

Alla Entity Events utvidgar EntityEvent, superklassen för EntityEvents.

Alla kända EntityEvents kan hittas nedan och kommer att täckas i denna dokumentation.

EntityDamage Event

Händelsen EntityDamage kastas när en enhet skadas.


public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent e) {
    DamageCause cause = e.getCause();    //Get the event DamageCause
    double rawDamage = e.getDamage();    //Returns the damage before any calculation
    double damageModified = e.getDamage(DamageModifier.X);     //Returns the damage that would be caused with the specified modifier
    double finalDamage = e.getFinalDamage();    //Gets the final damage of this event, with all the calculations included

    e.setCancelled(boolean x);    //If for any reasons you want the event to not happen, you can cancel it
    e.setDamage(double damage);    //You can change the full damage the event will cause
    e.setDamage(DamageModifier modifier, double damage);    //Changes the damage considering any possible modifier

För det mesta kommer inte EntityDamageEvent att användas. Istället kommer en av dess underklasser att användas, till exempel EntityDamageByEntityEvent eller EntityDamageByBlockEvent . Båda kan ses nedan.


public void onEntityDamageByEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) {
    //Retrieving the Entity that dealt damage
    Entity damageDealer = e.getDamager();

    //Retrieving the Entity that took damage
    Entity damageTaker = e.getEntity();

    //Retrieving the cause of the damage
    DamageCause cause = e.getDamageCause();

    //damage is the double value of the damage before all the resistances and modifiers have been applied
    double damage = e.getDamage();

    //FinalDamage is the double value of the damage after all the resistances and modifiers have been applied
    double finalDamage = e.getFinalDamage();

   //You can also set the raw damage (before modifiers) for the event to a different value


En enkel förlängning till EntityDamageEvent, men med en annan metod:

Block b = event.getDamager();    //Returns the block that dealt damage to the entity

EntityEvent (Superclass)

De kända underklasserna för entitetshändelser är:

Sub-klasserna Sub-klasserna Sub-klasserna
CreatureSpawnEvent CreeperPowerEvent EntityChangeBlockEvent
EntityCombustEvent EntityCreatePortalEvent EntityDamageEvent
EntityDeathEvent EntityExplodeEvent EntityInteractEvent
EntityPortalEnterEvent EntityRegainHealthEvent EntityShootBowEvent
EntityTameEvent EntityTargetEvent EntityTeleportEvent
EntityUnleashEvent ExplosionPrimeEvent FoodLevelChangeEvent
HorseJumpEvent ItemDespawnEvent ItemSpawnEvent
PigZapEvent ProjectileHitEvent ProjectileLaunchEvent
SheepDyeWoolEvent SheepRegrowWoolEvent SlimeSplitEvent

Utöver detta ärver alla underklasser följande metoder:

Entity getEntity();            //Entity who is involved in this event
EntityType getEntityType();    //EntityType of the Entity involved in this event

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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