Angular 2
Foutopsporing Angular2 typescript-toepassing met Visual Studio Code
Launch.json-installatie voor uw werkruimte
- Schakel Debug in vanuit menu - bekijk> debug
- het geeft een foutmelding tijdens het starten van foutopsporing, toont een pop-upmelding en opent launch.json vanuit deze pop-upmelding Het is alleen vanwege launch.json niet ingesteld voor uw werkruimte. kopieer en plak onderstaande code in in launch.json // new launch.json
je oude launch.json
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Extension",
"type": "extensionHost",
"request": "launch",
"runtimeExecutable": "${execPath}",
"args": [
"stopOnEntry": false,
"sourceMaps": true,
"outDir": "${workspaceRoot}/out",
"preLaunchTask": "npm"
Werk nu uw launch.json bij zoals hieronder
nieuwe launch.json
** // onthoud alstublieft vermeld je main.js pad erin **
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/app/main.js", // put your main.js path
"stopOnEntry": false,
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"preLaunchTask": null,
"runtimeExecutable": null,
"runtimeArgs": [
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"
"console": "internalConsole",
"sourceMaps": false,
"outDir": null
"name": "Attach",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"port": 5858,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": false,
"sourceMaps": false,
"outDir": null,
"localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
"remoteRoot": null
"name": "Attach to Process",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"processId": "${command.PickProcess}",
"port": 5858,
"sourceMaps": false,
"outDir": null
- Nu werkt het foutopsporing, toont pop-upmeldingen voor stapsgewijze foutopsporing
Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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