

演算子は、アクションを表す文字です。これは、コンパイラ/インタプリタに、特定の数学的、関係的または論理的演算を実行し、最終結果を生成するように指示する。 PowerShellは特定の方法で解釈し、算術演算子が主に数値に対して操作を実行するように分類しますが、文字列やその他のデータ型にも影響します。基本的な演算子に加えて、PowerShellには、時間やコードの作業を節約する多数の演算子があります(例:-like、-match、-replaceなど)。


1 + 2      # Addition
1 - 2      # Subtraction
-1         # Set negative value
1 * 2      # Multiplication
1 / 2      # Division
1 % 2      # Modulus
100 -shl 2 # Bitwise Shift-left
100 -shr 1 # Bitwise Shift-right


-and # Logical and
-or  # Logical or
-xor # Logical exclusive or
-not # Logical not
!    # Logical not



$var = 1      # Assignment. Sets the value of a variable to the specified value
$var += 2     # Addition. Increases the value of a variable by the specified value
$var -= 1     # Subtraction. Decreases the value of a variable by the specified value
$var *= 2     # Multiplication. Multiplies the value of a variable by the specified value
$var /= 2     # Division. Divides the value of a variable by the specified value
$var %= 2     # Modulus. Divides the value of a variable by the specified value and then
              # assigns the remainder (modulus) to the variable


$var++   # Increases the value of a variable, assignable property, or array element by 1
$var--   # Decreases the value of a variable, assignable property, or array element by 1


PowerShellの比較演算子は、先頭にハイフン( - )と名前( eqequalgt greater thanなど)で構成されています。


i # Case-Insensitive Explicit (-ieq)
c # Case-Sensitive Explicit (-ceq)

case-Insensitiveは、指定されていない場合( "a" -eq "A")と同じ( "a" -eq "A")です。


2 -eq 2    # Equal to (==)
2 -ne 4    # Not equal to (!=)
5 -gt 2    # Greater-than (>)
5 -ge 5    # Greater-than or equal to (>=)
5 -lt 10   # Less-than (<)
5 -le 5    # Less-than or equal to (<=)


"MyString" -like "*String"            # Match using the wildcard character (*)
"MyString" -notlike "Other*"          # Does not match using the wildcard character (*)
"MyString" -match "$String^"          # Matches a string using regular expressions
"MyString" -notmatch "$Other^"        # Does not match a string using regular expressions


"abc", "def" -contains "def"            # Returns true when the value (right) is present
                                        # in the array (left)
"abc", "def" -notcontains "123"         # Returns true when the value (right) is not present
                                        # in the array (left)
"def" -in "abc", "def"                  # Returns true when the value (left) is present
                                        # in the array (right)
"123" -notin "abc", "def"               # Returns true when the value (left) is not present
                                        # in the array (right)



cmdlet > file     # Send success output to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet >> file    # Send success output to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet 1>&2       # Send success and error output to error stream


cmdlet 2> file    # Send error output to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet 2>> file   # Send error output to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet 2>&1       # Send success and error output to success output stream

警告出力ストリーム:(PowerShell 3.0以降)

cmdlet 3> file    # Send warning output to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet 3>> file   # Send warning output to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet 3>&1       # Send success and warning output to success output stream

Verbose出力ストリーム:(PowerShell 3.0以降)

cmdlet 4> file    # Send verbose output to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet 4>> file   # Send verbose output to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet 4>&1       # Send success and verbose output to success output stream

デバッグ出力ストリーム:(PowerShell 3.0以降)

cmdlet 5> file    # Send debug output to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet 5>> file   # Send debug output to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet 5>&1       # Send success and debug output to success output stream

情報出力ストリーム:(PowerShell 5.0以降)

cmdlet 6> file    # Send information output to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet 6>> file   # Send information output to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet 6>&1       # Send success and information output to success output stream 


cmdlet *> file    # Send all output streams to file, overwriting existing content
cmdlet *>> file   # Send all output streams to file, appending to existing content
cmdlet *>&1       # Send all output streams to success output stream

パイプ演算子( | )との違い




"4" + 2         # Gives "42"
4 + "2"         # Gives 6
1,2,3 + "Hello" # Gives 1,2,3,"Hello"
"Hello" + 1,2,3 # Gives "Hello1 2 3"


"3" * 2   # Gives "33"
2 * "3"   # Gives 6
1,2,3 * 2 # Gives 1,2,3,1,2,3
2 * 1,2,3 # Gives an error op_Multiply is missing


$a = Read-Host "Enter a number"
Enter a number : 33
$a -gt 5




"The rain in Seattle" -replace 'rain','hail'        #Returns: The hail in Seattle
"kenmyer@contoso.com" -replace '^[\w]+@(.+)', '$1'  #Returns: contoso.com



"A B C" -split " "      #Returns an array string collection object containing A,B and C.


"E","F","G" -join ":"   #Returns a single string: E:F:G

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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