
첫 단계


데비안 기반 시스템에서 apt 사용하기

sudo apt-get install php5-imagick

OSX / macOs에 Homebrew 사용하기

brew install imagemagick

brew 메소드를 사용하여 설치된 종속성을 보려면 brewformulas.org/Imagemagick을 방문하십시오.

바이너리 릴리스의 사용

imagemagick 웹 사이트 에 대한 지침.



$imagen = new Imagick('imagen.jpg');
$imagen->thumbnailImage(100, 0); 
//if you put 0 in the parameter aspect ratio is maintained

echo $imagen;


이미지를 base64 문자열로 변환

이 예제는 이미지를 Base64 문자열 (즉, img 태그의 src 속성에서 직접 사용할 수있는 문자열)로 변환하는 방법입니다. 이 예제는 특히 Imagick 라이브러리를 사용합니다 ( GD 와 같은 다른 것들도 있습니다).

 * This loads in the file, image.jpg for manipulation. 
 * The filename path is releative to the .php file containing this code, so
 * in this example, image.jpg should live in the same directory as our script.
$img = new Imagick('image.jpg');

 * This resizes the image, to the given size in the form of width, height.
 * If you want to change the resolution of the image, rather than the size
 * then $img->resampleimage(320, 240) would be the right function to use.
 * Note that for the second parameter, you can set it to 0 to maintain the
 * aspect ratio of the original image.
$img->resizeImage(320, 240);

 * This returns the unencoded string representation of the image
$imgBuff = $img->getimageblob();

 * This clears the image.jpg resource from our $img object and destroys the
 * object. Thus, freeing the system resources allocated for doing our image
 * manipulation.

 * This creates the base64 encoded version of our unencoded string from
 * earlier. It is then output as an image to the page.
 * Note, that in the src attribute, the image/jpeg part may change based on
 * the image type you're using (i.e. png, jpg etc).
$img = base64_encode($imgBuff);
echo "<img alt='Embedded Image' src='data:image/jpeg;base64,$img' />";

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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