

Met MKBlockQueue kunt u een reeks blokken maken en deze na elkaar in een wachtrij uitvoeren. In vergelijking met NSOperation bepaalt u met MKBlockQueue zelf wanneer een blok voltooid is en wanneer u wilt dat de wachtrij doorgaat. U kunt ook gegevens doorgeven van het ene blok naar het volgende.


Voorbeeld code

voer hier de afbeeldingsbeschrijving in

// create the dictionary that will be sent to the blocks
var myDictionary:Dictionary<String, Any> = Dictionary<String, Any>()
myDictionary["InitialKey"] = "InitialValue"

// create block queue
let myBlockQueue:MKBlockQueue = MKBlockQueue()

// block 1
let b1:MKBlockQueueBlockType =
    (blockQueueObserver:MKBlockQueueObserver, dictionary:inout Dictionary<String, Any>) in

    print("Block 1 started with dictionary: \(dictionary)")
    dictionary["Block1Key"] = "Block1Value"

    // tell this block is now completed


// block 2
let b2:MKBlockQueueBlockType =
    (blockQueueObserver:MKBlockQueueObserver, dictionary:inout Dictionary<String, Any>) in

    var copyOfDictionary:Dictionary<String, Any> = dictionary

    // test calling on main thread, async, with delay
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline:(.now() + .seconds(1)), execute:
        print("Block 2 started with dictionary: \(copyOfDictionary)")

        copyOfDictionary["Block2Key"] = "Block2Value"

        // tell this block is now completed

// block 3
let b3:MKBlockQueueBlockType =
    (blockQueueObserver:MKBlockQueueObserver, dictionary:inout Dictionary<String, Any>) in

    var copyOfDictionary:Dictionary<String, Any> = dictionary

    // test calling on global background queue, async, with delay
    DispatchQueue.global(qos:.background).asyncAfter(deadline:(.now() + .seconds(1)), execute:
        print("Block 3 started with dictionary: \(copyOfDictionary)")

        copyOfDictionary["Block3Key"] = "Block3Value"

        // tell this block is now completed

// add blocks to the queue

// add queue completion block for the queue
    (dictionary:Dictionary<String, Any>) in
    print("Queue completed with dictionary: \(dictionary)")

// run queue
print("Queue starting with dictionary: \(myDictionary)")

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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