


val i = 1 + 2                  // the type of i is Int
val s = "I am a String"        // the type of s is String
def squared(x : Int) = x*x     // the return type of squared is Int


val i: Int = 1 + 2               
val s: String = "I am a String" 
def squared(x : Int): Int = x*x     



case class InferedPair[A, B](a: A, b: B)

val pairFirstInst = InferedPair("Husband", "Wife")  //type is InferedPair[String, String]
// Equivalent, with type explicitly defined
val pairSecondInst: InferedPair[String, String] 
                      = InferedPair[String, String]("Husband", "Wife")  

上記の型推論の形式は、Java 7で導入されたDiamond Operatorに似ています。



def add(a, b) = a + b  // Does not compile
def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b // Compiles
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b // Equivalent expression, compiles


// Does not compile
def factorial(n: Int) = if (n == 0 || n == 1) 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)
// Compiles
def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 0 || n == 1) 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)




  def get[T]: Option[T] = ???

ジェネリックパラメータを指定せずに呼び出そうとすると、 Nothingは推測されますが、これは実際の実装にはあまり役に立ちません(その結果は有用ではありません)。次のソリューションでは、 NotNothingコンテキストバインドによって、期待される型を指定せずにメソッドを使用することを防ぐことができます(この例では、 RuntimeClassNothingではなくClassTags RuntimeClassが推測されます)。

@implicitNotFound("Nothing was inferred")
sealed trait NotNothing[-T]

object NotNothing {
  implicit object notNothing extends NotNothing[Any]
  //We do not want Nothing to be inferred, so make an ambigous implicit
  implicit object `\n The error is because the type parameter was resolved to Nothing` extends NotNothing[Nothing]
  //For classtags, RuntimeClass can also be inferred, so making that ambigous too
  implicit object `\n The error is because the type parameter was resolved to RuntimeClass` extends NotNothing[RuntimeClass]

object ObjectStore {
  //Using context bounds
  def get[T: NotNothing]: Option[T] = {
  def newArray[T](length: Int = 10)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T], evNotNothing: NotNothing[T]): Option[Array[T]] = ???


object X {
  //Fails to compile
  //val nothingInferred = ObjectStore.get
  val anOption = ObjectStore.get[String]
  val optionalArray = ObjectStore.newArray[AnyRef]()
  //Fails to compile
  //val runtimeClassInferred = ObjectStore.newArray()

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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