

  • git flow <sottocomando>
  • git flow init
  • git flow [funzione | versione | hotfix] [inizio | fine]


sottocomando Dettagli
dentro Inizializza un nuovo repository git con supporto per il modello di branching.
caratteristica Gestisci i tuoi rami di funzionalità.
pubblicazione Gestisci i tuoi rami di rilascio.
hotfix Gestisci i tuoi rami hotfix.


Operazione su 5 filiali comuni a livello locale

Uno dei casi d'uso più comuni di Gitflow

  1. Inizializza il repository e definisce i rami
$ git flow init
    # if you use default setup, you'll define six types of branches:
    # main branches (lives forever)
    #   1. master:  for production releases
    #   2. develop: for "next release" development
    # supporting branches
    #   3. feature: for a product feature
    #   4. release: for preparation of a new production release
    #   5. hotfix:  for resolving critical bug of production version
    #   6. support
    # also, two main branches are created: master, develop
  1. Avvia e termina una caratteristica
$ git flow feature start my_feature
    # create branch 'feature/my_feature' based on the 'develop'

    # made development and commits...

$ git flow feature finish my_feature
    # merge 'feature/my_feature' back to the 'develop'
    # delete 'feature/my_feature'
  1. Inizia e termina una versione
$ git flow release start my_release
    # create branch 'release/my_release' based on the 'develop'

    # made bug fixes...

$ git flow release finish my_release
    # merge branch 'release/my_release' to the 'master' and add tag
    # merge branch 'release/my_release' back to the 'develop'
    # delete 'release/my_release'
  1. Avvia e termina una correzione
$ git flow hotfix start my_hotfix
    # create branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' based on the 'master'

    # made some hotfixes...

$ git flow hotfix finish my_hotfix
    # merge branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' back to the 'master' and add tag
    # merge branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' to the 'develop'
    # delete 'hotfix/my_hotfix'

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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