DriveApp सेवा
Google Mime प्रकारों का उपयोग Mime प्रकारों के तीसरे पैरामीटर के लिए नहीं किया जा सकता है। Google Mime प्रकार का उपयोग करने पर एक त्रुटि होगी जो बताता है:
Google MIME प्रकार बनाने के लिए "DriveApp.createFile ()" का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। कृपया उन्नत ड्राइव सेवा का उपयोग करें
Google रूट ड्राइव में एक नया फ़ोल्डर बनाएँ
function createNewFolderInGoogleDrive() {
var folderName,newFolder;//Declare variable names
folderName = "Test Folder " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new folder name with date on end
newFolder = DriveApp.createFolder(folderName);//Create a new folder in the root drive
एक निश्चित माइम प्रकार के Google ड्राइव में नई फ़ाइल बनाएँ
function createGoogleDriveFileOfMimeType() {
var content,fileName,newFile;//Declare variable names
fileName = "Test File " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end
content = "This is the file Content";
newFile = DriveApp.createFile(fileName,content,MimeType.JAVASCRIPT);//Create a new file in the root folder
Google रूट ड्राइव फ़ोल्डर में एक नई टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल बनाएं
function createGoogleDriveTextFile() {
var content,fileName,newFile;//Declare variable names
fileName = "Test Doc " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end
content = "This is the file Content";
newFile = DriveApp.createFile(fileName,content);//Create a new text file in the root folder
एक बूँद से Google ड्राइव में एक नई फ़ाइल बनाएँ
function createGoogleDriveFileWithBlob() {
var blob,character,data,fileName,i,L,max,min,newFile,randomNmbr;//Declare variable names
fileName = "Test Blob " + new Date().toString().slice(0,15);//Create a new file name with date on end
L = 500;//Define how many times to loop
data = "";
max = 126;
min = 55;
for (i=0;i<L;i+=1) {//Loop to create data
randomNmbr = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);//Create a random number
//Logger.log('randomNmbr: ' + randomNmbr);
character = String.fromCharCode(randomNmbr);
//Logger.log('character: ' + character);//Print the character to the Logs
data = data + character;
blob = Utilities.newBlob(data, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT, fileName);//Create a blob with random characters
newFile = DriveApp.createFile(blob);//Create a new file from a blob
newFile.setName(fileName);//Set the file name of the new file
सभी फ़ोल्डर्स प्राप्त करें - एक निरंतर टोकन में फ़ोल्डर डालें - फिर टोकन से पुनर्प्राप्त करें
function processGoogleDriveFolders() {
var arrayAllFolderNames,continuationToken,folders,foldersFromToken,thisFolder;//Declare variable names
arrayAllFolderNames = [];//Create an empty array and assign it to this variable name
folders = DriveApp.getFolders();//Get all folders from Google Drive in this account
continuationToken = folders.getContinuationToken();//Get the continuation token
Utilities.sleep(18000);//Pause the code for 3 seconds
foldersFromToken = DriveApp.continueFolderIterator(continuationToken);//Get the original folders stored in the token
folders = null;//Delete the folders that were stored in the original variable, to prove that the continuation token is working
while (foldersFromToken.hasNext()) {//If there is a next folder, then continue looping
thisFolder =;//Get the next folder
arrayAllFolderNames.push(thisFolder.getName());//Get the name of the next folder
Logger.log(arrayAllFolderNames);//print the folder names to the Logs
सभी फाइलें प्राप्त करें - उन्हें एक निरंतर टोकन में रखें - फिर उन्हें पुनर्प्राप्त करें
function processGoogleDriveFiles() {
var arrayAllFileNames,continuationToken,files,filesFromToken,fileIterator,thisFile;//Declare variable names
arrayAllFileNames = [];//Create an empty array and assign it to this variable name
files = DriveApp.getFiles();//Get all files from Google Drive in this account
continuationToken = files.getContinuationToken();//Get the continuation token
Utilities.sleep(18000);//Pause the code for 3 seconds
filesFromToken = DriveApp.continueFileIterator(continuationToken);//Get the original files stored in the token
files = null;//Delete the files that were stored in the original variable, to prove that the continuation token is working
while (filesFromToken.hasNext()) {//If there is a next file, then continue looping
thisFile =;//Get the next file
arrayAllFileNames.push(thisFile.getName());//Get the name of the next file
Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
के तहत लाइसेंस प्राप्त है CC BY-SA 3.0
से संबद्ध नहीं है Stack Overflow