
Crea Corpi Box2D dalla Mappa piastrellata

Gli oggetti creati all'interno di una Tiled Map (.tmx), possono essere semplicemente caricati come corpi in un mondo di Box2D usando la classe LibGdx MapObject come segue:

public void buildBuildingsBodies(TiledMap tiledMap, World world, String layer){
    MapObjects objects = tiledMap.getLayers().get(layer).getObjects();
    for (MapObject object: objects) {
        Rectangle rectangle = ((RectangleMapObject)object).getRectangle();

        //create a dynamic within the world body (also can be KinematicBody or StaticBody
        BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
        bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
        Body body = world.createBody(bodyDef);

        //create a fixture for each body from the shape
        Fixture fixture = body.createFixture(getShapeFromRectangle(rectangle),density);

        //setting the position of the body's origin. In this case with zero rotation

Le seguenti funzioni aiutano a mappare le coordinate dell'oggetto Tiled alla forma di Box2D.

public static final float TILE_SIZE = 16;
//Also you can get tile width with: Float.valueOf(tiledMap.getProperties().get("tilewidth",Integer.class));

public static Shape getShapeFromRectangle(Rectangle rectangle){
    PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape();
    polygonShape.setAsBox(rectangle.width*0.5F/ TILE_SIZE,rectangle.height*0.5F/ TILE_SIZE);
    return polygonShape;

E questa funzione aiuta a mappare il centro di un oggetto piastrellato alla forma del rettangolo di Libgdx.

public static Vector2 getTransformedCenterForRectangle(Rectangle rectangle){
    Vector2 center = new Vector2();
    return center.scl(1/TILE_SIZE);

Quindi, la prima funzione può essere utilizzata come segue:

public static final float GRAVITY = 9.8F;

public void createBodies(AssetManager assetManager){
    TiledMap tiledMap = assetManager.get("tiledMap.tmx");
    //create a Box2d world will contain the physical entities (bodies)
    World world = new World(new Vector2(0,GRAVITY),true);

    String layerName = "BuildingsLayers";

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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