

Het moeilijkste deel is om een subdocument aan het document toe te voegen dat nog niet is gemaakt. Als we het subdocument moeten hebben zoals verwacht, moeten we de array herhalen in een variabele en $doc2.add("Key", "Value") plaats daarvan de foreach huidige array met index gebruiken. Dit maakt het subdocument in twee regels, zoals u kunt zien in de "Tags" = [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc2 .

MongoDB met C # driver 1.7 met PowerShell

Ik moet alle details van de virtuele machine opvragen en bijwerken naar de MongoDB.

Which require the output look like this. 
    "_id" : ObjectId("5800509f23888a12bccf2347"),
    "ResourceGrp" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp",
    "ProcessTime" : ISODate("2016-10-14T03:27:16.586Z"),
    "SubscriptionName" : "GSS",
    "OS" : "Windows",
    "HostName" : "VM1",
    "IPAddress" : "",
    "Tags" : {
        "costCenter" : "803344",
        "BusinessUNIT" : "WinEng",
        "MachineRole" : "App",
        "OwnerEmail" : "zteffer@somewhere.com",
        "appSupporter" : "Steve",
        "environment" : "Prod",
        "implementationOwner" : "xyzr@somewhere.com",
        "appSoftware" : "WebServer",
        "Code" : "Gx",
        "WholeOwner" : "zzzgg@somewhere.com"
    "SubscriptionID" : "",
    "Status" : "running fine",
    "ResourceGroupName" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp",
    "LocalTime" : "14-10-2016-11:27"

Ik heb 3 sets met array in Powershell

        $MachinesList  # Array 
        $ResourceList # Array
        $MachineTags  # Array
    pseudo code 

        $mongoDriverPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MongoDB\CSharpDriver 1.7';
        Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDriverPath)\MongoDB.Bson.dll";
        Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDriverPath)\MongoDB.Driver.dll";

 $db = [MongoDB.Driver.MongoDatabase]::Create('mongodb://');
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$TagList = $vm.tags 
      $A1 = $Taglist.key
      $A2 = $Taglist.value 
    foreach ($Machine in $MachinesList) 
        foreach($Resource in $ResourceList) 
                    $doc2 = $null
                   [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc2 = @{}; #Create a Document here 
                    for($i = 0; $i -lt $TagList.count; $i++)
                                $A1Key = $A1[$i].ToString()
                                $A2Value = $A2[$i].toString()
                                $doc2.add("$A1Key", "$A2Value")
                     [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc = @{
                        "_id"= [MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId]::GenerateNewId();
                        "ProcessTime"= [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDateTime] $ProcessTime;
                        "LocalTime" = "$LocalTime";
                        "Tags" = [MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument] $doc2; 
                        "ResourceGrp" = "$RGName"; 
                        "HostName"= "$VMName";
                        "Status"= "$VMStatus";
                        "IPAddress"= "$IPAddress";
                        "ResourceGroupName"= "$RGName";
                        "SubscriptionName"= "$CurSubName";
                        "SubscriptionID"= "$subid";
                        "OS"= "$OSType";
                    }; #doc loop close

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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