

이 방법은 WI-Fi가 연결되어있는 날씨를 확인하는 데 사용됩니다.


  • isNetworkAvailable () : 인터넷에서 기기를 사용할 수 있는지 확인합니다.

매개 변수

매개 변수 세부 묘사
문맥 활동 컨텍스트의 참조


인터넷에 연결되어 있으면 true 또는 false를 반환합니다.

기기에 인터넷 연결이 있는지 확인하십시오.

응용 프로그램 매니페스트 파일에 필요한 네트워크 사용 권한을 추가합니다.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
 * If network connectivity is available, will return true
 * @param context the current context
 * @return boolean true if a network connection is available
public static boolean isNetworkAvailable(Context context) {
    ConnectivityManager connectivity = (ConnectivityManager) context
    if (connectivity == null) {
        Log.d("NetworkCheck", "isNetworkAvailable: No");
        return false;

    // get network info for all of the data interfaces (e.g. WiFi, 3G, LTE, etc.)
    NetworkInfo[] info = connectivity.getAllNetworkInfo();

    // make sure that there is at least one interface to test against
    if (info != null) {
        // iterate through the interfaces
        for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) {
            // check this interface for a connected state
            if (info[i].getState() == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) {
                Log.d("NetworkCheck", "isNetworkAvailable: Yes");
                return true;
    return false;

어떻게 안드로이드에서 네트워크 강도를 확인하려면?

        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        NetworkInfo Info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
        if (Info == null || !Info.isConnectedOrConnecting()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "No connection");
        } else {
            int netType = Info.getType();
            int netSubtype = Info.getSubtype();

            if (netType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Wifi connection");
                WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getApplication().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
                List<ScanResult> scanResult = wifiManager.getScanResults();
                for (int i = 0; i < scanResult.size(); i++) {
                    Log.d("scanResult", "Speed of wifi"+scanResult.get(i).level);//The db level of signal 
                // Need to get wifi strength
            } else if (netType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
                Log.i(TAG, "GPRS/3G connection");
                // Need to get differentiate between 3G/GPRS

네트워크 강도를 확인하는 방법

정확한 강도를 데시벨 단위로 확인하려면 this-

ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo Info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
    if (Info == null || !Info.isConnectedOrConnecting()) {
        Log.i(TAG, "No connection");
    } else {
        int netType = Info.getType();
        int netSubtype = Info.getSubtype();

        if (netType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Wifi connection");
            WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getApplication().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
            List<ScanResult> scanResult = wifiManager.getScanResults();
            for (int i = 0; i < scanResult.size(); i++) {
                Log.d("scanResult", "Speed of wifi"+scanResult.get(i).level);//The db level of signal 

            // Need to get wifi strength
        } else if (netType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
            Log.i(TAG, "GPRS/3G connection");
            // Need to get differentiate between 3G/GPRS

네트워크 유형을 확인하려면이 Class-

 public class Connectivity {
         * These constants aren't yet available in my API level (7), but I need to
         * handle these cases if they come up, on newer versions
        public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_EHRPD = 14; // Level 11
        public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_B = 12; // Level 9
        public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_HSPAP = 15; // Level 13
        public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_IDEN = 11; // Level 8
        public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_LTE = 13; // Level 11

     * Check if there is any connectivity
     * @param context
     * @return
    public static boolean isConnected(Context context) {
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context
        NetworkInfo info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
        return (info != null && info.isConnected());

     * Check if there is fast connectivity
     * @param context
     * @return
    public static String isConnectedFast(Context context) {
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context
        NetworkInfo info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();

        if ((info != null && info.isConnected())) {
            return Connectivity.isConnectionFast(info.getType(),
        } else
            return "No NetWork Access";


     * Check if the connection is fast
     * @param type
     * @param subType
     * @return
    public static String isConnectionFast(int type, int subType) {
        if (type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
            System.out.println("CONNECTED VIA WIFI");
            return "CONNECTED VIA WIFI";
        } else if (type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
            switch (subType) {
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT:
                return "NETWORK TYPE 1xRTT"; // ~ 50-100 kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_CDMA:
                return "NETWORK TYPE CDMA (3G) Speed: 2 Mbps"; // ~ 14-64 kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EDGE:

                return "NETWORK TYPE EDGE (2.75G) Speed: 100-120 Kbps"; // ~
                                                                        // 50-100
                                                                        // kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_0:
                return "NETWORK TYPE EVDO_0"; // ~ 400-1000 kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_A:
                return "NETWORK TYPE EVDO_A"; // ~ 600-1400 kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_GPRS:
                return "NETWORK TYPE GPRS (2.5G) Speed: 40-50 Kbps"; // ~ 100
                                                                        // kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSDPA:
                return "NETWORK TYPE HSDPA (4G) Speed: 2-14 Mbps"; // ~ 2-14
                                                                    // Mbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPA:
                return "NETWORK TYPE HSPA (4G) Speed: 0.7-1.7 Mbps"; // ~
                                                                        // 700-1700
                                                                        // kbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSUPA:
                return "NETWORK TYPE HSUPA (3G) Speed: 1-23 Mbps"; // ~ 1-23
                                                                    // Mbps
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UMTS:
                return "NETWORK TYPE UMTS (3G) Speed: 0.4-7 Mbps"; // ~ 400-7000
                                                                    // kbps
                // NOT AVAILABLE YET IN API LEVEL 7
            case Connectivity.NETWORK_TYPE_EHRPD:
                return "NETWORK TYPE EHRPD"; // ~ 1-2 Mbps
            case Connectivity.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_B:
                return "NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_B"; // ~ 5 Mbps
            case Connectivity.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPAP:
                return "NETWORK TYPE HSPA+ (4G) Speed: 10-20 Mbps"; // ~ 10-20
                                                                    // Mbps
            case Connectivity.NETWORK_TYPE_IDEN:
                return "NETWORK TYPE IDEN"; // ~25 kbps
            case Connectivity.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE:
                return "NETWORK TYPE LTE (4G) Speed: 10+ Mbps"; // ~ 10+ Mbps
                // Unknown
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
                return "NETWORK TYPE UNKNOWN";
                return "";
        } else {
            return "";


Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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