

N-API는 NodeJS 용 네이티브 모듈을 만드는 새롭고 나은 방법입니다. N-API는 초기 단계에 있으므로 일관성없는 문서가있을 수 있습니다.

N-API에 안녕하세요.

이 모듈은 hello 모듈에 hello 함수를 등록합니다. hello 함수는 printf 콘솔에서 Hello world를 출력하고 native 함수에서 자바 스크립트 호출자로 1373 을 반환합니다.

#include <node_api.h>
#include <stdio.h>

napi_value say_hello(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
    napi_value retval;

    printf("Hello world\n");

    napi_create_number(env, 1373, &retval);

    return retval;

void init(napi_env env, napi_value exports, napi_value module, void* priv)
    napi_status status;
    napi_property_descriptor desc = {
         * String describing the key for the property, encoded as UTF8.
        .utf8name = "hello",
         * Set this to make the property descriptor object's value property
         * to be a JavaScript function represented by method.
         * If this is passed in, set value, getter and setter to NULL (since these members won't be used).
        .method = say_hello,
         * A function to call when a get access of the property is performed.
         * If this is passed in, set value and method to NULL (since these members won't be used).
         * The given function is called implicitly by the runtime when the property is accessed
         * from JavaScript code (or if a get on the property is performed using a N-API call).
        .getter = NULL,
         * A function to call when a set access of the property is performed.
         * If this is passed in, set value and method to NULL (since these members won't be used).
         * The given function is called implicitly by the runtime when the property is set
         * from JavaScript code (or if a set on the property is performed using a N-API call).
        .setter = NULL,
         * The value that's retrieved by a get access of the property if the property is a data property.
         * If this is passed in, set getter, setter, method and data to NULL (since these members won't be used).
        .value = NULL,
         * The attributes associated with the particular property. See napi_property_attributes.
        .attributes = napi_default,
         * The callback data passed into method, getter and setter if this function is invoked.
        .data = NULL
     * This method allows the efficient definition of multiple properties on a given object.
    status = napi_define_properties(env, exports, 1, &desc);

    if (status != napi_ok)

NAPI_MODULE(hello, init)

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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