


#import <objc/objc.h>




#import <objc/runtime.h>

// "Key" for association. Its value is never used and doesn't
// matter. The only purpose of this global static variable is to
// provide a guaranteed unique value at runtime: no two distinct 
// global variables can share the same address.
static char key;

id target = ...;
id payload = ...;
objc_setAssociateObject(target, &key, payload, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
// Other useful values are OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY

id queryPayload = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, &key);


Objective-Cランタイムでは、実行時にメソッドの実装を変更できます。これはメソッドスウィージングと呼ばれ、2つのメソッドの実装を交換するためによく使用されます。たとえば、メソッドfoobarが交換された場合、メッセージfooを送信すると、 barの実装が実行され、その逆も実行されbar


次の例では、 -[NSUserDefaults synchronize]メソッドが拡張され、元の実装の実行時間を出力します。

重要:多くの人が、 method_exchangeImplementationsを使用してmethod_exchangeImplementationsmethod_exchangeImplementationsうとします。ただし、置換するメソッドを呼び出す必要がある場合は、受け取る予定のセレクターとは異なるセレクターを使用して呼び出すため、この方法は危険です。結果として、あなたのコードが奇妙で予期しない方法で壊れる可能性があります。代わりに、C関数と組み合わせてsetImplementationを使用して常にスウィズリングを行い、元のセレクタでメソッドを呼び出すことができます。

#import "NSUserDefaults+Timing.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h> // Needed for method swizzling

static IMP old_synchronize = NULL;

static void new_synchronize(id self, SEL _cmd);

@implementation NSUserDefaults(Timing)

+ (void)load
    Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self class], @selector(synchronize:));
    IMP swizzleImp = (IMP)new_synchronize;
    old_synchronize = method_setImplementation(originalMethod, swizzleImp);

static void new_synchronize(id self, SEL _cmd);
    NSDate *started;
    BOOL returnValue;

    started = [NSDate date];

    // Call the original implementation, passing the same parameters
    // that this function was called with, including the selector.
    returnValue = old_synchronize(self, _cmd);

    NSLog(@"Writing user defaults took %f seconds.", [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:started]);

    return returnValue;



static IMP old_viewWillAppear_animated = NULL;
static void new_viewWillAppear_animated(id self, SEL _cmd, BOOL animated);


Method originalMethod = class_getClassMethod([UIViewController class], @selector(viewWillAppear:));
IMP swizzleImp = (IMP)new_viewWillAppear_animated;
old_viewWillAppear_animated = method_setImplementation(originalMethod, swizzleImp);


static void new_viewWillAppear_animated(id self, SEL _cmd, BOOL animated)

    old_viewWillAppear_animated(self, _cmd, animated);



Objective-CメソッドをCコードから呼び出す必要がある場合は、 objc_msgSendを使用するか、 IMP (メソッド実装関数ポインタ)を取得して呼び出します。

#import <objc/objc.h>

@implementation Example

- (double)negate:(double)value {
    return -value;

- (double)invert:(double)value {
    return 1 / value;


// Calls the selector on the object. Expects the method to have one double argument and return a double.
double performSelectorWithMsgSend(id object, SEL selector, double value) {
    // We declare pointer to function and cast `objc_msgSend` to expected signature.
    // WARNING: This step is important! Otherwise you may get unexpected results!
    double (*msgSend)(id, SEL, double) = (typeof(msgSend)) &objc_msgSend;

    // The implicit arguments of self and _cmd need to be passed in addition to any explicit arguments.
    return msgSend(object, selector, value);

// Does the same as the above function, but by obtaining the method's IMP.
double performSelectorWithIMP(id object, SEL selector, double value) {
    // Get the method's implementation.
    IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation([self class], selector);

    // Cast it so the types are known and ARC can work correctly.
    double (*callableImp)(id, SEL, double) = (typeof(callableImp)) imp;

    // Again, you need the explicit arguments.
    return callableImp(object, selector, value);

int main() {
    Example *e = [Example new];

    // Invoke negation, result is -4
    double x = performSelectorWithMsgSend(e, @selector(negate:), 4);

    // Invoke inversion, result is 0.25
    double y = performSelectorWithIMP(e, @selector(invert:), 4);


Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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