



  • x:&T = ... // xは不変の参照です
  • let x:&mut T = ... // xは排他的で変更可能な参照です
  • let = =&mut foo; // fooを可変的に借りる(すなわち排他的に)
  • let = =&foo; // fooを永久に借りる
  • let = = foo; // fooを移動する(所有権が必要)


  • 旧バージョンのRust(1.0より前、2015年5月)では、所有変数の型が~始まっていました。これは非常に古い例で見ることができます。



let owned = String::from("hello");
// since we own the value, we may let other variables borrow it
let immutable_borrow1 = &owned;
// as all current borrows are immutable, we can allow many of them
let immutable_borrow2 = &owned;
// in fact, if we have an immutable reference, we are also free to
// duplicate that reference, since we maintain the invariant that
// there are only immutable references
let immutable_borrow3 = &*immutable_borrow2;

それに又は単一可変リファレンス( ERROR 、コンパイル時エラーを示します)。

// for us to borrow a value mutably, it must be mutable
let mut owned = String::from("hello");
// we can borrow owned mutably
let mutable_borrow = &mut owned;
// but note that we cannot borrow owned *again*
let mutable_borrow2 = &mut owned; // ERROR, already borrowed
// nor can we cannot borrow owned immutably
// since a mutable borrow is exclusive.
let immutable_borrow = &owned; // ERROR, already borrowed


let foo = owned; // ERROR, outstanding references to owned
let owned = String::from("hello");
    let borrow = &owned;
    // ...
} // the scope ends the borrow
let foo = owned; // OK, owned and not borrowed



    let x = String::from("hello"); //             +
    // ...                                        :
    let y = String::from("hello"); //      +      |
    // ...                                 :      :
    foo(x) // x is moved                   |      = x's lifetime
    // ...                                 :
} //                                       = y's lifetime


    let x = String::from("hello");
    let y = String::from("world");
    // when we borrow y here, the lifetime of the reference
    // stored in foo is equal to the lifetime of y
    // (i.e., between let y = above, to the end of the scope below)
    let foo = &y;
    // similarly, this reference to x is bound to the lifetime
    // of x --- bar cannot, for example, spawn a thread that uses
    // the reference beyond where x is moved below.



fn foo(x: &String) {
    // foo is only authorized to read x's contents, and to create
    // additional immutable references to it if it so desires.
    let y = *x; // ERROR, cannot move when not owned
    x.push_str("foo"); // ERROR, cannot mutate with immutable reference
    println!("{}", x.len()); // reading OK
    foo(x); // forwarding reference OK


fn foo(x: &mut String) {
    // foo is still not responsible for dropping x before returning,
    // nor is it allowed to. however, foo may modify the String.
    let x2 = *x; // ERROR, cannot move when not owned
    x.push_str("foo"); // mutating OK
    drop(*x); // ERROR, cannot drop value when not owned
    println!("{}", x.len()); // reading OK

&および&mutいずれも指定しない場合、関数は引数の所有権を取得すると言います。つまり、 fooxを落とす責任も負うことになります。

fn foo(x: String) {
    // foo may do whatever it wishes with x, since no-one else has
    // access to it. once the function terminates, x will be dropped,
    // unless it is moved away when calling another function.
    let mut x2 = x; // moving OK
    x2.push_str("foo"); // mutating OK
    let _ = &mut x2; // mutable borrow OK
    let _ = &x2; // immutable borrow OK (note that &mut above is dropped)
    println!("{}", x2.len()); // reading OK
    drop(x2); // dropping OK


一部のRustタイプはCopy特性を実装します。問題の値を所有することなく、 Copyタイプを移動することができます。これは、値の内容をメモリ内のバイト単位で単純にコピーして、新しい同一の値を生成できるためです。 Rust( boolusizef64など)のほとんどのプリミティブはCopyです。

let x: isize = 42;
let xr = &x;
let y = *xr; // OK, because isize is Copy
// both x and y are owned here

特に、 VecStringCopyはありません

let x = Vec::new();
let xr = &x;
let y = *xr; // ERROR, cannot move out of borrowed content

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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