is_a?, :extend, :to_enum, :enum_for, :!~, :respond_to?, :display, :object_id, :send, :method, :public_method, :singleton_method, :define_singleton_method, :nil?, :class, :singleton_class, :clone, :dup, :itself, :taint, :tainted?, :untaint, :untrust, :trust, :untrusted?, :methods, :protected_methods, :frozen?, :public_methods, :singleton_methods, :!, :!=, :__send__, :equal?, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__id__]

en privémethoden ....

irb(main):030:0* s.private_methods
=> [:initialize, :initialize_copy, :DelegateClass, :default_src_encoding, :irb_binding, :sprintf, :format, :Integer, :Float, :String, :Array, :Hash, :catch, :throw, :loop, :block_given?, :Complex, :set_trace_func, :trace_var, :untrace_var, :at_exit, :Rational, :caller, :caller_locations, :select, :test, :fork, :exit, :`, :gem_original_require, :sleep, :pp, :respond_to_missing?, :load, :exec, :exit!, :system, :spawn, :abort, :syscall, :printf, :open, :putc, :print, :readline, :puts, :p, :srand, :readlines, :gets, :rand, :proc, :lambda, :trap, :initialize_clone, :initialize_dup, :gem, :require, :require_relative, :autoload, :autoload?, :binding, :local_variables, :warn, :raise, :fail, :global_variables, :__method__, :__callee__, :__dir__, :eval, :iterator?, :method_missing, :singleton_method_added, :singleton_method_removed, :singleton_method_undefined]

Ja, hebben s een methode naam hoger. Wil je de hoofdletterversie van s krijgen? Laten we proberen:

irb(main):044:0> s.respond_to?(:upper)
=> false

Ziet er niet uit, de juiste methode is upcase:

irb(main):048:0* s.respond_to?(:upcase)
=> true

Introspectie van klasse

Laten we de klassedefinitie volgen

class A
   def a; end

module B
   def b; end

class C < A
   include B
   def c; end

Wat zijn de instantiemethoden van C ?

C.instance_methods # [:c, :b, :a, :to_json, :instance_of?...]

Wat zijn de instantiemethoden die alleen op C verklaren?

C.instance_methods(false) # [:c]

Wat zijn de voorouders van klasse C ?

C.ancestors # [C, B, A, Object,...]

Superklasse van C ?

C.superclass # A

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