

Questo argomento riguarda l'integrazione di servizi pubblicitari di terze parti, come Unity Ads o Google AdMob, in un progetto Unity.


Questo vale per Unity Ads .

Assicurarsi che la modalità di test per Unity Ads sia abilitata durante lo sviluppo

Tu, in quanto sviluppatore, non puoi generare impressioni o installazioni facendo clic sugli annunci nel tuo gioco. Ciò viola i Termini di servizio di Unity Ads e verrai escluso dalla rete Unity Ads per tentata frode.

Per ulteriori informazioni, leggi l'accordo sui Termini di servizio di Unity Ads .

Nozioni sugli annunci Unity in C #

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    #if !UNITY_ADS // If the Ads service is not enabled
    public string gameId; // Set this value from the inspector
    public bool enableTestMode = true; // Enable this during development

    void InitializeAds () // Example of how to initialize the Unity Ads service
        #if !UNITY_ADS // If the Ads service is not enabled
        if (Advertisement.isSupported) { // If runtime platform is supported
            Advertisement.Initialize(gameId, enableTestMode); // Initialize
    void ShowAd () // Example of how to show an ad
        if (Advertisement.isInitialized || Advertisement.IsReady()) { // If the ads are ready to be shown
            Advertisement.Show(); // Show the default ad placement

Nozioni sugli annunci Unity in JavaScript

#pragma strict
import UnityEngine.Advertisements;

#if !UNITY_ADS // If the Ads service is not enabled
public var gameId : String; // Set this value from the inspector
public var enableTestMode : boolean = true; // Enable this during development

function InitializeAds () // Example of how to initialize the Unity Ads service
    #if !UNITY_ADS // If the Ads service is not enabled
    if (Advertisement.isSupported) { // If runtime platform is supported
        Advertisement.Initialize(gameId, enableTestMode); // Initialize

function ShowAd () // Example of how to show an ad
    if (Advertisement.isInitialized && Advertisement.IsReady()) { // If the ads are ready to be shown
        Advertisement.Show(); // Show the default ad placement

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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