

I tipi Mime di Google non possono essere utilizzati per il terzo parametro dei Tipi Mime. L'utilizzo di un tipo Mime di Google genera un errore che indica:

Non è possibile utilizzare "DriveApp.createFile ()" per creare tipi MIME di Google. Si prega di utilizzare Advanced Drive Service







Crea una nuova cartella nell'unità radice di Google

function createNewFolderInGoogleDrive() {
  var folderName,newFolder;//Declare variable names
  folderName = "Test Folder " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new folder name with date on end
  newFolder = DriveApp.createFolder(folderName);//Create a new folder in the root drive

Crea un nuovo file in Google Drive di un certo tipo Mime

function createGoogleDriveFileOfMimeType() {
  var content,fileName,newFile;//Declare variable names
  fileName = "Test File " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end
  content = "This is the file Content";

  newFile = DriveApp.createFile(fileName,content,MimeType.JAVASCRIPT);//Create a new file in the root folder

Crea un nuovo file di testo nella cartella Google root drive

function createGoogleDriveTextFile() {
  var content,fileName,newFile;//Declare variable names
  fileName = "Test Doc " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end
  content = "This is the file Content";

  newFile = DriveApp.createFile(fileName,content);//Create a new text file in the root folder

Crea un nuovo file in Google Drive da un blob

function createGoogleDriveFileWithBlob() {
  var blob,character,data,fileName,i,L,max,min,newFile,randomNmbr;//Declare variable names
  fileName = "Test Blob " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end
  L = 500;//Define how many times to loop
  data = "";
  max = 126;
  min = 55;

  for (i=0;i<L;i+=1) {//Loop to create data
    randomNmbr = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);//Create a random number
    //Logger.log('randomNmbr: ' + randomNmbr);
    character = String.fromCharCode(randomNmbr);
    //Logger.log('character: ' + character);//Print the character to the Logs
    data = data + character;

  blob = Utilities.newBlob(data, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT, fileName);//Create a blob with random characters

  newFile = DriveApp.createFile(blob);//Create a new file from a blob
  newFile.setName(fileName);//Set the file name of the new file

Ottieni tutte le cartelle - inserisci le cartelle in un token di continuazione - quindi recupera dal token

function processGoogleDriveFolders() {
  var arrayAllFolderNames,continuationToken,folders,foldersFromToken,thisFolder;//Declare variable names
  arrayAllFolderNames = [];//Create an empty array and assign it to this variable name
  folders = DriveApp.getFolders();//Get all folders from Google Drive in this account
  continuationToken = folders.getContinuationToken();//Get the continuation token

  Utilities.sleep(18000);//Pause the code for 3 seconds
  foldersFromToken = DriveApp.continueFolderIterator(continuationToken);//Get the original folders stored in the token
  folders = null;//Delete the folders that were stored in the original variable, to prove that the continuation token is working
  while (foldersFromToken.hasNext()) {//If there is a next folder, then continue looping
    thisFolder = foldersFromToken.next();//Get the next folder
    arrayAllFolderNames.push(thisFolder.getName());//Get the name of the next folder
  Logger.log(arrayAllFolderNames);//print the folder names to the Logs

Ottieni tutti i file - inseriscili in un token di continuazione, quindi recuperali

function processGoogleDriveFiles() {
  var arrayAllFileNames,continuationToken,files,filesFromToken,fileIterator,thisFile;//Declare variable names
  arrayAllFileNames = [];//Create an empty array and assign it to this variable name
  files = DriveApp.getFiles();//Get all files from Google Drive in this account
  continuationToken = files.getContinuationToken();//Get the continuation token
  Utilities.sleep(18000);//Pause the code for 3 seconds
  filesFromToken = DriveApp.continueFileIterator(continuationToken);//Get the original files stored in the token
  files = null;//Delete the files that were stored in the original variable, to prove that the continuation token is working
  while (filesFromToken.hasNext()) {//If there is a next file, then continue looping
    thisFile = filesFromToken.next();//Get the next file
    arrayAllFileNames.push(thisFile.getName());//Get the name of the next file

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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