
Esempio di Chain of Responsibility (Php)

Un metodo chiamato in un oggetto si muoverà su per la catena di oggetti finché non si troverà uno che può gestire correttamente la chiamata. Questo particolare esempio utilizza esperimenti scientifici con funzioni che possono ottenere solo il titolo dell'esperimento, l'identificazione degli esperimenti o il tessuto utilizzato nell'esperimento.

abstract class AbstractExperiment {
    abstract function getExperiment();
    abstract function getTitle();
class Experiment extends AbstractExperiment {
    private $experiment;
    private $tissue;
    function __construct($experiment_in) {
        $this->experiment = $experiment_in;
        $this->tissue = NULL;
    function getExperiment() {
        return $this->experiment;
    //this is the end of the chain - returns title or says there is none
    function getTissue() {
      if (NULL != $this->tissue) {
        return $this->tissue;
      } else {
        return 'there is no tissue applied';

class SubExperiment extends AbstractExperiment {
    private $experiment;
    private $parentExperiment;
    private $tissue;
    function __construct($experiment_in, Experiment $parentExperiment_in) {
      $this->experiment = $experiment_in;
      $this->parentExperiment = $parentExperiment_in;
      $this->tissue = NULL;
    function getExperiment() {
      return $this->experiment;
    function getParentExperiment() {
      return $this->parentExperiment;
    function getTissue() {
      if (NULL != $this->tissue) {
        return $this->tissue;
      } else {
        return $this->parentExperiment->getTissue();

//This class and all further sub classes work in the same way as SubExperiment above
class SubSubExperiment extends AbstractExperiment {
    private $experiment;
    private $parentExperiment;
    private $tissue;
    function __construct($experiment_in, Experiment $parentExperiment_in) { //as above }
    function getExperiment() { //same as above }
    function getParentExperiment() { //same as above }   
    function getTissue() { //same as above }

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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