
Extraer una lista de nombres de una lista de personas

Dada una estructura de Person

struct Person {
    let name: String
    let birthYear: Int?

y una matriz de Person(s)

let persons = [
    Person(name: "Walter White", birthYear: 1959),
    Person(name: "Jesse Pinkman", birthYear: 1984),
    Person(name: "Skyler White", birthYear: 1970),
    Person(name: "Saul Goodman", birthYear: nil)

podemos recuperar una matriz de String contiene la propiedad de name de cada Persona.

let names = persons.map { $0.name }
// ["Walter White", "Jesse Pinkman", "Skyler White", "Saul Goodman"]


let numbers = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
// non-functional
for (index, element) in numbers.enumerate() {
    print(index, element)

// functional
numbers.enumerate().map { (index, element) in
    print((index, element))


La aplicación de una función a una colección / secuencia y la creación de una nueva colección / secuencia se llama proyección .

/// Projection
var newReleases = [
        "id": 70111470,
        "title": "Die Hard",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/DieHard.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": [4.0],
        "bookmark": []
        "id": 654356453,
        "title": "Bad Boys",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/BadBoys.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": [5.0],
        "bookmark": [[ "id": 432534, "time": 65876586 ]]
        "id": 65432445,
        "title": "The Chamber",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/TheChamber.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": [4.0],
        "bookmark": []
        "id": 675465,
        "title": "Fracture",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": [5.0],
        "bookmark": [[ "id": 432534, "time": 65876586 ]]

var videoAndTitlePairs = [[String: AnyObject]]()
newReleases.map { e in
    videoAndTitlePairs.append(["id": e["id"] as! Int, "title": e["title"] as! String])



Crear una secuencia seleccionando los elementos de una secuencia que pasan una determinada condición se llama filtrado

var newReleases = [
        "id": 70111470,
        "title": "Die Hard",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/DieHard.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": 4.0,
        "bookmark": []
        "id": 654356453,
        "title": "Bad Boys",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/BadBoys.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": 5.0,
        "bookmark": [[ "id": 432534, "time": 65876586 ]]
        "id": 65432445,
        "title": "The Chamber",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/TheChamber.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": 4.0,
        "bookmark": []
        "id": 675465,
        "title": "Fracture",
        "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture.jpg",
        "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
        "rating": 5.0,
        "bookmark": [[ "id": 432534, "time": 65876586 ]]

var videos1 = [[String: AnyObject]]()
 *  Filtering using map
newReleases.map { e in
    if e["rating"] as! Float == 5.0 {
        videos1.append(["id": e["id"] as! Int, "title": e["title"] as! String])


var videos2 = [[String: AnyObject]]()
 *  Filtering using filter and chaining
    .filter{ e in
        e["rating"] as! Float == 5.0
    .map { e in
    videos2.append(["id": e["id"] as! Int, "title": e["title"] as! String])


Usando Filtro con Estructuras

Con frecuencia es posible que desee filtrar estructuras y otros tipos de datos complejos. Buscar en una matriz de estructuras para entradas que contienen un valor particular es una tarea muy común, y se logra fácilmente en Swift utilizando funciones de programación funcionales. Además, el código es extremadamente breve.

struct Painter {
    enum Type { case Impressionist, Expressionist, Surrealist, Abstract, Pop }
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    var type: Type

let painters = [
    Painter(firstName: "Claude", lastName: "Monet", type: .Impressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "Edgar", lastName: "Degas", type: .Impressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "Egon", lastName: "Schiele", type: .Expressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "George", lastName: "Grosz", type: .Expressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "Mark", lastName: "Rothko", type: .Abstract),
    Painter(firstName: "Jackson", lastName: "Pollock", type: .Abstract),
    Painter(firstName: "Pablo", lastName: "Picasso", type: .Surrealist),
    Painter(firstName: "Andy", lastName: "Warhol", type: .Pop)

// list the expressionists
dump(painters.filter({$0.type == .Expressionist}))

// count the expressionists
dump(painters.filter({$0.type == .Expressionist}).count)    
// prints "2"

// combine filter and map for more complex operations, for example listing all
// non-impressionist and non-expressionists by surname
dump(painters.filter({$0.type != .Impressionist && $0.type != .Expressionist})
    .map({$0.lastName}).joinWithSeparator(", "))  
// prints "Rothko, Pollock, Picasso, Warhol"

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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