
.xs를 사용하여 횡단면 선택

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
arrays = [['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux'],
          ['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two']]
idx_row = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=['Row_First', 'Row_Second'])
idx_col = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A','B'], ['i', 'ii']], names=['Col_First','Col_Second'])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8,4), index=idx_row, columns=idx_col)

Col_First                    A                   B          
Col_Second                   i        ii         i        ii
Row_First Row_Second                                        
bar       one        -0.452982 -1.872641  0.248450 -0.319433
          two        -0.460388 -0.136089 -0.408048  0.998774
baz       one         0.358206 -0.319344 -2.052081 -0.424957
          two        -0.823811 -0.302336  1.158968  0.272881
foo       one        -0.098048 -0.799666  0.969043 -0.595635
          two        -0.358485  0.412011 -0.667167  1.010457
qux       one         1.176911  1.578676  0.350719  0.093351
          two         0.241956  1.082138 -0.516898 -0.196605

.xslevel (레벨 또는 정수의 이름)과 axis 행은 0, 열은 1)을 허용합니다.

.xspandas.Seriespandas.DataFrame 사용할 수 있습니다.

행 선택 :

In [2]: df.xs('two', level='Row_Second', axis=0)
Col_First          A                   B          
Col_Second         i        ii         i        ii
bar        -0.460388 -0.136089 -0.408048  0.998774
baz        -0.823811 -0.302336  1.158968  0.272881
foo        -0.358485  0.412011 -0.667167  1.010457
qux         0.241956  1.082138 -0.516898 -0.196605

열 선택 :

In [3]: df.xs('ii', level=1, axis=1)
Col_First                    A         B
Row_First Row_Second                    
bar       one        -1.872641 -0.319433
          two        -0.136089  0.998774
baz       one        -0.319344 -0.424957
          two        -0.302336  0.272881
foo       one        -0.799666 -0.595635
          two         0.412011  1.010457
qux       one         1.578676  0.093351
          two         1.082138 -0.196605

.xs 는 선택을 위해서만 작동하며, 할당은 불가능합니다 (설정하지 않음) : ¨

In [4]: df.xs('ii', level='Col_Second', axis=1) = 0
  File "<ipython-input-10-92e0785187ba>", line 1
    df.xs('ii', level='Col_Second', axis=1) = 0
SyntaxError: can't assign to function call

.loc 및 슬라이서 사용

.xs 메서드와 달리 값을 할당 할 수 있습니다. 슬라이서를 사용한 인덱싱은 버전 0.14.0 부터 사용할 수 있습니다.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
arrays = [['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux'],
          ['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two']]
idx_row = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=['Row_First', 'Row_Second'])
idx_col = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A','B'], ['i', 'ii']], names=['Col_First','Col_Second'])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8,4), index=idx_row, columns=idx_col)

Col_First                    A                   B          
Col_Second                   i        ii         i        ii
Row_First Row_Second                                        
bar       one        -0.452982 -1.872641  0.248450 -0.319433
          two        -0.460388 -0.136089 -0.408048  0.998774
baz       one         0.358206 -0.319344 -2.052081 -0.424957
          two        -0.823811 -0.302336  1.158968  0.272881
foo       one        -0.098048 -0.799666  0.969043 -0.595635
          two        -0.358485  0.412011 -0.667167  1.010457
qux       one         1.176911  1.578676  0.350719  0.093351
          two         0.241956  1.082138 -0.516898 -0.196605

행 선택 :

In [2]: df.loc[(slice(None),'two'),:]
Col_First                    A                   B          
Col_Second                   i        ii         i        ii
Row_First Row_Second                                        
bar       two        -0.460388 -0.136089 -0.408048  0.998774
baz       two        -0.823811 -0.302336  1.158968  0.272881
foo       two        -0.358485  0.412011 -0.667167  1.010457
qux       two         0.241956  1.082138 -0.516898 -0.196605

열 선택 :

In [3]: df.loc[:,(slice(None),'ii')]
Col_First                    A         B
Col_Second                  ii        ii
Row_First Row_Second                    
bar       one        -1.872641 -0.319433
          two        -0.136089  0.998774
baz       one        -0.319344 -0.424957
          two        -0.302336  0.272881
foo       one        -0.799666 -0.595635
          two         0.412011  1.010457
qux       one         1.578676  0.093351
          two         1.082138 -0.196605

양축 선택 :

In [4]: df.loc[(slice(None),'two'),(slice(None),'ii')]
Col_First                    A         B
Col_Second                  ii        ii
Row_First Row_Second                    
bar       two        -0.136089  0.998774
baz       two        -0.302336  0.272881
foo       two         0.412011  1.010457
qux       two         1.082138 -0.196605

할당 작업 ( .xs 와 달리) :

In [5]: df.loc[(slice(None),'two'),(slice(None),'ii')]=0
Col_First                    A                   B          
Col_Second                   i        ii         i        ii
Row_First Row_Second                                        
bar       one        -0.452982 -1.872641  0.248450 -0.319433
          two        -0.460388  0.000000 -0.408048  0.000000
baz       one         0.358206 -0.319344 -2.052081 -0.424957
          two        -0.823811  0.000000  1.158968  0.000000
foo       one        -0.098048 -0.799666  0.969043 -0.595635
          two        -0.358485  0.000000 -0.667167  0.000000
qux       one         1.176911  1.578676  0.350719  0.093351
          two         0.241956  0.000000 -0.516898  0.000000

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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