La parte más difícil es adjuntar un subdocumento al documento que aún no se ha creado. Si necesitamos que el subdocumento tenga el aspecto esperado, deberemos iterar con un bucle for de la matriz en una variable y usar $doc2.add("Key", "Value")
lugar de usar la matriz actual de foreach
con índice. Esto hará que el subdocumento en dos líneas, como se puede ver en las "Tags" = [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc2
MongoDB con controlador C # 1.7 utilizando PowerShell
Necesito consultar todos los detalles de la máquina virtual y actualizar en MongoDB.
Which require the output look like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("5800509f23888a12bccf2347"),
"ResourceGrp" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp",
"ProcessTime" : ISODate("2016-10-14T03:27:16.586Z"),
"SubscriptionName" : "GSS",
"OS" : "Windows",
"HostName" : "VM1",
"IPAddress" : "",
"Tags" : {
"costCenter" : "803344",
"BusinessUNIT" : "WinEng",
"MachineRole" : "App",
"OwnerEmail" : "zteffer@somewhere.com",
"appSupporter" : "Steve",
"environment" : "Prod",
"implementationOwner" : "xyzr@somewhere.com",
"appSoftware" : "WebServer",
"Code" : "Gx",
"WholeOwner" : "zzzgg@somewhere.com"
"SubscriptionID" : "",
"Status" : "running fine",
"ResourceGroupName" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp",
"LocalTime" : "14-10-2016-11:27"
Tengo 3 conjuntos de matriz en Powershell
$MachinesList # Array
$ResourceList # Array
$MachineTags # Array
pseudo code
$mongoDriverPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MongoDB\CSharpDriver 1.7';
Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDriverPath)\MongoDB.Bson.dll";
Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDriverPath)\MongoDB.Driver.dll";
$db = [MongoDB.Driver.MongoDatabase]::Create('mongodb://');
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$TagList = $vm.tags
$A1 = $Taglist.key
$A2 = $Taglist.value
foreach ($Machine in $MachinesList)
foreach($Resource in $ResourceList)
$doc2 = $null
[MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc2 = @{}; #Create a Document here
for($i = 0; $i -lt $TagList.count; $i++)
$A1Key = $A1[$i].ToString()
$A2Value = $A2[$i].toString()
$doc2.add("$A1Key", "$A2Value")
[MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc = @{
"_id"= [MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId]::GenerateNewId();
"ProcessTime"= [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDateTime] $ProcessTime;
"LocalTime" = "$LocalTime";
"Tags" = [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc2;
"ResourceGrp" = "$RGName";
"HostName"= "$VMName";
"Status"= "$VMStatus";
"IPAddress"= "$IPAddress";
"ResourceGroupName"= "$RGName";
"SubscriptionName"= "$CurSubName";
"SubscriptionID"= "$subid";
"OS"= "$OSType";
}; #doc loop close
Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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