
Documentación de la clase

Aquí hay un ejemplo básico de documentación de clase:

/// Class description
class Student {

    // Member description
    var name: String
    /// Method description
    /// - parameter content:   parameter description
    /// - returns: return value description
    func say(content: String) -> Bool {
        print("\(self.name) say \(content)")
        return true

Tenga en cuenta que con Xcode 8 , puede generar el fragmento de documentación con el comando + opción + / .

Esto volverá: introduzca la descripción de la imagen aquí

Estilos de documentación

 Adds user to the list of poople which are assigned the tasks.
 - Parameter name: The name to add
 - Returns: A boolean value (true/false) to tell if user is added successfully to the people list.
func addMeToList(name: String) -> Bool {
    // Do something....
    return true

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/// This is a single line comment
func singleLineComment() {

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 Repeats a string `times` times.
 - Parameter str:   The string to repeat.
 - Parameter times: The number of times to repeat `str`.
 - Throws: `MyError.InvalidTimes` if the `times` parameter
 is less than zero.
 - Returns: A new string with `str` repeated `times` times.
func repeatString(str: String, times: Int) throws -> String {
    guard times >= 0 else { throw MyError.invalidTimes }
    return "Hello, world"

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 # Lists
 You can apply *italic*, **bold**, or `code` inline styles.
 ## Unordered Lists
 - Lists are great,
 - but perhaps don't nest
 - Sub-list formatting
 - isn't the best.
 ## Ordered Lists
 1. Ordered lists, too
 2. for things that are sorted;
 3. Arabic numerals
 4. are the only kind supported.
func complexDocumentation() {

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 Frame and construction style.
 - Road: For streets or trails.
 - Touring: For long journeys.
 - Cruiser: For casual trips around town.
 - Hybrid: For general-purpose transportation.
enum Style {
    case Road, Touring, Cruiser, Hybrid

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Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
Licenciado bajo CC BY-SA 3.0
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