


Parameternamn Beskrivning
rapporttyp Rapporttyp. Tillåtna värden: ga . Där ga motsvarar Core Reporting API .


Metadata API returnerar listan och attributen för kolumner (dvs dimensioner och mätvärden) som exponeras i Google Analytics rapporterings API: er (v2, v3 och v4). Attribut som returneras inkluderar UI-namn, beskrivning, segmentstöd och mer.

Du kan använda Metadata API för att:

  • Upptäck automatiskt nya kolumner
  • Få åtkomst till alla dimensioner och statistikattribut för Google Analytics-rapporterings-API: er

Detta är samma lista som i Dimensions & Metrics Explorer .

Obs: Realtids- och flerkanalstraktdimensioner och -mätvärden är för närvarande inte tillgängliga.


Samtal till metadata API sker med HTTP Hämta:

Med hjälp av offentlig API-nyckel

https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/metadata/ga/columns?key= {YOUR_API_KEY}

Använda åtkomsttoken från antingen Oauth2- eller servicekontoutentisering

https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/metadata/ga/columns?access_token= {Authentcated_Access_Token}


använder Java Client-biblioteket

 * 1. Execute a Metadata Request
 * An application can request columns data by calling the list method on the Analytics service object.
 * The method requires an reportType parameter that specifies the column data to retrieve.
 * For example, the following code requests columns for the ga report type.

try {
  Columns results = getMetadata(analytics);
  // Success

} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
  // Catch API specific errors.
} catch (IOException e) {
  // Catch general parsing network errors.

 * 2. Print out the Columns data
 * The components of the result can be printed out as follows:

private static Columns getMetadata(Analytics analytics) throws IOException {
  String reportType = "ga";
  return analytics.metadata()

private static void printMetadataReport(Columns results) {
  System.out.println("Metadata Response Report");

private static void printReportInfo(Columns results) {
  System.out.println("## Metadata Report Info ##");
  System.out.println("Kind: " + results.getKind());
  System.out.println("Etag: " + results.getEtag());
  System.out.println("Total Results: " + results.getTotalResults());

private static void printAttributes(List<String> attributeNames) {
  System.out.println("## Attribute Names ##");
  for (String attribute : attributeNames) {

private static void printColumns(List<Column> columns) {
  System.out.println("## Columns ##");

  for (Column column : columns) {
    System.out.println("Column ID: " + column.getId());
    System.out.println("Kind: " + column.getKind());

    Map<String, String> columnAttributes = column.getAttributes();

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> attribute: columnAttributes.entrySet()) {
      System.out.println(attribute.getKey() + ": " + attribute.getValue());

Obs: första versionen kopierades från Metadata.list


Använder PHP-klientbiblioteket

 * 1. Execute a Metadata Request
 * An application can request columns data by calling the list method on the Analytics service object.
 * The method requires an reportType parameter that specifies the column data to retrieve.
 * For example, the following code requests columns for the ga report type.

try {

  $results = $analytics->metadata_columns->listMetadataColumns('ga');
  // Success

} catch (apiServiceException $e) {
  // Handle API service exceptions.
  $error = $e->getMessage();

 * 2. Print out the Columns data
 * The components of the result can be printed out as follows:

function printMetadataReport($results) {
  print '<h1>Metadata Report</h1>';

function printReportInfo(&$results) {
  $html = '<h2>Report Info</h2>';
  $html .= <<<HTML
Kind                  = {$results->getKind()}
Etag                  = {$results->getEtag()}
Total Results         = {$results->getTotalResults()}
  print $html;

function printAttributes(&$results) {
  $html = '<h2>Attribute Names</h2><ul>';
  $attributes = $results->getAttributeNames();
  foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
    $html .= '<li>'. $attribute . '</li>';
  $html .= '</ul>';
  print $html;

function printColumns(&$results) {
  $columns = $results->getItems();
  if (count($columns) > 0) {
    $html = '<h2>Columns</h2>';
    foreach ($columns as $column) {
      $html .= '<h3>' . $column->getId() . '</h3>';
      $column_attributes = $column->getAttributes();
      foreach ($column_attributes as $name=>$value) {
        $html .= <<<HTML
{$name}: {$value}
  } else {
    $html = '<p>No Results Found.</p>';
  print $html;

Obs: originalversionen kopierades från metadata.list


Använder Python-klientbiblioteket

# 1. Execute a Metadata Request
# An application can request columns data by calling the list method on the Analytics service object.
# The method requires an reportType parameter that specifies the column data to retrieve.
# For example, the following code requests columns for the ga report type.

  results = service.metadata().columns().list(reportType='ga').execute()

except TypeError, error:
  # Handle errors in constructing a query.
  print ('There was an error in constructing your query : %s' % error)

except HttpError, error:
  # Handle API errors.
  print ('Arg, there was an API error : %s : %s' %
         (error.resp.status, error._get_reason()))

# 2. Print out the Columns data
# The components of the result can be printed out as follows:

def print_metadata_report(results):
  print 'Metadata Response Report'

def print_report_info(columns):
  print "Metadata Report Info"
  if columns:
    print 'Kind           = %s' % columns.get('kind')
    print 'Etag           = %s' % columns.get('etag')
    print 'Total Results  = %s' % columns.get('totalResults')

def print_attributes(attributes):
  if attributes:
    print 'Attribute Names:'
    for attribute in attributes:
      print attribute

def print_columns(columns_data):
  if columns_data:
    print 'Columns:'

    columns = columns_data.get('items', [])

    for column in columns:
      print '%15s = %35s' % ('Column ID', column.get('id'))
      print '%15s = %35s' % ('Kind', column.get('kind'))

      column_attributes = column.get('attributes', [])

      for name, value in column_attributes.iteritems():
        print '%15s = %35s' % (name, value)

Obs: originalversionen kopierades från metadata.list

C # exempel

Använder .Net Client-biblioteket

PM> Installera-paket Google.Apis.Analytics.v3

var metadataService = new AnalyticsMetaDataService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                ApiKey = {Public API KEY},
                ApplicationName = "Metadata api",

var result = Service.Metadata.Columns.List("ga").Execute();

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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