Python Language
Albero di sintassi astratto
Analizza le funzioni in uno script python
Analizza uno script python e, per ogni funzione definita, riporta il numero di riga in cui la funzione è iniziata, dove termina la firma, dove finisce la docstring e dove termina la definizione della funzione.
import ast
import sys
""" The data we collect. Each key is a function name; each value is a dict
with keys: firstline, sigend, docend, and lastline and values of line numbers
where that happens. """
functions = {}
def process(functions):
""" Handle the function data stored in functions. """
for funcname,data in functions.items():
print("\tstarts at line:",data['firstline'])
print("\tsignature ends at line:",data['sigend'])
if ( data['sigend'] < data['docend'] ):
print("\tdocstring ends at line:",data['docend'])
print("\tno docstring")
print("\tfunction ends at line:",data['lastline'])
class FuncLister(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
""" Recursively visit all functions, determining where each function
starts, where its signature ends, where the docstring ends, and where
the function ends. """
functions[] = {'firstline':node.lineno}
sigend = max(node.lineno,lastline(node.args))
functions[]['sigend'] = sigend
docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
docstringlength = len(docstring.split('\n')) if docstring else -1
functions[]['docend'] = sigend+docstringlength
functions[]['lastline'] = lastline(node)
def lastline(node):
""" Recursively find the last line of a node """
return max( [ node.lineno if hasattr(node,'lineno') else -1 , ]
+[lastline(child) for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node)] )
def readin(pythonfilename):
""" Read the file name and store the function data into functions. """
with open(pythonfilename) as f:
code =
def analyze(file,process):
""" Read the file and process the function data. """
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv)>1:
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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