
Jak korzystać z ADODB.Connection w VBA?


Dodaj następujące odniesienia do projektu:

  • Biblioteka Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8

  • Biblioteka obiektów Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8

wprowadź opis zdjęcia tutaj

Deklaruj zmienne

Private mDataBase As New ADODB.Connection
Private mRS As New ADODB.Recordset
Private mCmd As New ADODB.Command

Utwórz połączenie

za. z uwierzytelnianiem systemu Windows

Private Sub OpenConnection(pServer As String, pCatalog As String)
    Call mDataBase.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=" & pCatalog & ";Data Source=" & pServer & ";Integrated Security=SSPI")
    mCmd.ActiveConnection = mDataBase
End Sub

b. z uwierzytelnianiem SQL Server

Private Sub OpenConnection2(pServer As String, pCatalog As String, pUser As String, pPsw As String)
    Call mDataBase.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=" & pCatalog & ";Data Source=" & pServer & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID=" & pUser & ";Password=" & pPsw)
    mCmd.ActiveConnection = mDataBase
End Sub

Wykonaj polecenie sql

Private Sub ExecuteCmd(sql As String)
    mCmd.CommandText = sql
    Set mRS = mCmd.Execute
End Sub

Odczytaj dane z zestawu rekordów

Private Sub ReadRS()
    Do While Not (mRS.EOF)
        Debug.Print "ShipperID: " & mRS.Fields("ShipperID").Value & " CompanyName: " & mRS.Fields("CompanyName").Value & " Phone: " & mRS.Fields("Phone").Value
        Call mRS.MoveNext
End Sub

Zamknij połączenie

Private Sub CloseConnection()
    Call mDataBase.Close
    Set mRS = Nothing
    Set mCmd = Nothing
    Set mDataBase = Nothing
End Sub

Jak tego użyć?

Public Sub Program()
    Call OpenConnection("ServerName", "NORTHWND")
    Call ExecuteCmd("INSERT INTO [NORTHWND].[dbo].[Shippers]([CompanyName],[Phone]) Values ('speedy shipping','(503) 555-1234')")
    Call ExecuteCmd("SELECT * FROM [NORTHWND].[dbo].[Shippers]")
    Call ReadRS
    Call CloseConnection
End Sub


ShipperID: 1 CompanyName: Speedy Express Phone: (503) 555-9831

ShipperID: 2 CompanyName: United Package Phone: (503) 555-3199

ShipperID: 3 CompanyName: Federal Shipping Phone: (503) 555-9931

ShipperID: 4 Nazwa firmy: szybka wysyłka Telefon: (503) 555-1234

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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