

이 절에서는 glsl이 무엇인지, 왜 개발자가 그것을 사용하고 싶어하는지에 대한 개요를 제공합니다.

또한 glsl 내의 큰 주제를 언급하고 관련 주제에 링크해야합니다. glsl에 대한 문서는 새로운 것이므로 관련 주제의 초기 버전을 만들어야 할 수도 있습니다.


OpenGL 쉐이딩 언어

GLSL 버전 OpenGL 버전 쉐이더 전 처리기 출시일
1.10 2.0 #version 110 2004-09-07
1.20 2.1 #version 120 2006-07-02
1.30 3.0 #version 130 2008-08-11
1.40 3.1 #version 140 2009-03-24
1.50 3.2 #version 150 2009-08-03
3.30 3.3 #version 330 2010-02-12
4.00 4.0 #version 400 2010-03-11
4.10 4.1 #version 410 2010-07-26
4.20 4.2 #version 420 2011-08-08
4.30 4.3 #version 430 2012-08-06
4.40 4.4 #version 440 2013-07-22
4.50 4.5 #version 450 2014-08-11

OpenGL ES 쉐이딩 언어

GLSL ES 버전 OpenGL ES 버전 쉐이더 전 처리기 출시일
1.00 ES 2.0 #version 100 2007-03-05
3.00 ES 3.0 #version 300 es 2012-08-06
3.10 ES 3.1 #version 310 es 2014-03-17
3.20 ES 3.2 #version 320 es 2015-08-10

설치 또는 설정

glsl 설치 또는 설치에 대한 자세한 지시 사항.

첫 번째 OGL 4.0 GLSL 쉐이더 프로그램

버텍스 위치와 색상 속성을 가진 간단한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 쉐이더 프로그램. 이 프로그램은 Phyton 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL이 설치되어 있어야합니다.

셰이더 프로그램은 적어도 버텍스 셰이더와 프 래그 넌트 셰이더로 구성됩니다 (컴퓨터 셰이더 제외). 첫 번째 쉐이더 스테이지는 버텍스 쉐이더이고 마지막 쉐이더 스테이지는 프래그먼트 쉐이더입니다 (그 사이에 선택적 스테이지가 가능하며 여기서는 더 이상 설명하지 않음).

정점 셰이더


버텍스 쉐이더는 드로잉 명령으로 지정된 버텍스와 관련 속성을 처리합니다. 버텍스 쉐이더는 입력 스트림에서 정점을 처리하고 원하는 방식으로이를 조작 할 수 있습니다. 버텍스 쉐이더는 입력 스트림에서 하나의 단일 정점을 받고 출력 정점 스트림에 하나의 단일 정점을 생성합니다.

이 예제에서는 하나의 삼각형을 그립니다. 따라서 삼각형의 각 꼭지점마다 한 번씩 정점 셰이더가 3 번 실행됩니다. 이 경우 정점 셰이더에 대한 입력 in vec3 inPos 의 정점 위치 in vec3 inPos 의 color 속성 in vec3 inCol . 색상 속성은 다음 쉐이더 단계 ( out vec3 vertCol )로 전달됩니다.

#version 400

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inCol;

out vec3 vertCol;

void main()
    vertCol = inCol;
    gl_Position = vec4( inPos, 1.0 );

조각 쉐이더


이 예제에서 프래그먼트 셰이더는 버텍스 셰이더 바로 다음에옵니다. 정점 위치와 속성은 각 조각마다 각면에서 보간됩니다. 프래그먼트 셰이더는 전체 삼각형의 각 프래그먼트에 대해 한 번 실행되고 frgment 셰이더에서 color 특성을받습니다. 삼각형이 그려지기 때문에 색 속성은 그려진 삼각형을 기반으로 한 단편의 중심 좌표에 따라 보간됩니다.

#version 400

in vec3 vertCol;

out vec4 fragColor;

void main()
    fragColor = vec4( vertCol, 1.0 );

Phyton 대본

파이썬 스크립트는 셰이더 프로그램을 컴파일, 링크 및 실행하고 지오메트리를 그리는 것입니다. C 또는 다른 어떤 것으로 쉽게 재 작성 될 수 있습니다. 가장 큰주의를 기울여야하는 것은이 문서의 일부가 아닙니다.

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from sys import *
from array import array
# draw event
def OnDraw(): 
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glBindVertexArray( vaObj )
    glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3 )

# read vertex shader program
with open( 'first.vert', 'r' ) as vertFile:
    vertCode = vertFile.read()
print( '\nvertex shader code:' )
print( vertCode )

# read fragment shader program
with open( 'first.frag', 'r' ) as fragFile:
    fragCode = fragFile.read()
print( '\nfragment shader code:' )
print( fragCode )

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW = 800
wndH = 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define triangle data
posData = [ -0.636, -0.45, 0.0, 0.636, -0.45, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0 ]
colData = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
posAr = array( "f", posData )
colAr = array( "f", colData )

# create buffers
posBuffer = glGenBuffers(1)
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, posBuffer )
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, posAr.tostring(), GL_STATIC_DRAW )
colBuffer = glGenBuffers(1)
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colBuffer )
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colAr.tostring(), GL_STATIC_DRAW )

# create vertex array opject
vaObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
glBindVertexArray( vaObj )
glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 )
glEnableVertexAttribArray( 1 )
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, posBuffer )
glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colBuffer )
glVertexAttribPointer( 1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )

# compile vertex shader
vertShader = glCreateShader( GL_VERTEX_SHADER )
glShaderSource( vertShader, vertCode )
glCompileShader( vertShader )
result = glGetShaderiv( vertShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
if not (result):
    print( glGetShaderInfoLog( vertShader ) )

# compile fragment shader
fragShader = glCreateShader( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
glShaderSource( fragShader, fragCode )
glCompileShader( fragShader )
result = glGetShaderiv( fragShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
if not (result):
    print( glGetShaderInfoLog( fragShader ) )

# link shader program
shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
glAttachShader( shaderProgram, vertShader )
glAttachShader( shaderProgram, fragShader )
glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
if not (result):
    print( 'link error:' )
    print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )

# start main loop

OGL 4.0 GLSL에서 모델, 뷰 및 프로젝션 매트릭스 사용

모델, 뷰 및 프로젝션 행렬의 사용을 보여주는 간단한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 쉐이더 프로그램이 프로그램은 Phyton 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL과 NumPy가 설치되어 있어야합니다.

  • 투영 행렬 : 투영 행렬은 세계의 3D 점에서 뷰포트의 2D 점까지의 핀홀 카메라 매핑을 설명합니다. 이 예에서는 90 도의 시야각을 갖는 투영 행렬을 사용합니다.

  • 뷰 매트릭스 : 뷰 매트릭스는 장면의 위치와 뷰 방향을 정의합니다. 이 예제에서 우리는 장면의 중심을 보는 방향을 유지하면서 장면 주위를 원형으로 움직입니다.

  • 모형 행렬 : 모형 행렬은 장면에서 객체의 위치와 상대적 크기를 정의합니다. 이 예제에서 모델 행렬은 객체를 위아래로 이동합니다.

정점 셰이더


#version 400

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inCol;

out vec3 vertCol;

uniform mat4 projectionMat44;
uniform mat4 viewMat44;
uniform mat4 modelMat44;

void main()
    vertCol = inCol;
    vec4 modolPos = modelMat44 * vec4( inPos, 1.0 );
    vec4 viewPos = viewMat44 * modolPos;
    gl_Position = projectionMat44 * viewPos;

조각 쉐이더


#version 400

in vec3 vertCol;

out vec4 fragColor;

void main()
    fragColor = vec4( vertCol, 1.0 );

Phyton 대본

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import numpy as np
from time import time
import math
import sys

# draw event
def OnDraw():
    currentTime = time()
    # set up projection matrix
    prjMat = perspective( 90.0, wndW/wndH, 0.5, 100.0) 
    # set up view matrix
    viewMat = Translate( np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32'), np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -8.0] ) )
    viewMat = RotateView( viewMat, [10.0, CalcAng( currentTime, 10.0 ), 0.0] )
    # set up tetrahedron model matrix
    tetModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    tetModelMat = RotateX( tetModelMat, -90.0 )
    tetModelMat = Scale( tetModelMat, np.repeat( 2.0, 3 ) )
    tetModelMat = Translate( tetModelMat, np.array( [-2.0, 0.0, CalcMove(currentTime, 6.0, [-1.0, 1.0])] ) )

    # set up icosahedron model matrix
    icoModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    icoModelMat = RotateX( icoModelMat, -90.0 )
    icoModelMat = Scale( icoModelMat, np.repeat( 2.0, 3 ) )
    icoModelMat = Translate( icoModelMat, np.array( [2.0, 0.0, CalcMove(currentTime, 6.0, [1.0, -1.0])] ) )
    # set up attributes and shader program
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( projectionMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, prjMat )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( viewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, viewMat )
    # draw tetrahedron
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, tetModelMat )
    glBindVertexArray( tetVAObj )
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(tetIndices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tetIndices)

    # draw tetrahedron
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, icoModelMat )
    glBindVertexArray( icoVAObj )
    glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, len(icoPosData) )

def Fract(val): return val - math.trunc(val)
def CalcAng(currentTime, intervall): return Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 360.0
def CalcMove(currentTime, intervall, range):
    pos = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 2.0
    pos = pos if pos < 1.0 else (2.0-pos)
    return range[0] + (range[1] - range[0]) * pos
# read shader program and compile shader
def CompileShader( sourceFileName, shaderStage ):
    with open( sourceFileName, 'r' ) as sourceFile:
        sourceCode = sourceFile.read()
    nameMap = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER: 'vertex', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: 'fragment' }    
    print( '\n%s shader code:' % nameMap.get(shaderStage, '') )
    print( sourceCode )
    shaderObj = glCreateShader( shaderStage )
    glShaderSource( shaderObj, sourceCode )
    glCompileShader( shaderObj )
    result = glGetShaderiv( shaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderObj ) )
    return shaderObj

# linke shader objects to shader program
def LinkProgram( shaderObjs ):
    shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
    for shObj in shaderObjs:
        glAttachShader( shaderProgram, shObj )
    glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
    result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( 'link error:' )
        print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )
    return shaderProgram

# create vertex array opject
def CreateVAO( dataArrays ):
    noOfBuffers = len(dataArrays)
    buffers = glGenBuffers(noOfBuffers)
    newVAObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
    glBindVertexArray( newVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, noOfBuffers):
        vertexSize, dataArr = dataArrays[inx]
        arr = np.array( dataArr, dtype='float32' )
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers[inx] )
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW )
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( inx )
        glVertexAttribPointer( inx, vertexSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
    return newVAObj 

def Translate(matA, trans):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i in range(0, 4): matB[3,i] = matA[0,i] * trans[0] + matA[1,i] * trans[1] + matA[2,i] * trans[2] + matA[3,i] 
    return matB

def Scale(matA, s):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 4): matB[i0,i1] = matA[i0,i1] * s[i0] 
    return matB

def RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, a0, a1):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    ang = math.radians(angDeg)
    sinAng, cosAng = math.sin(ang), math.cos(ang)
    for i in range(0, 4):
        matB[a0,i] = matA[a0,i] * cosAng + matA[a1,i] * sinAng
        matB[a1,i] = matA[a0,i] * -sinAng + matA[a1,i] * cosAng
    return matB

def RotateX(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 1, 2)
def RotateY(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 2, 0)
def RotateZ(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 0, 1)
def RotateView(matA, angDeg): return RotateZ(RotateY(RotateX(matA, angDeg[0]), angDeg[1]), angDeg[2])

def perspective(fov, aspectRatio, near, far):
    fn, f_n = far + near, far - near
    r, t = aspectRatio, 1.0 / math.tan( math.radians(fov) / 2.0 )
    return np.matrix( [ [t/r,0,0,0], [0,t,0,0], [0,0,-fn/f_n,-2.0*far*near/f_n], [0,0,-1,0] ] )

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW, wndH = 800, 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define tetrahedron vertex array opject
sin120 = 0.8660254
tetPposData = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -sin120, -0.5, sin120 * sin120, 0.5 * sin120, -0.5, -sin120 * sin120, 0.5 * sin120,     -0.5 ]
tetColData = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, ]
tetIndices = [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2 ]
tetVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, tetPposData), (3, tetColData) ] )
tetInxArr = np.array( tetIndices, dtype='uint' )

# define icosahedron vertex array opject
icoPts = [
    [ 0.000,  0.000,  1.000], [ 0.894,  0.000,  0.447], [ 0.276,  0.851,  0.447], [-0.724,  0.526,  0.447],
    [-0.724, -0.526,  0.447], [ 0.276, -0.851,  0.447], [ 0.724,  0.526, -0.447], [-0.276,  0.851, -0.447], 
    [-0.894,  0.000, -0.447], [-0.276, -0.851, -0.447], [ 0.724, -0.526, -0.447], [ 0.000,  0.000, -1.000] ]
icoCol = [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]
icoIndices = [
  2,  0,  1,  3,  0,  2,  4,  0,  3,  5,  0,  4,  1,  0,  5, 11,  7,  6, 11,  8,  7, 11,  9,  8, 11, 10,  9, 11,  6, 10, 
  1,  6,  2,  2,  7,  3,  3,  8,  4,  4,  9,  5,  5, 10,  1,  2,  6,  7,  3,  7,  8,  4,  8,  9,  5,  9, 10,  1, 10,  6  ]
icoPosData = []
for inx in icoIndices:
    for inx_s in range(0, 3):
        icoPosData.append( icoPts[inx][inx_s] )
icoColData = []
for inx in range(0, len(icoPosData) // 9):
    inx_col = inx % len(icoCol)
    for inx_p in range(0, 3):
        for inx_s in range(0, 3):
                icoColData.append( icoCol[inx_col][inx_s] )
icoVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, icoPosData), (3, icoColData) ] )

# load, compile and link shader
shaderProgram = LinkProgram( [
        CompileShader( 'mvp.vert', GL_VERTEX_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'mvp.frag', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
    ] )
projectionMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "projectionMat44")
viewMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "viewMat44")
modelMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "modelMat44")

# start main loop
startTime = time()

모델에 텍스처를 넣고 OGL 4.0 GLSL에서 텍스처 매트릭스를 사용하십시오.

메쉬에 2D 텍스처를 매핑하는 방법을 보여주는 간단한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 셰이더 프로그램. 이 프로그램은 Phyton 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL과 NumPy가 설치되어 있어야합니다.

텍스처 행렬은 텍스처가 메쉬에 매핑되는 방법을 정의합니다. 텍스처 행렬을 조작하면 텍스처가 변위, 크기 조정 및 회전 될 수 있습니다.

정점 셰이더


#version 400

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 inTex;

out vec2 vertTex;

uniform mat4 u_projectionMat44;
uniform mat4 u_viewMat44;
uniform mat4 u_modelMat44;
uniform mat4 u_textureMat44;

void main()
    vertTex = ( u_textureMat44 * vec4( inTex, 0.0, 1.0 ) ).st;
    vec4 modolPos = u_modelMat44 * vec4( inPos, 1.0 );
    vec4 viewPos = u_viewMat44 * modolPos;
    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * viewPos;

조각 쉐이더


#version 400

in vec2 vertTex;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform sampler2D u_texture;

void main()
    vec4 texCol = texture( u_texture, vertTex.st );
    fragColor = vec4( texCol.rgb, 1.0 );

Phyton 대본

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import numpy as np
from time import time
import math
import sys

# draw event
def OnDraw():
    currentTime = time()
    # set up projection matrix
    prjMat = perspective( 90.0, wndW/wndH, 0.5, 100.0) 
    # set up view matrix
    viewMat = Translate( np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32'), np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -15.0] ) )
    viewMat = RotateView( viewMat, [30.0, CalcAng( currentTime, 60.0 ), 0.0] )
    # set up tetrahedron model matrix
    cubeModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    cubeModelMat = RotateX( cubeModelMat, -90.0 )
    cubeModelMat = Scale( cubeModelMat, np.repeat( 5.0, 3 ) )
    # set up texture matrix
    texMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    deltaT = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / 28.0 ) * 28.0
    if deltaT < 7.0 or deltaT >= 21.0:
        texMat = Scale( texMat, np.repeat( CalcMove(currentTime, 7.0, [1.0, 2.0]), 3 ) )
    if deltaT >= 7.0 and deltaT < 14.0 or deltaT >= 21.0:
        transAng = math.radians( CalcAng(currentTime, 7.0) )
        texMat = Translate( texMat, np.array( [math.sin(transAng)*0.5, math.cos(transAng)*0.5-0.5, 0.0] ) )
    if deltaT >= 14.0:
        texMat = RotateZ( texMat, CalcAng(currentTime, 7.0) )
    # set up attributes and shader program
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( projectionMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, prjMat )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( viewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, viewMat )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( textureMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, texMat )
    glUniform1i( textureLocation, 0 )
    # draw cube
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, cubeModelMat )
    glBindVertexArray( cubeVAObj )
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(cubeIndices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, cubeIndices)

def Fract(val): return val - math.trunc(val)
def CalcAng(currentTime, intervall): return Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 360.0
def CalcMove(currentTime, intervall, range):
    pos = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 2.0
    pos = pos if pos < 1.0 else (2.0-pos)
    return range[0] + (range[1] - range[0]) * pos
# read shader program and compile shader
def CompileShader( sourceFileName, shaderStage ):
    with open( sourceFileName, 'r' ) as sourceFile:
        sourceCode = sourceFile.read()
    nameMap = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER: 'vertex', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: 'fragment' }    
    print( '\n%s shader code:' % nameMap.get(shaderStage, '') )
    print( sourceCode )
    shaderObj = glCreateShader( shaderStage )
    glShaderSource( shaderObj, sourceCode )
    glCompileShader( shaderObj )
    result = glGetShaderiv( shaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderObj ) )
    return shaderObj

# linke shader objects to shader program
def LinkProgram( shaderObjs ):
    shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
    for shObj in shaderObjs:
        glAttachShader( shaderProgram, shObj )
    glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
    result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( 'link error:' )
        print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )
    return shaderProgram

# create vertex array object
def CreateVAO( dataArrays ):
    noOfBuffers = len(dataArrays)
    buffers = glGenBuffers(noOfBuffers)
    newVAObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
    glBindVertexArray( newVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, noOfBuffers):
        vertexSize, dataArr = dataArrays[inx]
        arr = np.array( dataArr, dtype='float32' )
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers[inx] )
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW )
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( inx )
        glVertexAttribPointer( inx, vertexSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
    return newVAObj 

def Translate(matA, trans):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i in range(0, 4): matB[3,i] = matA[0,i] * trans[0] + matA[1,i] * trans[1] + matA[2,i] * trans[2] + matA[3,i] 
    return matB

def Scale(matA, s):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 4): matB[i0,i1] = matA[i0,i1] * s[i0] 
    return matB

def RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, a0, a1):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    ang = math.radians(angDeg)
    sinAng, cosAng = math.sin(ang), math.cos(ang)
    for i in range(0, 4):
        matB[a0,i] = matA[a0,i] * cosAng + matA[a1,i] * sinAng
        matB[a1,i] = matA[a0,i] * -sinAng + matA[a1,i] * cosAng
    return matB

def RotateX(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 1, 2)
def RotateY(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 2, 0)
def RotateZ(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 0, 1)
def RotateView(matA, angDeg): return RotateZ(RotateY(RotateX(matA, angDeg[0]), angDeg[1]), angDeg[2])

def perspective(fov, aspectRatio, near, far):
    fn, f_n = far + near, far - near
    r, t = aspectRatio, 1.0 / math.tan( math.radians(fov) / 2.0 )
    return np.matrix( [ [t/r,0,0,0], [0,t,0,0], [0,0,-fn/f_n,-2.0*far*near/f_n], [0,0,-1,0] ] )

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW, wndH = 800, 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define cube vertex array opject
icoPts = [
    [-1.0, -1.0,  1.0], [ 1.0, -1.0,  1.0], [ 1.0,  1.0,  1.0], [-1.0,  1.0,  1.0],
    [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [ 1.0,  1.0, -1.0], [-1.0,  1.0, -1.0] ]
cubePosData = []
for inx in [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 4, 0, 3, 7, 3, 2, 6, 7, 1, 0, 4, 5 ]:
    for inx_s in range(0, 3): cubePosData.append( icoPts[inx][inx_s] )
cubeTexData = []
for inx in range(0, 6):
    for texCoord in [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5]: cubeTexData.append( texCoord )
icoCol = [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]
cubeIndices = []
for inx in range(0, 6):
    for inx_s in [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]: cubeIndices.append( inx * 4 + inx_s )
cubeVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, cubePosData), (2, cubeTexData) ] )
cubeInxArr = np.array( cubeIndices, dtype='uint' )

# load, compile and link shader
shaderProgram = LinkProgram( [
        CompileShader( 'python/ogl4tex/tex.vert', GL_VERTEX_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'python/ogl4tex/tex.frag', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
    ] )
projectionMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_projectionMat44")
viewMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_viewMat44")
modelMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_modelMat44")
textureMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_textureMat44")
textureLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_texture")

# create texture
texCX, texCY = 128, 128
texPlan = np.zeros( texCX * texCY * 4, dtype=np.uint8 )
for inx_x in range(0, texCX):
    for inx_y in range(0, texCY):
        val_x = math.sin( math.pi * 6.0 * inx_x / texCX )
        val_y = math.sin( math.pi * 6.0 * inx_y / texCY )
        inx_tex = inx_y * texCX * 4 + inx_x * 4
        texPlan[inx_tex + 0] = int( 128 + 127 * val_x )
        texPlan[inx_tex + 1] = 63
        texPlan[inx_tex + 2] = int( 128 + 127 * val_y )
        texPlan[inx_tex + 3] = 255
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 )
texObj = glGenTextures( 1  )
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texObj )
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, texCX, texCY, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texPlan)

# start main loop
startTime = time()

인터페이스 블록 및 균일 블록 사용 : OGL 4.0 GLSL의 Cook-Torrance 라이트 모델

Cook-Torrance microfacet 라이트 모델 구현에서 인터페이스 블록과 균일 한 블록을 사용하는 간단한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 쉐이더 프로그램. 이 프로그램은 Phyton 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL과 NumPy가 설치되어 있어야합니다.

인터페이스 블록은 GLSL 입력, 출력, 유니폼 또는 저장소 버퍼 변수 그룹입니다. 균일 Blockis 스토리지 한정자와의 인터페이스 블록이다 uniform .

정점 셰이더


#version 400

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNV;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 inCol;

out TVertexData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
    vec3 col;
} outData;

uniform mat4 u_projectionMat44;
uniform mat4 u_modelViewMat44;
uniform mat3 u_normalMat33;

void main()
    vec4 viewPos = u_modelViewMat44 * vec4( inPos, 1.0 );
    outData.pos = viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w;
    outData.nv  = u_normalMat33 * normalize( inNV );
    outData.col = inCol;
    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * viewPos;

조각 쉐이더


#version 400

in TVertexData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
    vec3 col;
} inData;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform UB_material
    float u_roughness;
    float u_fresnel0;
    vec4  u_specularTint;

struct TLightSource
    vec4 ambient;
    vec4 diffuse;
    vec4 specular;
    vec4 dir;

uniform UB_lightSource
    TLightSource u_lightSource;

vec3 CookTorrance( vec3 esPt, vec3 esPtNV, vec3 col, vec4 specularTint, float roughness, float fresnel0 )
  vec3  esVLight      = normalize( -u_lightSource.dir.xyz );
  vec3  esVEye        = normalize( -esPt );
  vec3  halfVector    = normalize( esVEye + esVLight );
  vec3  reflVector    = normalize( reflect( -esVLight, esPtNV ) );
  float VdotR         = dot( esVEye, reflVector );
  float HdotL         = dot( halfVector, esVLight );
  float NdotL         = dot( esPtNV, esVLight );
  float NdotV         = dot( esPtNV, esVEye );
  float NdotH         = dot( esPtNV, halfVector );
  float NdotH2        = NdotH * NdotH;
  float NdotL_clamped = max( NdotL, 0.0 );
  float NdotV_clamped = max( NdotV, 0.0 );
  float m2            = roughness * roughness;
  // Lambertian diffuse
  float k_diffuse = NdotL_clamped;
  // Cook-Torrance fresnel
  float theta = HdotL;
  float n = (1.0 + sqrt(fresnel0)) / (1.0 - sqrt(fresnel0));
  float g = sqrt( n*n + theta * theta + 1.0 );
  float gc = g + theta;
  float g_c = g - theta;
  float q = (gc * theta - 1.0) / (g_c * theta + 1.0);
  float fresnel = 0.5 * (g_c * g_c) / (gc * gc) * (1.0 + q * q);

  // Gaussian  distribution
  float psi = acos( VdotR );
  float distribution = max( 0.0, HdotL * exp( - psi * psi / m2 ) );
  // Torrance-Sparrow geometric term
  float geometric_att = min( 1.0, min( 2.0 * NdotH * NdotV_clamped / HdotL, 2.0 * NdotH * NdotL_clamped / HdotL ) );

  // Microfacet bidirectional reflectance distribution function 
  float brdf_spec = fresnel * distribution * geometric_att / ( 4.0 * NdotL_clamped * NdotV_clamped );
  float k_specular = brdf_spec;

  vec3 lightColor = col.rgb * u_lightSource.ambient.rgb
                  + max( 0.0, k_diffuse ) * col.rgb * u_lightSource.diffuse.rgb +
                  + max( 0.0, k_specular ) * mix( col.rgb, specularTint.rgb, specularTint.a ) *     u_lightSource.specular.rgb;
  return lightColor;

void main()
    vec3 lightCol = CookTorrance( inData.pos, inData.nv, inData.col, u_specularTint, u_roughness, u_fresnel0 );
    fragColor = vec4( lightCol, 1.0 );

Phyton 대본

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import numpy as np
from time import time
import math
import sys

sin120 = 0.8660254
rotateCamera = False

# draw event
def OnDraw():
    dist = 3.0
    currentTime = time()
    comeraRotAng = CalcAng( currentTime, 10.0 ) 
    # set up projection matrix
    prjMat = Perspective(90.0, wndW/wndH, 0.5, 100.0) 
    # set up view matrix
    viewMat = Translate( np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32'), np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -12.0] ) )
    viewMat = RotateView( viewMat, [30.0, comeraRotAng if rotateCamera else 0.0, 0.0] )

    # set up light source
    lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.dir', TransformVec4([-3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0], viewMat) )
    # set up tetrahedron model matrix
    tetModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    if not rotateCamera: tetModelMat = RotateY( tetModelMat, comeraRotAng )
    tetModelMat = RotateX( tetModelMat, -90.0 )
    tetModelMat = Scale( tetModelMat, np.repeat( 2.4, 3 ) )
    tetModelMat = Translate( tetModelMat, np.array( [0.0, dist, 0.0] ) )
    tetModelMat = RotateY( tetModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 20.0 ) )
    tetModelMat = RotateX( tetModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 9.0 ) )
    # set up icosahedron model matrix
    icoModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    if not rotateCamera: icoModelMat = RotateY( icoModelMat, comeraRotAng )
    icoModelMat = RotateX( icoModelMat, -90.0 )
    icoModelMat = Scale( icoModelMat, np.repeat( 2.0, 3 ) )
    icoModelMat = Translate( icoModelMat, np.array( [dist * -sin120, dist * -0.5, 0.0] ) )
    icoModelMat = RotateY( icoModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 20.0 ) )
    icoModelMat = RotateX( icoModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 11.0 ) )

    # set up cube model matrix
    cubeModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    if not rotateCamera: cubeModelMat = RotateY( cubeModelMat, comeraRotAng )
    cubeModelMat = RotateX( cubeModelMat, -90.0 )
    cubeModelMat = Scale( cubeModelMat, np.repeat( 1.6, 3 ) )
    cubeModelMat = Translate( cubeModelMat, np.array( [dist * sin120, dist * -0.5, 0.0] ) )
    cubeModelMat = RotateY( cubeModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 20.0 ) )
    cubeModelMat = RotateX( cubeModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 13.0 ) )
    # set up attributes and shader program
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( projectionMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, prjMat )
    # draw tetrahedron
    modelViewMat = Multiply(viewMat, tetModelMat)
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelViewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, modelViewMat )
    glUniformMatrix3fv( normalMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, ToMat33(modelViewMat) )
    glBindVertexArray( tetVAObj )
    glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, len(tetPosData) )

    # draw icosahedron
    modelViewMat = Multiply(viewMat, icoModelMat)
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelViewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, modelViewMat )
    glUniformMatrix3fv( normalMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, ToMat33(modelViewMat) )
    glBindVertexArray( icoVAObj )
    glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, len(icoPosData) )

    # draw cube
    modelViewMat = Multiply(viewMat, cubeModelMat)
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelViewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, modelViewMat )
    glUniformMatrix3fv( normalMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, ToMat33(modelViewMat) )
    glBindVertexArray( cubeVAObj )
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(cubeIndices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, cubeIndices)

def Fract(val): return val - math.trunc(val)
def CalcAng(currentTime, intervall): return Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 360.0
def CalcMove(currentTime, intervall, range):
    pos = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 2.0
    pos = pos if pos < 1.0 else (2.0-pos)
    return range[0] + (range[1] - range[0]) * pos
# read shader program and compile shader
def CompileShader( sourceFileName, shaderStage ):
    with open( sourceFileName, 'r' ) as sourceFile:
        sourceCode = sourceFile.read()
    nameMap = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER: 'vertex', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: 'fragment' }    
    print( '\n%s shader code:' % nameMap.get(shaderStage, '') )
    print( sourceCode )
    shaderObj = glCreateShader( shaderStage )
    glShaderSource( shaderObj, sourceCode )
    glCompileShader( shaderObj )
    result = glGetShaderiv( shaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderObj ) )
    return shaderObj

# linke shader objects to shader program
def LinkProgram( shaderObjs ):
    shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
    for shObj in shaderObjs:
        glAttachShader( shaderProgram, shObj )
    glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
    result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( 'link error:' )
        print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )
    return shaderProgram

# create vertex array object
def CreateVAO( dataArrays ):
    noOfBuffers = len(dataArrays)
    buffers = glGenBuffers(noOfBuffers)
    newVAObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
    glBindVertexArray( newVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, noOfBuffers):
        vertexSize, dataArr = dataArrays[inx]
        arr = np.array( dataArr, dtype='float32' )
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers[inx] )
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW )
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( inx )
        glVertexAttribPointer( inx, vertexSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
    return newVAObj 

# representation of a uniform block
class UniformBlock:
     def __init__(self, shaderProg, name):
        self.shaderProg = shaderProg 
        self.name = name
     def Link(self, bindingPoint):
        self.bindingPoint = bindingPoint
        self.noOfUniforms = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS)
        self.maxUniformNameLen = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH)
        self.index = glGetUniformBlockIndex(self.shaderProg, self.name)
        intData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, intData)
        self.count = intData[0]
        self.indices = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, self.indices)
        self.offsets = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformsiv(self.shaderProg, self.count, self.indices, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, self.offsets)
        self.size = 0
        strLengthData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        arraysizeData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        typeData = np.zeros(1, dtype='uint32')
        nameData = np.chararray(self.maxUniformNameLen+1)
        self.namemap = {}
        self.dataSize = 0 
        for inx in range(0, len(self.indices)):
            glGetActiveUniform( self.shaderProg, self.indices[inx], self.maxUniformNameLen, strLengthData, arraysizeData,     typeData, nameData.data )
            name = nameData.tostring()[:strLengthData[0]]
            self.namemap[name] = inx
            self.dataSize = max(self.dataSize, self.offsets[inx] + arraysizeData * 16) 
        glUniformBlockBinding(self.shaderProg, self.index, self.bindingPoint)
        print('\nuniform block %s size:%4d' % (self.name, self.dataSize))
        for uName in self.namemap:
            print( '    %-40s index:%2d    offset:%4d' % (uName, self.indices[self.namemap[uName]], self.offsets    [self.namemap[uName]]) ) 

# representation of a uniform block buffer
class UniformBlockBuffer:
    def __init__(self, ub):
        self.namemap = ub.namemap
        self.offsets = ub.offsets
        self.bindingPoint = ub.bindingPoint
        self.object = glGenBuffers(1)
        self.dataSize = ub.dataSize
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.zeros(self.dataSize//4, dtype='float32')
        glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.dataSize, dataArray, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
    def BindToTarget(self):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.bindingPoint, self.object)
    def BindDataFloat(self, name, dataArr):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.array(dataArr, dtype='float32')
        glBufferSubData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.offsets[self.namemap[name]], len(dataArr)*4, dataArray)

def Translate(matA, trans):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i in range(0, 4): matB[3,i] = matA[0,i] * trans[0] + matA[1,i] * trans[1] + matA[2,i] * trans[2] + matA[3,i] 
    return matB

def Scale(matA, s):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 4): matB[i0,i1] = matA[i0,i1] * s[i0] 
    return matB

def RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, a0, a1):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    ang = math.radians(angDeg)
    sinAng, cosAng = math.sin(ang), math.cos(ang)
    for i in range(0, 4):
        matB[a0,i] = matA[a0,i] * cosAng + matA[a1,i] * sinAng
        matB[a1,i] = matA[a0,i] * -sinAng + matA[a1,i] * cosAng
    return matB

def RotateX(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 1, 2)
def RotateY(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 2, 0)
def RotateZ(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 0, 1)
def RotateView(matA, angDeg): return RotateZ(RotateY(RotateX(matA, angDeg[0]), angDeg[1]), angDeg[2])

def Multiply(matA, matB):
    matC = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        for i1 in range(0, 4):
            matC[i0,i1] = matB[i0,0] * matA[0,i1] + matB[i0,1] * matA[1,i1] + matB[i0,2] * matA[2,i1] + matB[i0,3] * matA    [3,i1]    
    return matC

def ToMat33(mat44):
    mat33 = np.matrix(np.identity(3), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 3): mat33[i0, i1] = mat44[i0, i1]
    return mat33

def TransformVec4(vecA,mat44):
    vecB = np.zeros(4, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        vecB[i0] = vecA[0] * mat44[0,i0] + vecA[1] * mat44[1,i0] + vecA[2] * mat44[2,i0]  + vecA[3] * mat44[3,i0]
    return vecB

def Perspective(fov, aspectRatio, near, far):
    fn, f_n = far + near, far - near
    r, t = aspectRatio, 1.0 / math.tan( math.radians(fov) / 2.0 )
    return np.matrix( [ [t/r,0,0,0], [0,t,0,0], [0,0,-fn/f_n,-2.0*far*near/f_n], [0,0,-1,0] ] )

def AddToBuffer( buffer, data, count=1 ): 
    for inx_c in range(0, count):
        for inx_s in range(0, len(data)): buffer.append( data[inx_s] ) 

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW, wndH = 800, 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define tetrahedron vertex array opject
tetPts = [ (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -sin120, -0.5), (sin120 * sin120, 0.5 * sin120, -0.5), (-sin120 * sin120, 0.5 * sin120,     -0.5) ]
tetCol = [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], ]
tetInxdices = [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2 ]
tetPosData = []
for inx in tetInxdices: AddToBuffer( tetPosData, tetPts[inx] )
tetNVData = []
for inx_nv in range(0, len(tetInxdices) // 3):
    nv = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    for inx_p in range(0, 3): 
        for inx_s in range(0, 3): nv[inx_s] += tetPts[ tetInxdices[inx_nv*3 + inx_p] ][inx_s]
    AddToBuffer( tetNVData, nv, 3 )
tetColData = []
for inx_col in range(0, len(tetInxdices) // 3): AddToBuffer( tetColData, tetCol[inx_col % len(tetCol)], 3 )
tetVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, tetPosData), (3, tetNVData), (3, tetColData) ] )

# define icosahedron vertex array opject
icoPts = [
    ( 0.000,  0.000,  1.000), ( 0.894,  0.000,  0.447), ( 0.276,  0.851,  0.447), (-0.724,  0.526,  0.447),
    (-0.724, -0.526,  0.447), ( 0.276, -0.851,  0.447), ( 0.724,  0.526, -0.447), (-0.276,  0.851, -0.447), 
    (-0.894,  0.000, -0.447), (-0.276, -0.851, -0.447), ( 0.724, -0.526, -0.447), ( 0.000,  0.000, -1.000) ]
icoCol = [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]
icoIndices = [
  2,  0,  1,  3,  0,  2,  4,  0,  3,  5,  0,  4,  1,  0,  5, 11,  7,  6, 11,  8,  7, 11,  9,  8, 11, 10,  9, 11,  6, 10, 
  1,  6,  2,  2,  7,  3,  3,  8,  4,  4,  9,  5,  5, 10,  1,  2,  6,  7,  3,  7,  8,  4,  8,  9,  5,  9, 10,  1, 10,  6  ]
icoPosData = []
for inx in icoIndices: AddToBuffer( icoPosData, icoPts[inx] )
icoNVData = []
for inx in icoIndices: AddToBuffer( icoNVData, icoPts[inx] )
#for inx_nv in range(0, len(icoIndices) // 3):
#    nv = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
#    for inx_p in range(0, 3): 
#        for inx_s in range(0, 3): nv[inx_s] += icoPts[ icoIndices[inx_nv*3 + inx_p] ][inx_s]
#    AddToBuffer( icoNVData, nv, 3 )
icoColData = []
for inx_col in range(0, len(icoIndices) // 3): AddToBuffer( icoColData, icoCol[inx_col % len(icoCol)], 3 )
icoVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, icoPosData), (3, icoNVData), (3, icoColData) ] )

# define cube vertex array opject
cubePts = [
    (-1.0, -1.0,  1.0), ( 1.0, -1.0,  1.0), ( 1.0,  1.0,  1.0), (-1.0,  1.0,  1.0),
    (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), ( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0), ( 1.0,  1.0, -1.0), (-1.0,  1.0, -1.0) ]
cubeCol = [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]
cubeHlpInx = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 4, 0, 3, 7, 3, 2, 6, 7, 1, 0, 4, 5 ] 
cubePosData = []
for inx in cubeHlpInx: AddToBuffer( cubePosData, cubePts[inx] )
cubeNVData = []
for inx_nv in range(0, len(cubeHlpInx) // 4):
    nv = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    for inx_p in range(0, 4):
        for inx_s in range(0, 3): nv[inx_s] += cubePts[ cubeHlpInx[inx_nv*4 + inx_p] ][inx_s]
    AddToBuffer( cubeNVData, nv, 4 )
cubeColData = []
for inx_col in range(0, 6):
    AddToBuffer( cubeColData, cubeCol[inx_col % len(cubeCol)], 4 )
cubeIndices = []
for inx in range(0, 6):
    for inx_s in [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]: cubeIndices.append( inx * 4 + inx_s )
cubeVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, cubePosData), (3, cubeNVData), (3, cubeColData) ] )

# load, compile and link shader
shaderProgram = LinkProgram( [
        CompileShader( 'ibub.vert', GL_VERTEX_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'ibub.frag', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
    ] )
# get unifor locations
projectionMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_projectionMat44")
modelViewMatLocation  = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_modelViewMat44")
normalMatLocation     = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_normalMat33")
# linke uniform blocks
ubMaterial = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_material")
ubLightSource = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_lightSource")

# create uniform block buffers
lightSourceBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubLightSource)
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.ambient', [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.diffuse', [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.specular', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

tetMaterialBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial)
tetMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.3])
tetMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.5])
tetMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7])

icoMaterialBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial)
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.1])
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.2])
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7])

cubeMaterialBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial)
cubeMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.5])
cubeMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.3])
cubeMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7])

# start main loop
startTime = time()

OGL 4.0 GLSL에서 지오메트리 셰이더를 사용하여 지오메트리 만들기

지오메트리 셰이더의 사용법을 보여주는 간단한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 셰이더 프로그램. 이 프로그램은 Phyton 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL과 NumPy가 설치되어 있어야합니다.

이 예제에서는 전체 지오메트리 (원통형)가 지오메트리 셰이더에서 생성됩니다.

정점 셰이더


#version 400

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNormal;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 inTangent;

out TVertexData
    mat3 orientationMat;
} outData;

void main()
    vec3 normal   = normalize( inNormal );
    vec3 tangent  = normalize( inTangent );
    vec3 binormal = cross( tangent, normal );
    outData.orientationMat = mat3( normal, cross( binormal, normal ), binormal );
    gl_Position = vec4( inPos, 1.0 );

기하학 쉐이더


#version 400

layout( invocations = 3 ) in;
layout( points ) in;
layout( triangle_strip, max_vertices = 160 ) out;

in TVertexData
    mat3 orientationMat;
} inData[];

out TGeometryData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
    vec3 col;
} outData;

uniform mat4 u_projectionMat44;
uniform mat4 u_viewMat44;
uniform mat4 u_modelMat44;

void NewVertex( in vec3 pt, in mat4 transMat )
    vec4 viewPos = transMat * vec4( pt, 1.0 );
    outData.pos = viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w;
    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * viewPos;

const int circumferenceTile = 36;

void main()
    vec4 origin = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
    origin /= origin.w;
    mat4 orintationMat = mat4( vec4( inData[0].orientationMat[0], 0.0 ),
                               vec4( inData[0].orientationMat[1], 0.0 ),
                               vec4( inData[0].orientationMat[2], 0.0 ),
                               origin );
    mat4 modelViewMat = u_viewMat44 * u_modelMat44 * orintationMat;
    mat3 normalMat = mat3( modelViewMat );
    outData.col = vec3( 0.5, 0.7, 0.6 );

    if ( gl_InvocationID == 0 ) // top of the cylinder
        outData.nv  = normalMat * vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        vec2 prevPt = vec2( 0.0, 1.0 );
        for ( int inx = 1; inx <= circumferenceTile; inx += 2 )
            float ang1 = 2.0 * 3.14159 * float(inx) / float(circumferenceTile);
            float ang2 = 2.0 * 3.14159 * float(inx+1) / float(circumferenceTile);
            vec2 actPt1 = vec2( sin(ang1), cos(ang1) );
            vec2 actPt2 = vec2( sin(ang2), cos(ang2) );
            NewVertex( vec3(prevPt.xy, 1.0), modelViewMat );
            NewVertex( vec3(actPt1.xy, 1.0), modelViewMat );
            NewVertex( vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), modelViewMat );
            NewVertex( vec3(actPt2.xy, 1.0), modelViewMat );
            prevPt = actPt2;

    if ( gl_InvocationID == 1 ) // bottom of the cylinder  
        outData.nv  = normalMat * vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);    
        vec2 prevPt = vec2( 0.0, 1.0 );
        for ( int inx = circumferenceTile-1; inx >= 0; inx -= 2 )
            float ang1 = 2.0 * 3.14159 * float(inx) / float(circumferenceTile);
            float ang2 = 2.0 * 3.14159 * float(inx-1) / float(circumferenceTile);
            vec2 actPt1 = vec2( sin(ang1), cos(ang1) );
            vec2 actPt2 = vec2( sin(ang2), cos(ang2) );    
            NewVertex( vec3(prevPt.xy, -1.0), modelViewMat );
            NewVertex( vec3(actPt1.xy, -1.0), modelViewMat );
            NewVertex( vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), modelViewMat );
            NewVertex( vec3(actPt2.xy, -1.0), modelViewMat );
            prevPt = actPt2;

    if ( gl_InvocationID == 2 ) // hull of the cylinder
        vec2 prevPt = vec2( 0.0, 1.0 );
        for ( int inx = 1; inx <= circumferenceTile; ++ inx )
            float ang = 2.0 * 3.14159 * float(inx) / float(circumferenceTile);
            vec2 actPt = vec2( sin(ang), cos(ang) );
            outData.nv = normalMat * vec3(prevPt, 0.0);
            NewVertex( vec3(prevPt.xy, -1.0), modelViewMat );
            outData.nv = normalMat * vec3(actPt, 0.0);
            NewVertex( vec3(actPt.xy, -1.0), modelViewMat );
            outData.nv = normalMat * vec3(prevPt, 0.0);
            NewVertex( vec3(prevPt.xy, 1.0), modelViewMat );
            outData.nv = normalMat * vec3(actPt, 0.0);
            NewVertex( vec3(actPt.xy, 1.0), modelViewMat );
            prevPt = actPt;

조각 쉐이더


#version 400

in TGeometryData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
    vec3 col;
} inData;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform UB_material
    float u_roughness;
    float u_fresnel0;
    vec4  u_specularTint;

struct TLightSource
    vec4 ambient;
    vec4 diffuse;
    vec4 specular;
    vec4 dir;

uniform UB_lightSource
    TLightSource u_lightSource;

float Fresnel_Schlick( float theta )
    float m = clamp( 1.0 - theta, 0.0, 1.0 );
    float m2 = m * m;
    return m2 * m2 * m; // pow( m, 5.0 )

vec3 LightModel( vec3 esPt, vec3 esPtNV, vec3 col, vec4 specularTint, float roughness, float fresnel0 )
  vec3  esVLight      = normalize( -u_lightSource.dir.xyz );
  vec3  esVEye        = normalize( -esPt );
  vec3  halfVector    = normalize( esVEye + esVLight );
  float HdotL         = dot( halfVector, esVLight );
  float NdotL         = dot( esPtNV, esVLight );
  float NdotV         = dot( esPtNV, esVEye );
  float NdotH         = dot( esPtNV, halfVector );
  float NdotH2        = NdotH * NdotH;
  float NdotL_clamped = max( NdotL, 0.0 );
  float NdotV_clamped = max( NdotV, 0.0 );
  float m2            = roughness * roughness;
  // Lambertian diffuse
  float k_diffuse = NdotL_clamped;
  // Schlick approximation
  float fresnel = fresnel0 + ( 1.0 - fresnel0 ) * Fresnel_Schlick( HdotL );
  // Beckmann distribution
  float distribution = max( 0.0, exp( ( NdotH2 - 1.0 ) / ( m2 * NdotH2 ) ) / ( 3.14159265 * m2 * NdotH2 * NdotH2 ) );
  // Torrance-Sparrow geometric term
  float geometric_att = min( 1.0, min( 2.0 * NdotH * NdotV_clamped / HdotL, 2.0 * NdotH * NdotL_clamped / HdotL ) );
  // Microfacet bidirectional reflectance distribution function 
  float k_specular = fresnel * distribution * geometric_att / ( 4.0 * NdotL_clamped * NdotV_clamped );
  vec3 lightColor = col.rgb * u_lightSource.ambient.rgb +
                    max( 0.0, k_diffuse ) * col.rgb * u_lightSource.diffuse.rgb +
                    max( 0.0, k_specular ) * mix( col.rgb, specularTint.rgb, specularTint.a ) *     u_lightSource.specular.rgb;
  return lightColor;

void main()
    vec3 lightCol = LightModel( inData.pos, inData.nv, inData.col, u_specularTint, u_roughness, u_fresnel0 );
    fragColor = vec4( clamp( lightCol, 0.0, 1.0 ), 1.0 );

Phyton 대본

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import numpy as np
from time import time
import math
import sys

sin120 = 0.8660254
rotateCamera = False

# draw event
def OnDraw():
    dist = 3.0
    currentTime = time()
    comeraRotAng = CalcAng( currentTime, 10.0 ) 
    # set up projection matrix
    prjMat = Perspective(90.0, wndW/wndH, 0.5, 100.0) 
    # set up view matrix
    viewMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    viewMat = Translate( viewMat, np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -12.0] ) )
    viewMat = RotateView( viewMat, [30.0, comeraRotAng if rotateCamera else 0.0, 0.0] )

    # set up light source
    lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.dir', TransformVec4([-0.1, 1.0, -5.0, 0.0], viewMat) )
    # set up the model matrix
    modelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    if not rotateCamera: modelMat = RotateY( modelMat, comeraRotAng )
    modelMat = Scale( modelMat, np.repeat( 4, 3 ) )
    #modelMat = Translate( modelMat, np.array( [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ) )
    #modelMat = RotateY( modelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 20.0 ) )
    modelMat = RotateX( modelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 9.0 ) )
    # set up attributes and shader program
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( projectionMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, prjMat )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( viewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, viewMat )
    # draw point
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, modelMat )
    glBindVertexArray( pointVAObj )
    glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, 1 )

def Fract(val): return val - math.trunc(val)
def CalcAng(currentTime, intervall): return Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 360.0
def CalcMove(currentTime, intervall, range):
    pos = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 2.0
    pos = pos if pos < 1.0 else (2.0-pos)
    return range[0] + (range[1] - range[0]) * pos
# read shader program and compile shader
def CompileShader( sourceFileName, shaderStage ):
    with open( sourceFileName, 'r' ) as sourceFile:
        sourceCode = sourceFile.read()
    nameMap = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER: 'vertex', GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: 'geometry', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: 'fragment' }    
    print( '\n%s shader code:' % nameMap.get(shaderStage, '') )
    print( sourceCode )
    shaderObj = glCreateShader( shaderStage )
    glShaderSource( shaderObj, sourceCode )
    glCompileShader( shaderObj )
    result = glGetShaderiv( shaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderObj ) )
    return shaderObj

# linke shader objects to shader program
def LinkProgram( shaderObjs ):
    shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
    for shObj in shaderObjs:
        glAttachShader( shaderProgram, shObj )
    glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
    result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( 'link error:' )
        print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )
    return shaderProgram

# create vertex array object
def CreateVAO( dataArrays ):
    noOfBuffers = len(dataArrays)
    buffers = glGenBuffers(noOfBuffers)
    newVAObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
    glBindVertexArray( newVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, noOfBuffers):
        vertexSize, dataArr = dataArrays[inx]
        arr = np.array( dataArr, dtype='float32' )
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers[inx] )
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW )
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( inx )
        glVertexAttribPointer( inx, vertexSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
    return newVAObj 

# representation of a uniform block
class UniformBlock:
     def __init__(self, shaderProg, name):
        self.shaderProg = shaderProg 
        self.name = name
     def Link(self, bindingPoint):
        self.bindingPoint = bindingPoint
        self.noOfUniforms = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS)
        self.maxUniformNameLen = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH)
        self.index = glGetUniformBlockIndex(self.shaderProg, self.name)
        intData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, intData)
        self.count = intData[0]
        self.indices = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, self.indices)
        self.offsets = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformsiv(self.shaderProg, self.count, self.indices, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, self.offsets)
        strLengthData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        arraysizeData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        typeData = np.zeros(1, dtype='uint32')
        nameData = np.chararray(self.maxUniformNameLen+1)
        self.namemap = {}
        self.dataSize = 0 
        for inx in range(0, len(self.indices)):
            glGetActiveUniform( self.shaderProg, self.indices[inx], self.maxUniformNameLen, strLengthData, arraysizeData,     typeData, nameData.data )
            name = nameData.tostring()[:strLengthData[0]]
            self.namemap[name] = inx
            self.dataSize = max(self.dataSize, self.offsets[inx] + arraysizeData * 16) 
        glUniformBlockBinding(self.shaderProg, self.index, self.bindingPoint)
        print('\nuniform block %s size:%4d' % (self.name, self.dataSize))
        for uName in self.namemap:
            print( '    %-40s index:%2d    offset:%4d' % (uName, self.indices[self.namemap[uName]], self.offsets    [self.namemap[uName]]) ) 

# representation of a uniform block buffer
class UniformBlockBuffer:
    def __init__(self, ub):
        self.namemap = ub.namemap
        self.offsets = ub.offsets
        self.bindingPoint = ub.bindingPoint
        self.object = glGenBuffers(1)
        self.dataSize = ub.dataSize
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.zeros(self.dataSize//4, dtype='float32')
        glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.dataSize, dataArray, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
    def BindToTarget(self):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.bindingPoint, self.object)
    def BindDataFloat(self, name, dataArr):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.array(dataArr, dtype='float32')
        glBufferSubData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.offsets[self.namemap[name]], len(dataArr)*4, dataArray)

def Translate(matA, trans):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i in range(0, 4): matB[3,i] = matA[0,i] * trans[0] + matA[1,i] * trans[1] + matA[2,i] * trans[2] + matA[3,i] 
    return matB

def Scale(matA, s):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 4): matB[i0,i1] = matA[i0,i1] * s[i0] 
    return matB

def RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, a0, a1):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    ang = math.radians(angDeg)
    sinAng, cosAng = math.sin(ang), math.cos(ang)
    for i in range(0, 4):
        matB[a0,i] = matA[a0,i] * cosAng + matA[a1,i] * sinAng
        matB[a1,i] = matA[a0,i] * -sinAng + matA[a1,i] * cosAng
    return matB

def RotateX(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 1, 2)
def RotateY(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 2, 0)
def RotateZ(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 0, 1)
def RotateView(matA, angDeg): return RotateZ(RotateY(RotateX(matA, angDeg[0]), angDeg[1]), angDeg[2])

def Multiply(matA, matB):
    matC = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        for i1 in range(0, 4):
            matC[i0,i1] = matB[i0,0] * matA[0,i1] + matB[i0,1] * matA[1,i1] + matB[i0,2] * matA[2,i1] + matB[i0,3] * matA    [3,i1]    
    return matC

def ToMat33(mat44):
    mat33 = np.matrix(np.identity(3), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 3): mat33[i0, i1] = mat44[i0, i1]
    return mat33

def TransformVec4(vecA,mat44):
    vecB = np.zeros(4, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        vecB[i0] = vecA[0] * mat44[0,i0] + vecA[1] * mat44[1,i0] + vecA[2] * mat44[2,i0]  + vecA[3] * mat44[3,i0]
    return vecB

def Perspective(fov, aspectRatio, near, far):
    fn, f_n = far + near, far - near
    r, t = aspectRatio, 1.0 / math.tan( math.radians(fov) / 2.0 )
    return np.matrix( [ [t/r,0,0,0], [0,t,0,0], [0,0,-fn/f_n,-2.0*far*near/f_n], [0,0,-1,0] ] )

def AddToBuffer( buffer, data, count=1 ): 
    for inx_c in range(0, count):
        for inx_s in range(0, len(data)): buffer.append( data[inx_s] ) 

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW, wndH = 800, 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define location vertex array opject
pointVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ), (3, [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), (3, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) ] )

# load, compile and link shader
shaderProgram = LinkProgram( [
        CompileShader( 'geo.vert', GL_VERTEX_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'geo.geo', GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'geo.frag', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
    ] )
# get unifor locations
projectionMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_projectionMat44")
viewMatLocation       = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_viewMat44")
modelMatLocation      = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_modelMat44")
# linke uniform blocks
ubMaterial = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_material")
ubLightSource = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_lightSource")

# create uniform block buffers
lightSourceBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubLightSource)
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.ambient', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.diffuse', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.specular', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

materialBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial)
materialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.5])
materialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.2])
materialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8])

# start main loop
startTime = time()

OGL 4.0 GLSL에서 서브 루틴을 사용하여 지오메트리와 표면 표현 전환

셰이더 사용 서브 루틴을 보여주는 간단한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 셰이더 프로그램. 이 프로그램은 Phyton 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL과 NumPy가 설치되어 있어야합니다.

서브 루틴은 지오메트리 셰이더에서 생성 된 다른 지오메트리간에 전환하고 서페이스 표현을 변경합니다.

정점 셰이더


#version 400

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNormal;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 inTangent;

out TVertexData
    mat3 orientationMat;
} outData;

void main()
    vec3 normal   = normalize( inNormal );
    vec3 tangent  = normalize( inTangent );
    vec3 binormal = cross( tangent, normal );
    outData.orientationMat = mat3( normal, cross( binormal, normal ), binormal );
    gl_Position = vec4( inPos, 1.0 );

기하학 쉐이더

서브 죠지

#version 400

layout( points ) in;
layout( triangle_strip, max_vertices = 512 ) out;

in TVertexData
    mat3 orientationMat;
} inData[];

out TGeometryData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
    vec2 tex;
} outData;

uniform mat4 u_projectionMat44;
uniform mat4 u_viewMat44;
uniform mat4 u_modelMat44;
uniform mat4 u_textureMat44;

void SetTextureCoord( in vec2 tecCoord )
    vec4 tex = u_textureMat44 * vec4( tecCoord, 0.0, 1.0 );
    outData.tex = tex.xy;

void NewVertex( in vec3 pt, in mat4 transMat )
    vec4 viewPos = transMat * vec4( pt, 1.0 );
    outData.pos = viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w;
    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * viewPos;

void NewVertexAndTex( in vec3 pt, in mat4 transMat )
    SetTextureCoord( pt.xy * 0.5 + 0.5 );
    NewVertex( pt, transMat ); 

void NewVertexNvTex( in vec3 pt, in mat4 transMat, in vec3 nv, in vec2 tex )
    outData.nv = nv;
    SetTextureCoord( tex );
    vec4 viewPos = transMat * vec4( pt, 1.0 );
    outData.pos = viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w;
    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * viewPos;

subroutine void TShape( in mat4 );
subroutine uniform TShape su_shape;

void main()
    vec4 origin = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
    origin /= origin.w;
    mat4 orintationMat = mat4( vec4( inData[0].orientationMat[0], 0.0 ),
                               vec4( inData[0].orientationMat[1], 0.0 ),
                               vec4( inData[0].orientationMat[2], 0.0 ),
                               origin );
    mat4 modelMat = u_modelMat44 * orintationMat;

    su_shape( modelMat );

subroutine(TShape) void DrawSphere( in mat4 modelMat )
    const int circumferenceTile = 18;
    const int layersTile        = 11;

    mat4 modelViewMat = u_viewMat44 * modelMat;
    mat3 normalMat    = mat3( modelViewMat );

    float preStepLay = 0.0; 
    vec2  prePtLay   = vec2( 0.0, -1.0 );
    for ( int inxLay = 1; inxLay <= layersTile; ++ inxLay )
        float stepLay = float(inxLay) / float(layersTile);
        float angLay  = 3.14159 * stepLay;
        vec2  ptLay   = vec2( sin(angLay), -cos(angLay) );

        float preStepCir = 0.0; 
        vec2  prePtCir   = vec2( 0.0, 1.0 );
        for ( int inxCir = 0; inxCir <= circumferenceTile; ++ inxCir )
            float stepCir = float(inxCir) / float(circumferenceTile);
            float angCir  = 2.0 * 3.14159 * stepCir;
            vec2  ptCir   = vec2( sin(angCir), cos(angCir) );

            if ( inxLay == 1 )
                if ( inxCir >= 0 )
                    vec3 pt1 = vec3( ptLay.x * prePtCir.x, ptLay.x * prePtCir.y, ptLay.y );
                    vec3 pt2 = vec3( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
                    vec3 pt3 = vec3( ptLay.x * ptCir.x, ptLay.x * ptCir.y, ptLay.y );
                    NewVertexNvTex( pt1, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt1, vec2( preStepCir * 2.0, stepLay ) );
                    NewVertexNvTex( pt2, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt2, vec2( preStepCir + stepCir, preStepLay )  );   
                    NewVertexNvTex( pt3, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt3, vec2( stepCir * 2.0, stepLay )  ); 
            else if ( inxLay == layersTile )
                if ( inxCir > 0 )
                    vec3 pt1 = vec3( prePtLay.x * prePtCir.x, prePtLay.x * prePtCir.y, prePtLay.y );
                    vec3 pt2 = vec3( prePtLay.x * ptCir.x, prePtLay.x * ptCir.y, prePtLay.y );
                    vec3 pt3 = vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
                    NewVertexNvTex( pt1, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt1, vec2( preStepCir * 2.0, preStepLay ) );
                    NewVertexNvTex( pt2, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt2, vec2( stepCir * 2.0, preStepLay )  );   
                    NewVertexNvTex( pt3, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt3, vec2( preStepCir + stepCir, stepLay )  ); 
                vec3 pt1 = vec3( prePtLay.x * ptCir.x, prePtLay.x * ptCir.y, prePtLay.y );
                vec3 pt2 = vec3( ptLay.x * ptCir.x, ptLay.x * ptCir.y, ptLay.y );
                NewVertexNvTex( pt1, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt1, vec2( stepCir * 2.0, preStepLay ) );
                NewVertexNvTex( pt2, modelViewMat, normalMat * pt2, vec2( stepCir * 2.0, stepLay )  );

            preStepCir = stepCir;
            prePtCir   = ptCir;
        if ( inxLay > 1 && inxLay < layersTile )
        preStepLay = stepLay;
        prePtLay   = ptLay;

subroutine(TShape) void DrawTorus( in mat4 modelMat )
    const int   circumferenceTile = 12;
    const int   layersTile        = 18;
    const float torusRad          = 0.8;
    const float ringRad           = 0.4;

    mat4 modelViewMat = u_viewMat44 * modelMat;
    mat3 normalMat    = mat3( modelViewMat );

    float preStepLay = 0.0; 
    mat4  prePosMat;
    for ( int inxLay = 0; inxLay <= layersTile; ++ inxLay )
        float stepLay = float(inxLay) / float(layersTile);
        float angLay  = 2.0 * 3.14159 * stepLay;
        mat4  posMat = mat4( 
            vec4( cos(angLay), sin(angLay), 0.0, 0.0 ),
            vec4( sin(angLay), cos(angLay), 0.0, 0.0 ),
            vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
            vec4( cos(angLay) * torusRad, sin(angLay) * torusRad, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
        for ( int inxCir = 0; inxLay > 0 && inxCir <= circumferenceTile; ++ inxCir )
            float stepCir = float(inxCir) / float(circumferenceTile);
            float angCir  = 2.0 * 3.14159 * stepCir;
            vec2  ptCir   = vec2( sin(angCir), cos(angCir) );

            vec4 tempPt = vec4( ptCir.x * ringRad, 0.0, ptCir.y * ringRad, 1.0 );
            vec4 pt1 = prePosMat * tempPt;
            vec4 pt2 = posMat * tempPt;
            NewVertexNvTex( pt1.xyz, modelViewMat, normalMat * normalize(pt1.xyz - prePosMat[3].xyz), vec2(stepCir,     preStepLay*2.0) );
            NewVertexNvTex( pt2.xyz, modelViewMat, normalMat * normalize(pt2.xyz - posMat[3].xyz), vec2(stepCir, stepLay*2.0)      );
        preStepLay = stepLay;
        prePosMat  = posMat;

조각 쉐이더


#version 400

in TGeometryData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
    vec2 tex;
} inData;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform sampler2D u_texture;

uniform UB_material
    float u_roughness;
    float u_fresnel0;
    vec4  u_color;
    vec4  u_specularTint;

struct TLightSource
    vec4 ambient;
    vec4 diffuse;
    vec4 specular;
    vec4 dir;

uniform UB_lightSource
    TLightSource u_lightSource;

subroutine vec4 TSurface( void );
subroutine uniform TSurface su_surface;

float Fresnel_Schlick( in float theta );
vec3 LightModel( in vec3 esPt, in vec3 esPtNV, in vec3 col, in vec4 specularTint, in float roughness, in float fresnel0 );

void main()
    vec4 fragCol = su_surface();
    vec3 lightCol = LightModel( inData.pos, inData.nv, fragCol.rgb, u_specularTint, u_roughness, u_fresnel0 );
    fragColor = vec4( clamp( lightCol, 0.0, 1.0 ), fragCol.a );

subroutine(TSurface) vec4 SurfaceColor( void )
  return u_color;

subroutine(TSurface) vec4 SurfaceTexture( void )
  return texture( u_texture, inData.tex.st );

float Fresnel_Schlick( in float theta )
    float m = clamp( 1.0 - theta, 0.0, 1.0 );
    float m2 = m * m;
    return m2 * m2 * m; // pow( m, 5.0 )

vec3 LightModel( in vec3 esPt, in vec3 esPtNV, in vec3 col, in vec4 specularTint, in float roughness, in float fresnel0 )
  vec3  esVLight      = normalize( -u_lightSource.dir.xyz );
  vec3  esVEye        = normalize( -esPt );
  vec3  halfVector    = normalize( esVEye + esVLight );
  float HdotL         = dot( halfVector, esVLight );
  float NdotL         = dot( esPtNV, esVLight );
  float NdotV         = dot( esPtNV, esVEye );
  float NdotH         = dot( esPtNV, halfVector );
  float NdotH2        = NdotH * NdotH;
  float NdotL_clamped = max( NdotL, 0.0 );
  float NdotV_clamped = max( NdotV, 0.0 );
  float m2            = roughness * roughness;
  // Lambertian diffuse
  float k_diffuse = NdotL_clamped;
  // Schlick approximation
  float fresnel = fresnel0 + ( 1.0 - fresnel0 ) * Fresnel_Schlick( HdotL );
  // Beckmann distribution
  float distribution = max( 0.0, exp( ( NdotH2 - 1.0 ) / ( m2 * NdotH2 ) ) / ( 3.14159265 * m2 * NdotH2 * NdotH2 ) );
  // Torrance-Sparrow geometric term
  float geometric_att = min( 1.0, min( 2.0 * NdotH * NdotV_clamped / HdotL, 2.0 * NdotH * NdotL_clamped / HdotL ) );
  // Microfacet bidirectional reflectance distribution function 
  float k_specular = fresnel * distribution * geometric_att / ( 4.0 * NdotL_clamped * NdotV_clamped );
  vec3 lightColor = col.rgb * u_lightSource.ambient.rgb +
                    max( 0.0, k_diffuse ) * col.rgb * u_lightSource.diffuse.rgb +
                    max( 0.0, k_specular ) * mix( col.rgb, specularTint.rgb, specularTint.a ) * u_lightSource.specular.rgb;
  return lightColor;

Phyton 대본

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import numpy as np
from time import time
import math
import sys

sin120 = 0.8660254
rotateCamera = False

# draw event
def OnDraw():
    dist = 3.0
    currentTime = time()
    comeraRotAng = CalcAng( currentTime, 10.0 ) 
    # set up projection matrix
    prjMat = Perspective(90.0, wndW/wndH, 0.5, 100.0) 
    # set up view matrix
    viewMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    viewMat = Translate( viewMat, np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -14.0] ) )
    viewMat = RotateView( viewMat, [30.0, comeraRotAng if rotateCamera else 0.0, 0.0] )

    # set up light source
    lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.dir', TransformVec4([-1.0, -1.0, -5.0, 0.0], viewMat) )
    # set up model matrices
    modelMat = []
    for inx in range(0, 2):
        modelMat.append( np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32') )
        if not rotateCamera: modelMat[inx] = RotateY( modelMat[inx], comeraRotAng )
    modelMat[0] = Scale( modelMat[0], np.repeat( 3, 3 ) )
    modelMat[0] = Translate( modelMat[0], np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -2.0] ) )
    modelMat[0] = RotateY( modelMat[0], CalcAng( currentTime, 23.0 ) )
    modelMat[0] = RotateX( modelMat[0], CalcAng( currentTime, 13.0 ) )
    modelMat[1] = Scale( modelMat[1], np.repeat( 3, 3 ) )
    modelMat[1] = Translate( modelMat[1], np.array( [0.0, 0.0, 2.0] ) )
    modelMat[1] = RotateY( modelMat[1], CalcAng( currentTime, 17.0 ) )
    modelMat[1] = RotateX( modelMat[1], CalcAng( currentTime, 9.0 ) )

    # set up texture matrix
    texMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    # set up attributes and shader program
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( projectionMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, prjMat )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( viewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, viewMat )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( textureMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, texMat )
    glUniform1i( textureLocation, 0 )
    # draw points
    glBindVertexArray( pointVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, 2):
        # set up geometry shader subroutine
        shape = 1 if inx==0 else 0 # 0: sphere, 1: torus 
        glUniformSubroutinesuiv(GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, 1, np.array( [shape], dtype='uint' ))
        # set up fragment shader subroutine
        surfaceKind = inx # 0: color, 1: texture
        glUniformSubroutinesuiv(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, 1, np.array( [surfaceKind], dtype='uint' ))
        glUniformMatrix4fv( modelMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, modelMat[inx] )
        glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, 1 )

def Fract(val): return val - math.trunc(val)
def CalcAng(currentTime, intervall): return Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 360.0
def CalcMove(currentTime, intervall, range):
    pos = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 2.0
    pos = pos if pos < 1.0 else (2.0-pos)
    return range[0] + (range[1] - range[0]) * pos
# read shader program and compile shader
def CompileShader( sourceFileName, shaderStage ):
    with open( sourceFileName, 'r' ) as sourceFile:
        sourceCode = sourceFile.read()
    nameMap = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER: 'vertex', GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: 'geometry', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: 'fragment' }    
    print( '\n%s shader code:' % nameMap.get(shaderStage, '') )
    print( sourceCode )
    shaderObj = glCreateShader( shaderStage )
    glShaderSource( shaderObj, sourceCode )
    glCompileShader( shaderObj )
    result = glGetShaderiv( shaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderObj ) )
    return shaderObj

# linke shader objects to shader program
def LinkProgram( shaderObjs ):
    shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
    for shObj in shaderObjs:
        glAttachShader( shaderProgram, shObj )
    glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
    result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( 'link error:' )
        print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )
    return shaderProgram

# create vertex array object
def CreateVAO( dataArrays ):
    noOfBuffers = len(dataArrays)
    buffers = glGenBuffers(noOfBuffers)
    newVAObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
    glBindVertexArray( newVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, noOfBuffers):
        vertexSize, dataArr = dataArrays[inx]
        arr = np.array( dataArr, dtype='float32' )
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers[inx] )
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW )
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( inx )
        glVertexAttribPointer( inx, vertexSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
    return newVAObj 

# representation of a uniform block
class UniformBlock:
     def __init__(self, shaderProg, name):
        self.shaderProg = shaderProg 
        self.name = name
     def Link(self, bindingPoint):
        self.bindingPoint = bindingPoint
        self.noOfUniforms = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS)
        self.maxUniformNameLen = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH)
        self.index = glGetUniformBlockIndex(self.shaderProg, self.name)
        intData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, intData)
        self.count = intData[0]
        self.indices = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, self.indices)
        self.offsets = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformsiv(self.shaderProg, self.count, self.indices, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, self.offsets)
        strLengthData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        arraysizeData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        typeData = np.zeros(1, dtype='uint32')
        nameData = np.chararray(self.maxUniformNameLen+1)
        self.namemap = {}
        self.dataSize = 0 
        for inx in range(0, len(self.indices)):
            glGetActiveUniform( self.shaderProg, self.indices[inx], self.maxUniformNameLen, strLengthData, arraysizeData,     typeData, nameData.data )
            name = nameData.tostring()[:strLengthData[0]]
            self.namemap[name] = inx
            self.dataSize = max(self.dataSize, self.offsets[inx] + arraysizeData * 16) 
        glUniformBlockBinding(self.shaderProg, self.index, self.bindingPoint)
        print('\nuniform block %s size:%4d' % (self.name, self.dataSize))
        for uName in self.namemap:
            print( '    %-40s index:%2d    offset:%4d' % (uName, self.indices[self.namemap[uName]], self.offsets[self.namemap    [uName]]) ) 

# representation of a uniform block buffer
class UniformBlockBuffer:
    def __init__(self, ub):
        self.namemap = ub.namemap
        self.offsets = ub.offsets
        self.bindingPoint = ub.bindingPoint
        self.object = glGenBuffers(1)
        self.dataSize = ub.dataSize
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.zeros(self.dataSize//4, dtype='float32')
        glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.dataSize, dataArray, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
    def BindToTarget(self):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.bindingPoint, self.object)
    def BindDataFloat(self, name, dataArr):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.array(dataArr, dtype='float32')
        glBufferSubData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.offsets[self.namemap[name]], len(dataArr)*4, dataArray)

def Translate(matA, trans):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i in range(0, 4): matB[3,i] = matA[0,i] * trans[0] + matA[1,i] * trans[1] + matA[2,i] * trans[2] + matA[3,i] 
    return matB

def Scale(matA, s):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 4): matB[i0,i1] = matA[i0,i1] * s[i0] 
    return matB

def RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, a0, a1):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    ang = math.radians(angDeg)
    sinAng, cosAng = math.sin(ang), math.cos(ang)
    for i in range(0, 4):
        matB[a0,i] = matA[a0,i] * cosAng + matA[a1,i] * sinAng
        matB[a1,i] = matA[a0,i] * -sinAng + matA[a1,i] * cosAng
    return matB

def RotateX(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 1, 2)
def RotateY(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 2, 0)
def RotateZ(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 0, 1)
def RotateView(matA, angDeg): return RotateZ(RotateY(RotateX(matA, angDeg[0]), angDeg[1]), angDeg[2])

def Multiply(matA, matB):
    matC = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        for i1 in range(0, 4):
            matC[i0,i1] = matB[i0,0] * matA[0,i1] + matB[i0,1] * matA[1,i1] + matB[i0,2] * matA[2,i1] + matB[i0,3] * matA[3,i1]        
    return matC

def ToMat33(mat44):
    mat33 = np.matrix(np.identity(3), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 3): mat33[i0, i1] = mat44[i0, i1]
    return mat33

def TransformVec4(vecA,mat44):
    vecB = np.zeros(4, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        vecB[i0] = vecA[0] * mat44[0,i0] + vecA[1] * mat44[1,i0] + vecA[2] * mat44[2,i0]  + vecA[3] * mat44[3,i0]
    return vecB

def Perspective(fov, aspectRatio, near, far):
    fn, f_n = far + near, far - near
    r, t = aspectRatio, 1.0 / math.tan( math.radians(fov) / 2.0 )
    return np.matrix( [ [t/r,0,0,0], [0,t,0,0], [0,0,-fn/f_n,-2.0*far*near/f_n], [0,0,-1,0] ] )

def AddToBuffer( buffer, data, count=1 ): 
    for inx_c in range(0, count):
        for inx_s in range(0, len(data)): buffer.append( data[inx_s] ) 

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW, wndH = 800, 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define location vertex array opject
pointVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ), (3, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), (3, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) ] )

# create texture
texCX, texCY = 128, 128
texPlan = np.zeros( texCX * texCY * 4, dtype=np.uint8 )
for inx_x in range(0, texCX):
    for inx_y in range(0, texCY):
        val_x = math.sin( math.pi * 6.0 * inx_x / texCX )
        val_y = math.sin( math.pi * 6.0 * inx_y / texCY )
        inx_tex = inx_y * texCX * 4 + inx_x * 4
        texPlan[inx_tex + 0] = int( 128 + 127 * val_x )
        texPlan[inx_tex + 1] = 63
        texPlan[inx_tex + 2] = int( 128 + 127 * val_y )
        texPlan[inx_tex + 3] = 255
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 )
texObj = glGenTextures( 1  )
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texObj )
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, texCX, texCY, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texPlan)

# load, compile and link shader
shaderProgram = LinkProgram( [
        CompileShader( 'python/ogl4subr/subr.vert', GL_VERTEX_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'python/ogl4subr/subr.geo', GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'python/ogl4subr/subr.frag', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
    ] )
# get unifor locations
projectionMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_projectionMat44")
viewMatLocation       = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_viewMat44")
modelMatLocation      = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_modelMat44")
textureMatLocation    = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_textureMat44")
textureLocation       = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_texture")
# linke uniform blocks
ubMaterial = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_material")
ubLightSource = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_lightSource")

# create uniform block buffers
lightSourceBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubLightSource)
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.ambient', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.diffuse', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.specular', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

materialBuffer = [ UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial), UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial) ]

materialBuffer[0].BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.45])
materialBuffer[0].BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.45])
materialBuffer[0].BindDataFloat(b'u_color', [0.5, 0.7, 0.6, 1.0])
materialBuffer[0].BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8])

materialBuffer[1].BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.4])
materialBuffer[1].BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.4])
materialBuffer[1].BindDataFloat(b'u_color', [0.7, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0])
materialBuffer[1].BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.8])

# start main loop
startTime = time()

OGL 4.0 GLSL에서 테셀레이션 쉐이더로 지오메트리 변경

단순한 OGL 4.0 GLSL 셰이더 프로그램은 테셀레이션 쉐이더가있는 디테일을 기하학에 추가하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 이 프로그램은 python 스크립트로 실행됩니다. 스크립트를 실행하려면 PyOpenGL과 NumPy가 설치되어 있어야합니다.

이 예제의 기본 메쉬는 20 개의 삼각형으로 구성된 20 면체입니다. 테셀레이션 컨트롤 셰이더는 각 삼각형을 여러 작은 부분으로 나누는 방법을 정의합니다. 삼각형을 모자이크 처리 할 때 생성 된 데이터는 원래의 삼각형을 기반으로하는 중심 좌표입니다. 테셀레이션 평가 쉐이더는 이렇게하여 얻은 데이터로부터 새로운 지오메트리를 생성합니다. 이 예에서 각 삼각형은 중앙에 피크를 가지며 icosader의 중심에서 바깥쪽으로 솟아 오른다. 이 방법으로 원래의 20 면체보다 더 복잡한 형상이 생성됩니다.

정점 셰이더


layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNV;

out TVertexData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
} outData;

uniform mat4 u_projectionMat44;
uniform mat4 u_modelViewMat44;
uniform mat3 u_normalMat33;

void main()
    vec4 viewPos = u_modelViewMat44 * vec4( inPos, 1.0 );
    outData.pos = viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w;
    outData.nv  = u_normalMat33 * normalize( inNV );
    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * viewPos;

테셀레이션 제어 쉐이더


#version 400

layout( vertices=3 ) out;

in TVertexData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
} inData[];

out TVertexData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
} outData[];

void main()
    outData[gl_InvocationID].pos = inData[gl_InvocationID].pos;
    outData[gl_InvocationID].nv  = inData[gl_InvocationID].nv;
    if ( gl_InvocationID == 0 )
        gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 10.0;
        gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 10.0;
        gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 10.0;
        gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 10.0;

테셀레이션 평가 쉐이더


#version 400

layout(triangles, equal_spacing, ccw) in;

in TVertexData
    vec3 pos;
    vec3 nv;
} inData[];

out TTessData
    vec3  pos;
    vec3  nv;
    float height;
} outData;

uniform mat4 u_projectionMat44;

void main()
    float sideLen[3] = float[3]
        length( inData[1].pos - inData[0].pos ),
        length( inData[2].pos - inData[1].pos ),
        length( inData[0].pos - inData[2].pos )
    float s = ( sideLen[0] + sideLen[1] + sideLen[2] ) / 2.0;
    float rad = sqrt( (s - sideLen[0]) * (s - sideLen[1]) * (s - sideLen[2]) / s );

    vec3 cpt = ( inData[0].pos + inData[1].pos + inData[2].pos ) / 3.0;
    vec3 pos = inData[0].pos * gl_TessCoord.x + inData[1].pos * gl_TessCoord.y + inData[2].pos * gl_TessCoord.z;
    vec3 nv  = normalize( inData[0].nv * gl_TessCoord.x + inData[1].nv * gl_TessCoord.y + inData[2].nv * gl_TessCoord.z );

    float cptDist      = length( cpt - pos );
    float sizeRelation = 1.0 - min( rad, cptDist ) / rad; 
    float height       = pow( sizeRelation, 2.0 );

    outData.pos    = pos + nv * height * rad;
    outData.nv     = mix( nv, normalize( pos - cpt ), height );
    outData.height = height;

    gl_Position = u_projectionMat44 * vec4( outData.pos, 1.0 );

조각 쉐이더


#version 400

in TTessData
    vec3  pos;
    vec3  nv;
    float height;
} inData;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform sampler2D u_texture;

uniform UB_material
    float u_roughness;
    float u_fresnel0;
    vec4  u_color;
    vec4  u_specularTint;

struct TLightSource
    vec4 ambient;
    vec4 diffuse;
    vec4 specular;
    vec4 dir;

uniform UB_lightSource
    TLightSource u_lightSource;

float Fresnel_Schlick( in float theta );
vec3 LightModel( in vec3 esPt, in vec3 esPtNV, in vec3 col, in vec4 specularTint, in float roughness, in float fresnel0 );

void main()
    vec3 col = mix( u_color.rgb, vec3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), inData.height );
    vec3 lightCol = LightModel( inData.pos, inData.nv, col, u_specularTint, u_roughness, u_fresnel0 );
    fragColor = vec4( clamp( lightCol, 0.0, 1.0 ), 1.0 );

float Fresnel_Schlick( in float theta )
    float m = clamp( 1.0 - theta, 0.0, 1.0 );
    float m2 = m * m;
    return m2 * m2 * m; // pow( m, 5.0 )

vec3 LightModel( in vec3 esPt, in vec3 esPtNV, in vec3 col, in vec4 specularTint, in float roughness, in float fresnel0 )
  vec3  esVLight      = normalize( -u_lightSource.dir.xyz );
  vec3  esVEye        = normalize( -esPt );
  vec3  halfVector    = normalize( esVEye + esVLight );
  float HdotL         = dot( halfVector, esVLight );
  float NdotL         = dot( esPtNV, esVLight );
  float NdotV         = dot( esPtNV, esVEye );
  float NdotH         = dot( esPtNV, halfVector );
  float NdotH2        = NdotH * NdotH;
  float NdotL_clamped = max( NdotL, 0.0 );
  float NdotV_clamped = max( NdotV, 0.0 );
  float m2            = roughness * roughness;
  // Lambertian diffuse
  float k_diffuse = NdotL_clamped;
  // Schlick approximation
  float fresnel = fresnel0 + ( 1.0 - fresnel0 ) * Fresnel_Schlick( HdotL );
  // Beckmann distribution
  float distribution = max( 0.0, exp( ( NdotH2 - 1.0 ) / ( m2 * NdotH2 ) ) / ( 3.14159265 * m2 * NdotH2 * NdotH2 ) );
  // Torrance-Sparrow geometric term
  float geometric_att = min( 1.0, min( 2.0 * NdotH * NdotV_clamped / HdotL, 2.0 * NdotH * NdotL_clamped / HdotL ) );
  // Microfacet bidirectional reflectance distribution function 
  float k_specular = fresnel * distribution * geometric_att / ( 4.0 * NdotL_clamped * NdotV_clamped );
  vec3 lightColor = col.rgb * u_lightSource.ambient.rgb +
                    max( 0.0, k_diffuse ) * col.rgb * u_lightSource.diffuse.rgb +
                    max( 0.0, k_specular ) * mix( col.rgb, specularTint.rgb, specularTint.a ) * u_lightSource.specular.rgb;
  return lightColor;

파이썬 스크립트

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import numpy as np
from time import time
import math
import sys

sin120 = 0.8660254
rotateCamera = False

# draw event
def OnDraw():
    dist = 3.0
    currentTime = time()
    comeraRotAng = CalcAng( currentTime, 10.0 ) 
    # set up projection matrix
    prjMat = Perspective(90.0, wndW/wndH, 0.5, 100.0) 
    # set up view matrix
    viewMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    viewMat = Translate( viewMat, np.array( [0.0, 0.0, -12.0] ) )
    viewMat = RotateView( viewMat, [30.0, comeraRotAng if rotateCamera else 0.0, 0.0] )

    # set up light source
    lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.dir', TransformVec4([-1.0, -1.0, -5.0, 0.0], viewMat) )
    # set up icosahedron model matrix
    icoModelMat = np.matrix(np.identity(4), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    if not rotateCamera: icoModelMat = RotateY( icoModelMat, comeraRotAng ) 
    icoModelMat = Scale( icoModelMat, np.repeat( 5, 3 ) )
    icoModelMat = RotateY( icoModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 17.0 ) )
    icoModelMat = RotateX( icoModelMat, CalcAng( currentTime, 13.0 ) )

    # set up attributes and shader program
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
    glUseProgram( shaderProgram )
    glUniformMatrix4fv( projectionMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, prjMat )
    # draw icosahedron
    modelViewMat = Multiply(viewMat, icoModelMat)
    glUniformMatrix4fv( modelViewMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, modelViewMat )
    glUniformMatrix3fv( normalMatLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, ToMat33(modelViewMat) )
    glBindVertexArray( icoVAObj )
    glPatchParameteri( GL_PATCH_VERTICES, 3 )
    glDrawArrays( GL_PATCHES, 0, len(icoPosData) )

def Fract(val): return val - math.trunc(val)
def CalcAng(currentTime, intervall): return Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 360.0
def CalcMove(currentTime, intervall, range):
    pos = Fract( (currentTime - startTime) / intervall ) * 2.0
    pos = pos if pos < 1.0 else (2.0-pos)
    return range[0] + (range[1] - range[0]) * pos
# read shader program and compile shader
def CompileShader( sourceFileName, shaderStage ):
    with open( sourceFileName, 'r' ) as sourceFile:
        sourceCode = sourceFile.read()
    nameMap = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER: 'vertex', GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: 'geometry', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: 'fragment' }    
    print( '\n%s shader code:' % nameMap.get(shaderStage, '') )
    print( sourceCode )
    shaderObj = glCreateShader( shaderStage )
    glShaderSource( shaderObj, sourceCode )
    glCompileShader( shaderObj )
    result = glGetShaderiv( shaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderObj ) )
    return shaderObj

# link shader objects to shader program
def LinkProgram( shaderObjs ):
    shaderProgram = glCreateProgram()
    for shObj in shaderObjs:
        glAttachShader( shaderProgram, shObj )
    glLinkProgram( shaderProgram )
    result = glGetProgramiv( shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS )
    if not (result):
        print( 'link error:' )
        print( glGetProgramInfoLog( shaderProgram ) )
    return shaderProgram

# create vertex array object
def CreateVAO( dataArrays ):
    noOfBuffers = len(dataArrays)
    buffers = glGenBuffers(noOfBuffers)
    newVAObj = glGenVertexArrays( 1 )
    glBindVertexArray( newVAObj )
    for inx in range(0, noOfBuffers):
        vertexSize, dataArr = dataArrays[inx]
        arr = np.array( dataArr, dtype='float32' )
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers[inx] )
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW )
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( inx )
        glVertexAttribPointer( inx, vertexSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, None )
    return newVAObj 

# representation of a uniform block
class UniformBlock:
     def __init__(self, shaderProg, name):
        self.shaderProg = shaderProg 
        self.name = name
     def Link(self, bindingPoint):
        self.bindingPoint = bindingPoint
        self.noOfUniforms = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS)
        self.maxUniformNameLen = glGetProgramiv(self.shaderProg, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH)
        self.index = glGetUniformBlockIndex(self.shaderProg, self.name)
        intData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, intData)
        self.count = intData[0]
        self.indices = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.shaderProg, self.index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, self.indices)
        self.offsets = np.zeros(self.count, dtype=int)
        glGetActiveUniformsiv(self.shaderProg, self.count, self.indices, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, self.offsets)
        strLengthData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        arraysizeData = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
        typeData = np.zeros(1, dtype='uint32')
        nameData = np.chararray(self.maxUniformNameLen+1)
        self.namemap = {}
        self.dataSize = 0 
        for inx in range(0, len(self.indices)):
            glGetActiveUniform( self.shaderProg, self.indices[inx], self.maxUniformNameLen, strLengthData, arraysizeData,     typeData, nameData.data )
            name = nameData.tostring()[:strLengthData[0]]
            self.namemap[name] = inx
            self.dataSize = max(self.dataSize, self.offsets[inx] + arraysizeData * 16) 
        glUniformBlockBinding(self.shaderProg, self.index, self.bindingPoint)
        print('\nuniform block %s size:%4d' % (self.name, self.dataSize))
        for uName in self.namemap:
            print( '    %-40s index:%2d    offset:%4d' % (uName, self.indices[self.namemap[uName]], self.offsets[self.namemap    [uName]]) ) 

# representation of a uniform block buffer
class UniformBlockBuffer:
    def __init__(self, ub):
        self.namemap = ub.namemap
        self.offsets = ub.offsets
        self.bindingPoint = ub.bindingPoint
        self.object = glGenBuffers(1)
        self.dataSize = ub.dataSize
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.zeros(self.dataSize//4, dtype='float32')
        glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.dataSize, dataArray, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
    def BindToTarget(self):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.bindingPoint, self.object)
    def BindDataFloat(self, name, dataArr):
        glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.object)
        dataArray = np.array(dataArr, dtype='float32')
        glBufferSubData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, self.offsets[self.namemap[name]], len(dataArr)*4, dataArray)

def Translate(matA, trans):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i in range(0, 4): matB[3,i] = matA[0,i] * trans[0] + matA[1,i] * trans[1] + matA[2,i] * trans[2] + matA[3,i] 
    return matB

def Scale(matA, s):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 4): matB[i0,i1] = matA[i0,i1] * s[i0] 
    return matB

def RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, a0, a1):
    matB = np.copy(matA)
    ang = math.radians(angDeg)
    sinAng, cosAng = math.sin(ang), math.cos(ang)
    for i in range(0, 4):
        matB[a0,i] = matA[a0,i] * cosAng + matA[a1,i] * sinAng
        matB[a1,i] = matA[a0,i] * -sinAng + matA[a1,i] * cosAng
    return matB

def RotateX(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 1, 2)
def RotateY(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 2, 0)
def RotateZ(matA, angDeg): return RotateHlp(matA, angDeg, 0, 1)
def RotateView(matA, angDeg): return RotateZ(RotateY(RotateX(matA, angDeg[0]), angDeg[1]), angDeg[2])

def Multiply(matA, matB):
    matC = np.copy(matA)
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        for i1 in range(0, 4):
            matC[i0,i1] = matB[i0,0] * matA[0,i1] + matB[i0,1] * matA[1,i1] + matB[i0,2] * matA[2,i1] + matB[i0,3] * matA[3,i1]        
    return matC

def ToMat33(mat44):
    mat33 = np.matrix(np.identity(3), copy=False, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 3):
        for i1 in range(0, 3): mat33[i0, i1] = mat44[i0, i1]
    return mat33

def TransformVec4(vecA,mat44):
    vecB = np.zeros(4, dtype='float32')
    for i0 in range(0, 4):
        vecB[i0] = vecA[0] * mat44[0,i0] + vecA[1] * mat44[1,i0] + vecA[2] * mat44[2,i0]  + vecA[3] * mat44[3,i0]
    return vecB

def Perspective(fov, aspectRatio, near, far):
    fn, f_n = far + near, far - near
    r, t = aspectRatio, 1.0 / math.tan( math.radians(fov) / 2.0 )
    return np.matrix( [ [t/r,0,0,0], [0,t,0,0], [0,0,-fn/f_n,-2.0*far*near/f_n], [0,0,-1,0] ] )

def AddToBuffer( buffer, data, count=1 ): 
    for inx_c in range(0, count):
        for inx_s in range(0, len(data)): buffer.append( data[inx_s] ) 

# initialize glut

# create window
wndW, wndH = 800, 600
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
glutInitWindowSize(wndW, wndH)
wndID = glutCreateWindow(b'OGL window') 

# define icosahedron vertex array opject
icoPts = [
    ( 0.000,  0.000,  1.000), ( 0.894,  0.000,  0.447), ( 0.276,  0.851,  0.447), (-0.724,  0.526,  0.447),
    (-0.724, -0.526,  0.447), ( 0.276, -0.851,  0.447), ( 0.724,  0.526, -0.447), (-0.276,  0.851, -0.447), 
    (-0.894,  0.000, -0.447), (-0.276, -0.851, -0.447), ( 0.724, -0.526, -0.447), ( 0.000,  0.000, -1.000) ]
icoCol = [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]
icoIndices = [
  2,  0,  1,  3,  0,  2,  4,  0,  3,  5,  0,  4,  1,  0,  5, 11,  7,  6, 11,  8,  7, 11,  9,  8, 11, 10,  9, 11,  6, 10, 
  1,  6,  2,  2,  7,  3,  3,  8,  4,  4,  9,  5,  5, 10,  1,  2,  6,  7,  3,  7,  8,  4,  8,  9,  5,  9, 10,  1, 10,  6  ]
icoPosData = []
for inx in icoIndices: AddToBuffer( icoPosData, icoPts[inx] )
icoNVData = []
for inx_nv in range(0, len(icoIndices) // 3):
    nv = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    for inx_p in range(0, 3): 
        for inx_s in range(0, 3): nv[inx_s] += icoPts[ icoIndices[inx_nv*3 + inx_p] ][inx_s]
    AddToBuffer( icoNVData, nv, 3 )
icoVAObj = CreateVAO( [ (3, icoPosData), (3, icoNVData) ] )

# load, compile and link shader
shaderProgram = LinkProgram( [
        CompileShader( 'tess.vert', GL_VERTEX_SHADER ),
        CompileShader( 'tess.tctrl', GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER ),
        CompileShader( 'tess.teval', GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER ), 
        CompileShader( 'tess.frag', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
    ] )
# get unifor locations
projectionMatLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_projectionMat44")
modelViewMatLocation  = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_modelViewMat44")
normalMatLocation     = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "u_normalMat33")
# linke uniform blocks
ubMaterial = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_material")
ubLightSource = UniformBlock(shaderProgram, "UB_lightSource")

# create uniform block buffers
lightSourceBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubLightSource)
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.ambient', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.diffuse', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0])
lightSourceBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_lightSource.specular', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

icoMaterialBuffer = UniformBlockBuffer(ubMaterial)
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_roughness', [0.45])
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_fresnel0', [0.4])
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_color', [0.6, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0])
icoMaterialBuffer.BindDataFloat(b'u_specularTint',[1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8])

# start main loop
startTime = time()

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
아래 라이선스 CC BY-SA 3.0
와 제휴하지 않음 Stack Overflow