

사랑받는 ALTER 문. GO TO 단락의 대상을 변경합니다.

더 이상 COBOL 표준의 일부가 아니며 이전 버전과의 호환성을 이유로 많은 컴파일러에서 여전히 지원됩니다. (구문 도표는 더 이상 표준 COBOL이 아님을 나타 내기 위해 흐리게 표시됩니다).

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하십시오.

ALTER를 사용한 고안된 예

 identification division.
 program-id. altering.
 date-written. 2015-10-28/06:36-0400.
 remarks. Demonstrate ALTER.

 procedure division.
 main section.

*> And now for some altering.
 ALTER story TO PROCEED TO beginning
 GO TO story

*> Jump to a part of the story

*> the first part
 ALTER story TO PROCEED to middle
 DISPLAY "This is the start of a changing story"
 GO TO story

*> the middle bit
 ALTER story TO PROCEED to ending
 DISPLAY "The story progresses"
 GO TO story

*> the climatic finish
 DISPLAY "The story ends, happily ever after"

*> fall through to the exit
 exit program.

실행 샘플로

prompt$ cobc -xj -debug altering.cob
This is the start of a changing story
The story progresses
The story ends, happily ever after

prompt$ COB_SET_TRACE=Y ./altering
Source:     'altering.cob'
Program-Id: altering         Entry:     altering               Line: 8
Program-Id: altering         Section:   main                   Line: 8
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: contrived              Line: 11
Program-Id: altering         Statement: ALTER                  Line: 12
Program-Id: altering         Statement: GO TO                  Line: 13
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: story                  Line: 17
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: beginning              Line: 22
Program-Id: altering         Statement: ALTER                  Line: 23
Program-Id: altering         Statement: DISPLAY                Line: 24
This is the start of a changing story
Program-Id: altering         Statement: GO TO                  Line: 25
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: story                  Line: 17
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: middle                 Line: 29
Program-Id: altering         Statement: ALTER                  Line: 30
Program-Id: altering         Statement: DISPLAY                Line: 31
The story progresses
Program-Id: altering         Statement: GO TO                  Line: 32
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: story                  Line: 17
Program-Id: altering         Paragraph: ending                 Line: 36
Program-Id: altering         Statement: DISPLAY                Line: 37
The story ends, happily ever after
Program-Id: altering         Statement: EXIT PROGRAM           Line: 41
Program-Id: altering         Exit:      altering

자세한 내용은 http://open-cobol.sourceforge.net/faq/index.html#alter 를 참조하십시오.

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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