

  • git flow <sous-commande>
  • git flow init
  • git flow [fonctionnalité | version | correctif] [début | fin]


Sous-commande Détails
init Initialiser un nouveau dépôt git avec prise en charge du modèle de branchement.
fonctionnalité Gérez vos branches de fonctionnalités.
Libération Gérez vos branches de publication.
correctif Gérez vos branches de correctifs.


Opération sur 5 branches communes localement

Un des cas d'utilisation les plus courants de Gitflow

  1. Initialiser repo et définir des branches
$ git flow init
    # if you use default setup, you'll define six types of branches:
    # main branches (lives forever)
    #   1. master:  for production releases
    #   2. develop: for "next release" development
    # supporting branches
    #   3. feature: for a product feature
    #   4. release: for preparation of a new production release
    #   5. hotfix:  for resolving critical bug of production version
    #   6. support
    # also, two main branches are created: master, develop
  1. Commencer et terminer une fonctionnalité
$ git flow feature start my_feature
    # create branch 'feature/my_feature' based on the 'develop'

    # made development and commits...

$ git flow feature finish my_feature
    # merge 'feature/my_feature' back to the 'develop'
    # delete 'feature/my_feature'
  1. Démarrer et terminer une version
$ git flow release start my_release
    # create branch 'release/my_release' based on the 'develop'

    # made bug fixes...

$ git flow release finish my_release
    # merge branch 'release/my_release' to the 'master' and add tag
    # merge branch 'release/my_release' back to the 'develop'
    # delete 'release/my_release'
  1. Démarrer et terminer un correctif
$ git flow hotfix start my_hotfix
    # create branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' based on the 'master'

    # made some hotfixes...

$ git flow hotfix finish my_hotfix
    # merge branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' back to the 'master' and add tag
    # merge branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' to the 'develop'
    # delete 'hotfix/my_hotfix'

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
Sous licence CC BY-SA 3.0
Non affilié à Stack Overflow