
Primeros pasos


Usando apt en sistemas basados ​​en Debian

sudo apt-get install php5-imagick

Usando Homebrew en OSX / macOs

brew install imagemagick

Para ver las dependencias instaladas usando el método brew , visite brewformulas.org/Imagemagick .

Usando lanzamientos binarios

Instrucciones en el sitio web de imagemagick .



$imagen = new Imagick('imagen.jpg');
$imagen->thumbnailImage(100, 0); 
//if you put 0 in the parameter aspect ratio is maintained

echo $imagen;


Convertir imagen en base64 String

Este ejemplo es cómo convertir una imagen en una cadena Base64 (es decir, una cadena que puede usar directamente en un atributo src de una etiqueta img ). Este ejemplo utiliza específicamente la biblioteca Imagick (también hay otras disponibles, como GD ).

 * This loads in the file, image.jpg for manipulation. 
 * The filename path is releative to the .php file containing this code, so
 * in this example, image.jpg should live in the same directory as our script.
$img = new Imagick('image.jpg');

 * This resizes the image, to the given size in the form of width, height.
 * If you want to change the resolution of the image, rather than the size
 * then $img->resampleimage(320, 240) would be the right function to use.
 * Note that for the second parameter, you can set it to 0 to maintain the
 * aspect ratio of the original image.
$img->resizeImage(320, 240);

 * This returns the unencoded string representation of the image
$imgBuff = $img->getimageblob();

 * This clears the image.jpg resource from our $img object and destroys the
 * object. Thus, freeing the system resources allocated for doing our image
 * manipulation.

 * This creates the base64 encoded version of our unencoded string from
 * earlier. It is then output as an image to the page.
 * Note, that in the src attribute, the image/jpeg part may change based on
 * the image type you're using (i.e. png, jpg etc).
$img = base64_encode($imgBuff);
echo "<img alt='Embedded Image' src='data:image/jpeg;base64,$img' />";

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