
매개 변수

매개 변수 세부
스피커 아날로그 스피커 출력이어야합니다.

기본 노트 출력

#define NOTE_C4  262 //From pitches.h file defined in [Arduino Tone Tutorial][1]

int Key = 2;
int KeyVal = 0;

byte speaker = 12;

void setup()
  pinMode(Key, INPUT);  //Declare our key (button) as input
  pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  KeyVal = digitalRead(Key);
  if (KeyVal == HIGH) {
    tone(speaker, NOTE_C4); //Sends middle C tone out through analog speaker
  } else {
    noTone(speaker); //Ceases tone emitting from analog speaker


[1] : https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/toneMelody

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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