

Lodash to przydatna biblioteka narzędzi JavaScript.

Filtruj kolekcję

Poniższy fragment kodu pokazuje różne sposoby filtrowania tablicy obiektów za pomocą lodash.

let lodash = require('lodash');    

var countries = [
    {"key": "DE", "name": "Deutschland", "active": false},
    {"key": "ZA", "name": "South Africa", "active": true}

var filteredByFunction = lodash.filter(countries, function (country) {
    return country.key === "DE";
// => [{"key": "DE", "name": "Deutschland"}];

var filteredByObjectProperties = lodash.filter(countries, { "key": "DE" });
// => [{"key": "DE", "name": "Deutschland"}];

var filteredByProperties = lodash.filter(countries, ["key", "ZA"]);
// => [{"key": "ZA", "name": "South Africa"}];

var filteredByProperty = lodash.filter(countries, "active");
// => [{"key": "ZA", "name": "South Africa"}];

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
Licencjonowany na podstawie CC BY-SA 3.0
Nie związany z Stack Overflow