

  • result = expression1 AndOook expression2
  • result = expression1 OrElse expression2


Parameter Details
resultaat Verplicht. Elke Booleaanse uitdrukking. Het resultaat is het Booleaanse resultaat van vergelijking van de twee uitdrukkingen.
expression1 Verplicht. Elke Booleaanse uitdrukking.
expression2 Verplicht. Elke Booleaanse uitdrukking.


'AndAlso' en 'OrElse' zijn ShortCircuiting- operatoren, wat betekent dat de uitvoering korter is omdat de compiler niet alle expressies in een Booleaanse vergelijking evalueert als de eerste het gewenste resultaat oplevert.

En ook gebruik

' Sometimes we don't need to evaluate all the conditions in an if statement's boolean check.

' Let's suppose we have a list of strings:

Dim MyCollection as List(Of String) = New List(of String)()

' We want to evaluate the first value inside our list:

If MyCollection.Count > 0 And MyCollection(0).Equals("Somevalue")
    Console.WriteLine("Yes, I've found Somevalue in the collection!")
End If 

' If MyCollection is empty, an exception will be thrown at runtime.
' This because it evaluates both first and second condition of the 
' if statement regardless of the outcome of the first condition.

' Now let's apply the AndAlso operator

If MyCollection.Count > 0 AndAlso MyCollection(0).Equals("Somevalue")
    Console.WriteLine("Yes, I've found Somevalue in the collection!")
End If 

' This won't throw any exception because the compiler evaluates just the first condition.
' If the first condition returns False, the second expression isn't evaluated at all.

Gebruik gebruik

' The OrElse operator is the homologous of AndAlso. It lets us perform a boolean 
' comparison evaluating the second condition only if the first one is False

If testFunction(5) = True OrElse otherFunction(4) = True Then
    ' If testFunction(5) is True, otherFunction(4) is not called.
    ' Insert code to be executed.
End If

NullReferenceException vermijden


Of anders

Sub Main()
    Dim elements As List(Of Integer) = Nothing

    Dim average As Double = AverageElementsOrElse(elements)
    Console.WriteLine(average) ' Writes 0 to Console

        'Throws ArgumentNullException
        average = AverageElementsOr(elements)
    Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
    End Try
End Sub

Public Function AverageElementsOrElse(ByVal elements As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As Double
    ' elements.Count is not called if elements is Nothing so it cannot crash
    If (elements Is Nothing OrElse elements.Count = 0) Then
        Return 0
        Return elements.Average()
    End If
End Function

Public Function AverageElementsOr(ByVal elements As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As Double
    ' elements.Count is always called so it can crash if elements is Nothing
    If (elements Is Nothing Or elements.Count = 0) Then
        Return 0
        Return elements.Average()
    End If
End Function

En ook

Sub Main()
    Dim elements As List(Of Integer) = Nothing

    Dim average As Double = AverageElementsAndAlso(elements)
    Console.WriteLine(average) ' Writes 0 to Console

        'Throws ArgumentNullException
        average = AverageElementsAnd(elements)
    Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
    End Try
End Sub

Public Function AverageElementsAndAlso(ByVal elements As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As Double
    ' elements.Count is not called if elements is Nothing so it cannot crash
    If (Not elements Is Nothing AndAlso elements.Count > 0) Then
        Return elements.Average()
        Return 0
    End If
End Function

Public Function AverageElementsAnd(ByVal elements As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As Double
    ' elements.Count is always called so it can crash if elements is Nothing
    If (Not elements Is Nothing And elements.Count > 0) Then
        Return elements.Average()
        Return 0
    End If
End Function

Visual Basic 14.0 introduceerde de null-voorwaardelijke operator , waarmee de functies op een schonere manier konden worden herschreven, waarbij het gedrag van de AndAlso versie van het voorbeeld werd AndAlso .

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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