


Om du behöver kommentera eller avmarkera flera rader på en gång kan du använda IDE: s redigeringsverktygsfält :

Kommentarblock - Lägger till en enda apostrof till början av alla valda rader


Uncomment Block - Tar bort den första apostrofen från början av alla valda rader

Uncomment Block

Kommentarer med flera linjer Många andra språk stöder kommentarer med flera linjer block, men VBA tillåter bara kommentarer på en rad.

Apostrophe Kommentarer

En kommentar markeras av en apostrof ( ' ) och ignoreras när koden körs. Kommentarer hjälper dig att förklara din kod för framtida läsare, inklusive dig själv.

Eftersom alla rader som börjar med en kommentar ignoreras kan de också användas för att förhindra att kod körs (medan du felsöker eller refaktor). Placera en apostrof ' innan din kod omvandlar den till en kommentar. (Detta kallas att kommentera raden.)

Sub InlineDocumentation()
  'Comments start with an "'"

  'They can be place before a line of code, which prevents the line from executing
  'Debug.Print "Hello World"

  'They can also be placed after a statement
  'The statement still executes, until the compiler arrives at the comment
  Debug.Print "Hello World"  'Prints a welcome message

'Comments can have 0 indention....
     '... or as much as needed

  '''' Comments can contain multiple apostrophes ''''

  'Comments can span lines (using line continuations) _
    but this can make for hard to read code

  'If you need to have mult-line comments, it is often easier to 
  'use an apostrophe on each line

  'The continued statement syntax (:) is treated as part of the comment, so 
  'it is not possible to place an executable statement after a comment
  'This won't run : Debug.Print "Hello World"
End Sub

'Comments can appear inside or outside a procedure

REM Kommentarer

Sub RemComments()
  Rem Comments start with "Rem" (VBA will change any alternate casing to "Rem")
  Rem is an abbreviation of Remark, and similar to DOS syntax
  Rem Is a legacy approach to adding comments, and apostrophes should be preferred

  Rem Comments CANNOT appear after a statement, use the apostrophe syntax instead
  Rem Unless they are preceded by the instruction separator token
  Debug.Print "Hello World": Rem prints a welcome message
  Debug.Print "Hello World" 'Prints a welcome message

  'Rem cannot be immediately followed by the following characters "!,@,#,$,%,&"
  'Whereas the apostrophe syntax can be followed by any printable character.

End Sub

Rem Comments can appear inside or outside a procedure

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
Licensierat under CC BY-SA 3.0
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