

Este tema sobre las colecciones de Java de guava, apache, eclipse: Multiset, Bag, Multimap, utils funciona desde esta biblioteca y así sucesivamente.

Apache HashBag, Guava HashMultiset y Eclipse HashBag

Una Bolsa / ultiset almacena cada objeto en la colección junto con un conteo de ocurrencias. Los métodos adicionales en la interfaz permiten agregar o eliminar varias copias de un objeto a la vez. JDK analógico es HashMap <T, Integer>, cuando los valores son el número de copias de esta clave.

Tipo Guayaba Colecciones Apache Commons Colecciones GS JDK
Orden no definida HashMultiset HashBag HashBag HashMap
Ordenados TreeMultiset TreeBag TreeBag TreeMap
Orden de insercion LinkedHashMultiset - - LinkedHashMap
Variante concurrente ConcurrentHashMultiset Bolsa sincronizada Bolsa sincronizada Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap<String, Integer>)
Concurrentes y ordenados - SynchronizedSortedBag SynchronizedSortedBag Collections.synchronizedSortedMap(TreeMap<String,Integer>)
Colección inmutable ImmutableMultiset UnmodifiableBag UnmodifiableBag Collections.unmodifiableMap(HashMap<String, Integer)]
Inmutable y ordenado. InmutableSortedMultiset UnmodifiableSortedBag UnmodifiableSortedBag Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(TreeMap<String, Integer> )

Ejemplos :

1. Usando SynchronizedSortedBag de Apache :

    // Parse text to separate words
    String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!";
    // Create Multiset
    Bag bag = SynchronizedSortedBag.synchronizedBag(new TreeBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))));

    // Print count words
    System.out.println(bag); // print [1:All!,2:Hello,1:Hi,2:World!]- in natural (alphabet) order
    // Print all unique words
    System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet());    // print [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]- in natural (alphabet) order

    // Print count occurrences of words
    System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.getCount("Hello"));    // print 2
    System.out.println("World = " + bag.getCount("World!"));    // print 2
    System.out.println("All = " + bag.getCount("All!"));    // print 1
    System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.getCount("Hi"));    // print 1
    System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.getCount("Empty"));    // print 0

    // Print count all words
    System.out.println(bag.size());    //print 6

    // Print count unique words
    System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet().size());    //print 4

2. Usando TreeBag de Eclipse (GC) :

    // Parse text to separate words
    String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!";
    // Create Multiset
    MutableSortedBag<String> bag =  TreeBag.newBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")));

    // Print count words
    System.out.println(bag); // print [All!, Hello, Hello, Hi, World!, World!]- in natural order
    // Print all unique words
    System.out.println(bag.toSortedSet());    // print [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]- in natural order

    // Print count occurrences of words
    System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Hello"));    // print 2
    System.out.println("World = " + bag.occurrencesOf("World!"));    // print 2
    System.out.println("All = " + bag.occurrencesOf("All!"));    // print 1
    System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Hi"));    // print 1
    System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Empty"));    // print 0

    // Print count all words
    System.out.println(bag.size());    //print 6

    // Print count unique words
    System.out.println(bag.toSet().size());    //print 4

3. Usando LinkedHashMultiset desde Guava :

    // Parse text to separate words
    String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!";
    // Create Multiset
    Multiset<String> multiset = LinkedHashMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")));

    // Print count words
    System.out.println(multiset); // print [Hello x 2, World! x 2, All!, Hi]- in predictable iteration order
    // Print all unique words
    System.out.println(multiset.elementSet());    // print [Hello, World!, All!, Hi] - in predictable iteration order

    // Print count occurrences of words
    System.out.println("Hello = " + multiset.count("Hello"));    // print 2
    System.out.println("World = " + multiset.count("World!"));    // print 2
    System.out.println("All = " + multiset.count("All!"));    // print 1
    System.out.println("Hi = " + multiset.count("Hi"));    // print 1
    System.out.println("Empty = " + multiset.count("Empty"));    // print 0

    // Print count all words
    System.out.println(multiset.size());    //print 6

    // Print count unique words
    System.out.println(multiset.elementSet().size());    //print 4

Más ejemplos:

I. Colección Apache:

  1. HashBag - orden no definida
  2. SynchronizedBag - concurrente y orden no definido
  3. SynchronizedSortedBag - - orden concurrente y ordenado
  4. TreeBag - ordenado

II. Colección GS / Eclipse

  1. MutableBag - orden no definida
  2. MutableSortedBag - ordenado

III. Guayaba

  1. HashMultiset - orden no definida
  2. TreeMultiset - ordenado
  3. LinkedHashMultiset - orden de inserción
  4. ConcurrentHashMultiset - concurrente y orden no definido

Multimap en colecciones de guayaba, apache y eclipse

Este multimapa permite duplicar pares clave-valor. Los análogos de JDK son HashMap <K, List>, HashMap <K, Set> y así sucesivamente.

Orden de llaves Orden del valor Duplicar Tecla analógica Valor analógico Guayaba apache Colecciones Eclipse (GS) JDK
no definida Orden de insercion HashMap Lista de arreglo ArrayListMultimap MultiValueMap FastListMultimap HashMap<K, ArrayList<V>>
no definida no definida no HashMap HashSet HashMultimap MultiValueMap. multiValueMap( new HashMap<K, Set>(), HashSet.class); UnifiedSetMultimap HashMap<K, HashSet<V>>
no definida ordenado no HashMap TreeSet Multimaps. newMultimap( HashMap, Supplier <TreeSet>) MultiValueMap.multiValueMap( new HashMap<K, Set>(), TreeSet.class) TreeSortedSet- Multimap HashMap<K, TreeSet<V>>
Orden de insercion Orden de insercion LinkedHashMap Lista de arreglo LinkedListMultimap MultiValueMap. multiValueMap (nuevo LinkedHashMap <K, List> (), ArrayList.class); LinkedHashMap <K, ArrayList>
Orden de insercion Orden de insercion no LinkedHashMap LinkedHashSet LinkedHashMultimap MultiValueMap. multiValueMap(new LinkedHashMap<K, Set>(), LinkedHashSet.class) LinkedHashMap<K, LinkedHashSet<V>>
ordenado ordenado no TreeMap TreeSet TreeMultimap MultiValueMap. multiValueMap( new TreeMap<K, Set>(),TreeSet.class) TreeMap<K, TreeSet<V>>
Ejemplos usando Multimap

Tarea : Analizar "¡Hola mundo! ¡Hola a todos! ¡Hola mundo!" cadena para separar palabras e imprimir todos los índices de cada palabra usando MultiMap (por ejemplo, Hello = [0, 2], World! = [1, 5] y así sucesivamente)

1. MultiValueMap de Apache

    String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!";
    // Parse text to words and index
    List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "));
    // Create Multimap
    MultiMap<String, Integer> multiMap = new MultiValueMap<String, Integer>();

    // Fill Multimap
    int i = 0;
    for(String word: words) {
        multiMap.put(word, i);

    // Print all words
    System.out.println(multiMap); // print {Hi=[4], Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3]} - in random orders
    // Print all unique words
    System.out.println(multiMap.keySet());    // print [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] - in random orders

    // Print all indexes
    System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello"));    // print [0, 2]
    System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!"));    // print [1, 5]
    System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!"));    // print [3]
    System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi"));    // print [4]
    System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty"));    // print null

    // Print count unique words
    System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size());    //print 4

2. HashBiMap de GS / Eclipse Collection

    String[] englishWords = {"one", "two", "three","ball","snow"};
    String[] russianWords = {"jeden", "dwa", "trzy", "kula", "snieg"};

    // Create Multiset
    MutableBiMap<String, String> biMap = new HashBiMap(englishWords.length);
    // Create English-Polish dictionary
    int i = 0;
    for(String englishWord: englishWords) {
        biMap.put(englishWord, russianWords[i]);

    // Print count words
    System.out.println(biMap); // print {two=dwa, ball=kula, one=jeden, snow=snieg, three=trzy} - in random orders
    // Print all unique words
    System.out.println(biMap.keySet());    // print [snow, two, one, three, ball] - in random orders
    System.out.println(biMap.values());    // print [dwa, kula, jeden, snieg, trzy] - in random orders

    // Print translate by words
    System.out.println("one = " + biMap.get("one"));    // print one = jeden
    System.out.println("two = " + biMap.get("two"));    // print two = dwa
    System.out.println("kula = " + biMap.inverse().get("kula"));    // print kula = ball
    System.out.println("snieg = " + biMap.inverse().get("snieg"));    // print snieg = snow
    System.out.println("empty = " + biMap.get("empty"));    // print empty = null

    // Print count word's pair
    System.out.println(biMap.size());    //print 5
  1. HashMultiMap de guayaba

     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!";
     // Parse text to words and index
     List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "));
     // Create Multimap
     Multimap<String, Integer> multiMap = HashMultimap.create();
     // Fill Multimap
     int i = 0;
     for(String word: words) {
         multiMap.put(word, i);
     // Print all words
     System.out.println(multiMap); // print {Hi=[4], Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3]} - keys and values in random orders
     // Print all unique words
     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet());    // print [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] - in random orders
     // Print all indexes
     System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello"));    // print [0, 2]
     System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!"));    // print [1, 5]
     System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!"));    // print [3]
     System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi"));    // print [4]
     System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty"));    // print []
     // Print count all words
     System.out.println(multiMap.size());    //print 6
     // Print count unique words
     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size());    //print 4

Más ejemplos:

I. Colección Apache:

  1. MultiValueMap
  2. MultiValueMapLinked
  3. MultiValueMapTree

II. Colección GS / Eclipse

  1. FastListMultimap
  2. HashBagMultimap
  3. TreeSortedSetMultimap
  4. UnifiedSetMultimap

III. Guayaba

  1. HashMultiMap
  2. LinkedHashMultimap
  3. LinkedListMultimap
  4. TreeMultimap
  5. ArrayListMultimap

Comparar operación con colecciones - Crear colecciones

Comparar operación con colecciones - Crear colecciones

1. Crear lista
Descripción JDK guayaba gs-colecciones
Crear lista vacía new ArrayList<> () Lists.newArrayList() FastList.newList()
Crear lista a partir de valores. Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3") Lists.newArrayList("1", "2", "3") FastList.newListWith("1", "2", "3")
Crear lista con capacidad = 100 new ArrayList<>(100) Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(100) FastList.newList(100)
Crear una lista de cualquier colección new ArrayList<>(collection) Lists.newArrayList(collection) FastList.newList(collection)
Crear lista desde cualquier iterable. - Lists.newArrayList(iterable) FastList.newList(iterable)
Crear lista de iterador - Lists.newArrayList(iterator) -
Crear lista de la matriz Arrays.asList(array) Lists.newArrayList(array) FastList.newListWith(array)
Crear lista usando la fábrica - - FastList.newWithNValues(10, () -> "1")


    System.out.println("createArrayList start");
    // Create empty list
    List<String> emptyGuava = Lists.newArrayList(); // using guava
    List<String> emptyJDK = new ArrayList<>(); // using JDK
    MutableList<String>  emptyGS = FastList.newList(); // using gs

    // Create list with 100 element
    List < String > exactly100 = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(100); // using guava
    List<String> exactly100JDK = new ArrayList<>(100); // using JDK
    MutableList<String>  empty100GS = FastList.newList(100); // using gs

    // Create list with about 100 element
    List<String> approx100 = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(100); // using guava
    List<String> approx100JDK = new ArrayList<>(115); // using JDK
    MutableList<String>  approx100GS = FastList.newList(115); // using gs

    // Create list with some elements
    List<String> withElements = Lists.newArrayList("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // using guava
    List<String> withElementsJDK = Arrays.asList("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // using JDK
    MutableList<String>  withElementsGS = FastList.newListWith("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // using gs


    // Create list from any Iterable interface (any collection)
    Collection<String> collection = new HashSet<>(3);

    List<String> fromIterable = Lists.newArrayList(collection); // using guava
    List<String> fromIterableJDK = new ArrayList<>(collection); // using JDK
    MutableList<String>  fromIterableGS = FastList.newList(collection); // using gs

    /* Attention: JDK create list only from Collection, but guava and gs can create list from Iterable and Collection */

    // Create list from any Iterator
    Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator();
    List<String> fromIterator = Lists.newArrayList(iterator); // using guava

    // Create list from any array
    String[] array = {"4", "5", "6"};
    List<String> fromArray = Lists.newArrayList(array); // using guava
    List<String> fromArrayJDK = Arrays.asList(array); // using JDK
    MutableList<String>  fromArrayGS = FastList.newListWith(array); // using gs

    // Create list using fabric
    MutableList<String>  fromFabricGS = FastList.newWithNValues(10, () -> String.valueOf(Math.random())); // using gs

    System.out.println("createArrayList end");
2 Crear Set
Descripción JDK guayaba gs-colecciones
Crear conjunto vacío new HashSet<>() Sets.newHashSet() UnifiedSet.newSet()
Conjunto de valores a partir de. new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("alpha", "beta", "gamma") ) Sets.newHashSet("alpha", "beta", "gamma") UnifiedSet.newSetWith("alpha", "beta", "gamma")
Crear conjunto a partir de cualquier colección. new HashSet<>(collection) Sets.newHashSet(collection) UnifiedSet.newSet(collection)
Crear set desde cualquier iterable. - Sets.newHashSet(iterable) UnifiedSet.newSet(iterable)
Crear conjunto desde cualquier iterador - Sets.newHashSet(iterator) -
Crear conjunto desde Array new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(array)) Sets.newHashSet(array) UnifiedSet.newSetWith(array)


    System.out.println("createHashSet start");
    // Create empty set
    Set<String> emptyGuava = Sets.newHashSet(); // using guava
    Set<String> emptyJDK = new HashSet<>(); // using JDK
    Set<String> emptyGS = UnifiedSet.newSet(); // using gs

    // Create set with 100 element
    Set<String> approx100 = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(100); // using guava
    Set<String> approx100JDK = new HashSet<>(130); // using JDK
    Set<String> approx100GS = UnifiedSet.newSet(130); // using gs

    // Create set from some elements
    Set<String> withElements =  Sets.newHashSet("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // using guava
    Set<String> withElementsJDK = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("alpha", "beta", "gamma")); // using JDK
    Set<String> withElementsGS  = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // using gs


    // Create set from any Iterable interface (any collection)
    Collection<String> collection = new ArrayList<>(3);

    Set<String> fromIterable = Sets.newHashSet(collection); // using guava
    Set<String> fromIterableJDK = new HashSet<>(collection); // using JDK
    Set<String> fromIterableGS  = UnifiedSet.newSet(collection); // using gs

    /* Attention: JDK create set only from Collection, but guava and gs can create set from Iterable and Collection */

    // Create set from any Iterator
    Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator();
    Set<String> fromIterator = Sets.newHashSet(iterator); // using guava

    // Create set from any array
    String[] array = {"4", "5", "6"};
    Set<String> fromArray = Sets.newHashSet(array); // using guava
    Set<String> fromArrayJDK = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(array)); // using JDK
    Set<String> fromArrayGS  = UnifiedSet.newSetWith(array); // using gs

    System.out.println("createHashSet end");
3 Crear Mapa
Descripción JDK guayaba gs-colecciones
Crear mapa vacío new HashMap<>() Maps.newHashMap() UnifiedMap.newMap()
Crear mapa con capacidad = 130 new HashMap<>(130) Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(100) UnifiedMap.newMap(130)
Crear mapa desde otro mapa new HashMap<>(map) Maps.newHashMap(map) UnifiedMap.newMap(map)
Crear mapa desde las teclas - - UnifiedMap.newWithKeysValues("1", "a", "2", "b")


    System.out.println("createHashMap start");
    // Create empty map
    Map<String, String> emptyGuava = Maps.newHashMap(); // using guava
    Map<String, String> emptyJDK = new HashMap<>(); // using JDK
    Map<String, String> emptyGS = UnifiedMap.newMap(); // using gs

    // Create map with about 100 element
    Map<String, String> approx100 = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(100); // using guava
    Map<String, String> approx100JDK = new HashMap<>(130); // using JDK
    Map<String, String> approx100GS = UnifiedMap.newMap(130); // using gs

    // Create map from another map
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
    Map<String, String> withMap =  Maps.newHashMap(map); // using guava
    Map<String, String> withMapJDK = new HashMap<>(map); // using JDK
    Map<String, String> withMapGS = UnifiedMap.newMap(map); // using gs


    // Create map from keys
    Map<String, String> withKeys =  UnifiedMap.newWithKeysValues("1", "a", "2", "b");

    System.out.println("createHashMap end");

Más ejemplos: CreateCollectionTest

  1. ColecciónComparar
  2. ColecciónBúsqueda
  3. JavaTransform

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