

  • git flow <subcommand>
  • git flow init
  • git flow [característica | lanzamiento | revisión] [inicio | final]


Subcomando Detalles
en eso Inicialice un nuevo repositorio git con soporte para el modelo de bifurcación.
característica Gestiona tus ramas de características.
lanzamiento Gestiona tus ramas de lanzamiento.
revisión Gestiona tus sucursales de hotfix.


Operación en 5 ramas comunes a nivel local.

Uno de los casos de uso más comunes de Gitflow.

  1. Inicializar repo y definir ramas.
$ git flow init
    # if you use default setup, you'll define six types of branches:
    # main branches (lives forever)
    #   1. master:  for production releases
    #   2. develop: for "next release" development
    # supporting branches
    #   3. feature: for a product feature
    #   4. release: for preparation of a new production release
    #   5. hotfix:  for resolving critical bug of production version
    #   6. support
    # also, two main branches are created: master, develop
  1. Iniciar y finalizar una característica
$ git flow feature start my_feature
    # create branch 'feature/my_feature' based on the 'develop'

    # made development and commits...

$ git flow feature finish my_feature
    # merge 'feature/my_feature' back to the 'develop'
    # delete 'feature/my_feature'
  1. Iniciar y finalizar un lanzamiento
$ git flow release start my_release
    # create branch 'release/my_release' based on the 'develop'

    # made bug fixes...

$ git flow release finish my_release
    # merge branch 'release/my_release' to the 'master' and add tag
    # merge branch 'release/my_release' back to the 'develop'
    # delete 'release/my_release'
  1. Comenzar y terminar una revisión
$ git flow hotfix start my_hotfix
    # create branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' based on the 'master'

    # made some hotfixes...

$ git flow hotfix finish my_hotfix
    # merge branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' back to the 'master' and add tag
    # merge branch 'hotfix/my_hotfix' to the 'develop'
    # delete 'hotfix/my_hotfix'

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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