

Bardzo ukochana wypowiedź ALTER. Zmienia cel akapitu GO TO.

Nie jest już częścią standardu COBOL, nadal obsługiwanego przez wiele kompilatorów ze względu na kompatybilność wsteczną. (Schemat składni jest przyciemniony, aby pokazać, że nie jest to już standardowy COBOL).

wprowadź opis zdjęcia tutaj

Przemyślany przykład użycia ALTER

 identification division.
 program-id. altering.
 date-written. 2015-10-28/06:36-0400.
 remarks. Demonstrate ALTER.

 procedure division.
 main section.

*> And now for some altering.
 ALTER story TO PROCEED TO beginning
 GO TO story

*> Jump to a part of the story

*> the first part
 ALTER story TO PROCEED to middle
 DISPLAY "This is the start of a changing story"
 GO TO story

*> the middle bit
 ALTER story TO PROCEED to ending
 DISPLAY "The story progresses"
 GO TO story

*> the climatic finish
 DISPLAY "The story ends, happily ever after"

*> fall through to the exit
 exit program.

Z próbką serii

prompt$ cobc -xj -debug altering.cob
This is the start of a changing story
The story progresses
The story ends, happily ever after

prompt$ COB_SET_TRACE=Y ./altering
Source:     'altering.cob'
Program-Id: altering         Entry:     altering               Line: 8
Program-Id: altering         Section:   main                   Line: 8
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: contrived              Line: 11
Program-Id: altering         Statement: ALTER                  Line: 12
Program-Id: altering         Statement: GO TO                  Line: 13
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: story                  Line: 17
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: beginning              Line: 22
Program-Id: altering         Statement: ALTER                  Line: 23
Program-Id: altering         Statement: DISPLAY                Line: 24
This is the start of a changing story
Program-Id: altering         Statement: GO TO                  Line: 25
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: story                  Line: 17
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: middle                 Line: 29
Program-Id: altering         Statement: ALTER                  Line: 30
Program-Id: altering         Statement: DISPLAY                Line: 31
The story progresses
Program-Id: altering         Statement: GO TO                  Line: 32
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: story                  Line: 17
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: ending                 Line: 36
Program-Id: altering         Statement: DISPLAY                Line: 37
The story ends, happily ever after
Program-Id: altering         Statement: EXIT PROGRAM           Line: 41
Program-Id: altering         Exit:      altering

Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie .

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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