
Aktivera SecurityManager

Java Virtual Machines (JVM) kan köras med en SecurityManager installerad. SecurityManager styr vad koden som körs i JVM får göra, baserat på faktorer som var koden laddades ifrån och vilka certifikat som användes för att underteckna koden.

SecurityManager kan installeras genom att ställa in systemegenskapen java.security.manager på kommandoraden när JVM startas:

java -Djava.security.manager <main class name>

eller programatiskt från Java-kod:

System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager())

Standard Java SecurityManager ger behörigheter på grundval av en policy som definieras i en policyfil. Om ingen policyfil anges kommer standardpolicyfilen under $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/java.policy att användas.

Sandboxningskurser laddade av en ClassLoader

ClassLoader måste tillhandahålla ett ProtectionDomain identifierar källan till koden:

public class PluginClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    private final ClassProvider provider;

    private final ProtectionDomain pd;

    public PluginClassLoader(ClassProvider provider) {
        this.provider = provider;
        Permissions permissions = new Permissions();
        this.pd = new ProtectionDomain(provider.getCodeSource(), permissions, this, null);

    protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        byte[] classDef = provider.getClass(name);
        Class<?> clazz = defineClass(name, classDef, 0, classDef.length, pd);
        return clazz;

Genom att åsidosätta findClass snarare än loadClass delegationsmodellen och PluginClassLoader kommer först att fråga systemet och klassens klassläsare för klassdefinitioner.

Skapa en policy:

public class PluginSecurityPolicy extends Policy {
    private final Permissions appPermissions = new Permissions();
    private final Permissions pluginPermissions = new Permissions();

    public PluginSecurityPolicy() {
        // amend this as appropriate
        appPermissions.add(new AllPermission());
        // add any permissions plugins should have to pluginPermissions

    public Provider getProvider() {
        return super.getProvider();

    public String getType() {
        return super.getType();

    public Parameters getParameters() {
        return super.getParameters();

    public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) {
        return new Permissions();

    public PermissionCollection getPermissions(ProtectionDomain domain) {
        return isPlugin(domain)?pluginPermissions:appPermissions;

    private boolean isPlugin(ProtectionDomain pd){
        return pd.getClassLoader() instanceof PluginClassLoader;


Slutligen ställer du in policyn och en SecurityManager (standardimplementering är bra):

    Policy.setPolicy(new PluginSecurityPolicy());
    System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());

Genomförande av policy förnekar regler

Det är ibland önskvärt att neka ett visst Permission till något ProtectionDomain , oavsett andra behörigheter som domänen tillkommer. Detta exempel visar bara en av alla möjliga metoder för att uppfylla denna typ av krav. Det införs en "negativ" tillstånd klass, tillsammans med ett omslag som möjliggör Policy att återanvändas som en förvaringsplats för sådana tillstånd.


  • Syntaxen för standardfilfil och mekanism för tilldelningstillstånd i allmänhet förblir opåverkade. Detta innebär att nekar regler i policyfiler fortfarande uttrycks som bidrag .
  • Politikomslaget är avsett att specifikt kapsla standardfilens säkerhetskopierade Policy (antas vara com.sun.security.provider.PolicyFile ).
  • Avvisade behörigheter behandlas endast som sådana på policynivå. Om de statiskt tilldelas en domän behandlas de som standard av den domänen som vanliga "positiva" behörigheter.

Klassen DeniedPermission

package com.example;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.security.BasicPermission;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.security.UnresolvedPermission;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

 * A representation of a "negative" privilege.
 * <p>
 * A <code>DeniedPermission</code>, when "granted" (to some <code>ProtectionDomain</code> and/or
 * <code>Principal</code>), represents a privilege which <em>cannot</em> be exercised, regardless of
 * any positive permissions (<code>AllPermission</code> included) possessed. In other words, if a
 * set of granted permissions, <em>P</em>, contains a permission of this class, <em>D</em>, then the
 * set of effectively granted permissions is<br/>
 * <br/>
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>{ P<sub>implied</sub> - D<sub>implied</sub> }</em>.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Each instance of this class encapsulates a <em>target permission</em>, representing the
 * "positive" permission being denied.
 * </p>
 * Denied permissions employ the following naming scheme:<br/>
 * <br/>
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>&lt;target_class_name&gt;:&lt;target_name&gt;(:&lt;target_actions&gt;)</em><br/>
 * <br/>
 * where:
 * <ul>
 * <li><em>target_class_name</em> is the name of the target permission's class,</li>
 * <li><em>target_name</em> is the name of the target permission, and</li>
 * <li><em>target_actions</em> is, optionally, the actions string of the target permission.</li>
 * </ul>
 * A denied permission, having a target permission <em>t</em>, is said to <em>imply</em> another
 * permission <em>p</em>, if:
 * <ul>
 * <li>p <em>is not</em> itself a denied permission, and <code>(t.implies(p) == true)</code>,
 * or</li>
 * <li>p <em>is</em> a denied permission, with a target <em>t1</em>, and
 * <code>(t.implies(t1) == true)</code>.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * It is the responsibility of the policy decision point (e.g., the <code>Policy</code> provider) to
 * take denied permission semantics into account when issuing authorization statements.
 * </p>
public final class DeniedPermission extends BasicPermission {

    private final Permission target;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 473625163869800679L;

     * Instantiates a <code>DeniedPermission</code> that encapsulates a target permission of the
     * indicated class, specified name and, optionally, actions.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if:
     *             <ul>
     *             <li><code>targetClassName</code> is <code>null</code>, the empty string, does not
     *             refer to a concrete <code>Permission</code> descendant, or refers to
     *             <code>DeniedPermission.class</code> or <code>UnresolvedPermission.class</code>.</li>
     *             <li><code>targetName</code> is <code>null</code>.</li>
     *             <li><code>targetClassName</code> cannot be instantiated, and it's the caller's fault;
     *             e.g., because <code>targetName</code> and/or <code>targetActions</code> do not adhere
     *             to the naming constraints of the target class; or due to the target class not
     *             exposing a <code>(String name)</code>, or <code>(String name, String actions)</code>
     *             constructor, depending on whether <code>targetActions</code> is <code>null</code> or
     *             not.</li>
     *             </ul>
    public static DeniedPermission newDeniedPermission(String targetClassName, String targetName,
            String targetActions) {
        if (targetClassName == null || targetClassName.trim().isEmpty() || targetName == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Null or empty [targetClassName], or null [targetName] argument was supplied.");
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(targetClassName).append(":").append(targetName);
        if (targetName != null) {
        return new DeniedPermission(sb.toString());

     * Instantiates a <code>DeniedPermission</code> that encapsulates a target permission of the class,
     * name and, optionally, actions, collectively provided as the <code>name</code> argument.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if:
     *             <ul>
     *             <li><code>name</code>'s target permission class name component is empty, does not
     *             refer to a concrete <code>Permission</code> descendant, or refers to
     *             <code>DeniedPermission.class</code> or <code>UnresolvedPermission.class</code>.</li>
     *             <li><code>name</code>'s target name component is <code>empty</code></li>
     *             <li>the target permission class cannot be instantiated, and it's the caller's fault;
     *             e.g., because <code>name</code>'s target name and/or target actions component(s) do
     *             not adhere to the naming constraints of the target class; or due to the target class
     *             not exposing a <code>(String name)</code>, or
     *             <code>(String name, String actions)</code> constructor, depending on whether the
     *             target actions component is empty or not.</li>
     *             </ul>
    public DeniedPermission(String name) {
        String[] comps = name.split(":");
        if (comps.length < 2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Malformed name [{0}] argument.", name));
        this.target = initTarget(comps[0], comps[1], ((comps.length < 3) ? null : comps[2]));

     * Instantiates a <code>DeniedPermission</code> that encapsulates the given target permission.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if <code>target</code> is <code>null</code>, a <code>DeniedPermission</code>, or an
     *             <code>UnresolvedPermission</code>.
    public static DeniedPermission newDeniedPermission(Permission target) {
        if (target == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null [target] argument.");
        if (target instanceof DeniedPermission || target instanceof UnresolvedPermission) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("[target] must not be a DeniedPermission or an UnresolvedPermission.");
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(target.getClass().getName()).append(":").append(target.getName());
        String targetActions = target.getActions();
        if (targetActions != null) {
        return new DeniedPermission(sb.toString(), target);

    private DeniedPermission(String name, Permission target) {
        this.target = target;

    private Permission initTarget(String targetClassName, String targetName, String targetActions) {
        Class<?> targetClass;
        try {
            targetClass = Class.forName(targetClassName);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            if (targetClassName.trim().isEmpty()) {
                targetClassName = "<empty>";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    MessageFormat.format("Target Permission class [{0}] not found.", targetClassName));
        if (!Permission.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass) || Modifier.isAbstract(targetClass.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat
                    .format("Target Permission class [{0}] is not a (concrete) Permission.", targetClassName));
        if (targetClass == DeniedPermission.class || targetClass == UnresolvedPermission.class) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target Permission class cannot be a DeniedPermission itself.");
        Constructor<?> targetCtor;
        try {
            if (targetActions == null) {
                targetCtor = targetClass.getConstructor(String.class);
            else {
                targetCtor = targetClass.getConstructor(String.class, String.class);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
                    "Target Permission class [{0}] does not provide or expose a (String name) or (String name, String actions) constructor.",
        try {
            return (Permission) targetCtor
                    .newInstance(((targetCtor.getParameterCount() == 1) ? new Object[] { targetName }
                            : new Object[] { targetName, targetActions }));
        catch (ReflectiveOperationException roe) {
            if (roe instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
                if (targetName == null) {
                    targetName = "<null>";
                else if (targetName.trim().isEmpty()) {
                    targetName = "<empty>";
                if (targetActions == null) {
                    targetActions = "<null>";
                else if (targetActions.trim().isEmpty()) {
                    targetActions = "<empty>";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
                        "Could not instantiate target Permission class [{0}]; provided target name [{1}] and/or target actions [{2}] potentially erroneous.",
                        targetClassName, targetName, targetActions), roe);
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Could not instantiate target Permission class [{0}]; an unforeseen error occurred - see attached cause for details",

     * Checks whether the given permission is implied by this one, as per the {@link DeniedPermission
     * overview}.
    public boolean implies(Permission p) {
        if (p instanceof DeniedPermission) {
            return target.implies(((DeniedPermission) p).target);
        return target.implies(p);

     * Returns this denied permission's target permission (the actual positive permission which is not
     * to be granted).
    public Permission getTargetPermission() {
        return target;


Klassen DenyingPolicy

package com.example;

import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.security.PermissionCollection;
import java.security.Policy;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.security.UnresolvedPermission;
import java.util.Enumeration;

 * Wrapper that adds rudimentary {@link DeniedPermission} processing capabilities to the standard
 * file-backed <code>Policy</code>.
public final class DenyingPolicy extends Policy {

        try {
            defaultPolicy = Policy.getInstance("javaPolicy", null);
        catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not acquire default Policy.", nsae);

    private final Policy defaultPolicy;

    public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) {
        return defaultPolicy.getPermissions(codesource);

    public PermissionCollection getPermissions(ProtectionDomain domain) {
        return defaultPolicy.getPermissions(domain);

     * @return
     *         <ul>
     *         <li><code>true</code> if:</li>
     *         <ul>
     *         <li><code>permission</code> <em>is not</em> an instance of
     *         <code>DeniedPermission</code>,</li>
     *         <li>an <code>implies(domain, permission)</code> invocation on the system-default
     *         <code>Policy</code> yields <code>true</code>, and</li>
     *         <li><code>permission</code> <em>is not</em> implied by any <code>DeniedPermission</code>s
     *         having potentially been assigned to <code>domain</code>.</li>
     *         </ul>
     *         <li><code>false</code>, otherwise.
     *         </ul>
    public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain domain, Permission permission) {
        if (permission instanceof DeniedPermission) {
             * At the policy decision level, DeniedPermissions can only themselves imply, not be implied (as
             * they take away, rather than grant, privileges). Furthermore, clients aren't supposed to use this
             * method for checking whether some domain _does not_ have a permission (which is what
             * DeniedPermissions express after all).
            return false;

        if (!defaultPolicy.implies(domain, permission)) {
            // permission not granted, so no need to check whether denied
            return false;

         * Permission granted--now check whether there's an overriding DeniedPermission. The following
         * assumes that previousPolicy is a sun.security.provider.PolicyFile (different implementations
         * might not support #getPermissions(ProtectionDomain) and/or handle UnresolvedPermissions
         * differently).

        Enumeration<Permission> perms = defaultPolicy.getPermissions(domain).elements();
        while (perms.hasMoreElements()) {
            Permission p = perms.nextElement();
             * DeniedPermissions will generally remain unresolved, as no code is expected to check whether other
             * code has been "granted" such a permission.
            if (p instanceof UnresolvedPermission) {
                UnresolvedPermission up = (UnresolvedPermission) p;
                if (up.getUnresolvedType().equals(DeniedPermission.class.getName())) {
                    // force resolution
                    defaultPolicy.implies(domain, up);
                    // evaluate right away, to avoid reiterating over the collection
                    p = new DeniedPermission(up.getUnresolvedName());
            if (p instanceof DeniedPermission && p.implies(permission)) {
                // permission denied
                return false;
        // permission granted
        return true;

    public void refresh() {



package com.example;

import java.security.Policy;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String... args) {
        Policy.setPolicy(new DenyingPolicy());
        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
        // should fail


Tilldela vissa behörigheter:

grant codeBase "file:///path/to/classes/bin/-"
    permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
    permission com.example.DeniedPermission "java.util.PropertyPermission:foo.bar:read";

Slutligen, kör Main och se att den misslyckas på grund av "deny" -regeln ( DeniedPermission ) som åsidosätter grant (dess PropertyPermission ). Observera att en setProperty("foo.baz", "xyz") anrop skulle istället ha lyckats, eftersom det nekade tillståndet bara täcker "läs" -åtgärden, och endast för egenskapen "foo.bar".

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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