Partage de code entre projets
Le pont
Le modèle Bridge est l'un des modèles de conception Inversion of Control les plus élémentaires. Pour Xamarin, ce modèle est utilisé pour référencer un code dépendant de la plate-forme à partir d'un contexte indépendant de la plate-forme. Par exemple: utiliser AlertDialog d'Android à partir d'une bibliothèque de classes portable ou de formulaires Xamarin. Aucun de ces contextes ne sait ce qu'est un objet AlertDialog, vous devez donc l'envelopper dans une boîte pour les utiliser.
// Define a common interface for the behavior you want in your common project (Forms/Other PCL)
public interface IPlatformReporter
string GetPlatform();
// In Android/iOS/Win implement the interface on a class
public class DroidReporter : IPlatformReporter
public string GetPlatform()
return "Android";
public class IosReporter : IPlatformReporter
public string GetPlatform()
return "iOS";
// In your common project (Forms/Other PCL), create a common class to wrap the native implementations
public class PlatformReporter : IPlatformReporter
// A function to get your native implemenation
public static func<IPlatformReporter> GetReporter;
// Your native implementation
private IPlatformReporter _reporter;
// Constructor accepts native class and stores it
public PlatformReporter(IPlatformReporter reporter)
_reporter = GetReporter();
// Implement interface behavior by deferring to native class
public string GetPlatform()
return _reporter.GetPlatform();
// In your native code (probably MainActivity/AppDelegate), you just supply a function that returns your native implementation
public class MainActivity : Activity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
PlatformReporter.GetReporter = () => { return new DroidReporter(); };
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
UIWindow window;
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
window.RootViewController = new UIViewController();
PlatformReporter.GetReporter = () => { return new IosReporter(); };
return true;
// When you want to use your native implementation in your common code, just do as follows:
public void SomeFuncWhoCares()
// Some code here...
var reporter = new PlatformReporter();
string platform = reporter.GetPlatform();
// Some more code here...
Le modèle de localisateur de services
Le modèle de conception du Service Locator est presque l'injection de dépendance. Comme le modèle de pont, ce modèle peut être utilisé pour référencer un code dépendant de la plate-forme à partir d'un contexte indépendant de la plate-forme. Plus intéressant encore, ce modèle repose sur le modèle singleton - tout ce que vous avez mis dans le localisateur de services sera un singleton de facto.
// Define a service locator class in your common project
public class ServiceLocator {
// A dictionary to map common interfaces to native implementations
private Dictionary<object, object> _services;
// A static instance of our locator (this guy is a singleton)
private static ServiceLocator _instance;
// A private constructor to enforce the singleton
private ServiceLocator() {
_services = new Dictionary<object, object>();
// A Singleton access method
public static ServiceLocator GetInstance() {
if(_instance == null) {
_instance = new ServiceLocator();
return _instance;
// A method for native projects to register their native implementations against the common interfaces
public static void Register(object type, object implementation) {
_services?.Add(type, implementation);
// A method to get the implementation for a given interface
public static T Resolve<T>() {
try {
return (T) _services[typeof(T)];
} catch {
throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to resolve type: {typeof(T).FullName}");
//For each native implementation, you must create an interface, and the native classes implementing that interface
public interface IA {
int DoAThing();
public interface IB {
bool IsMagnificent();
public class IosA : IA {
public int DoAThing() {
return 5;
public class DroidA : IA {
public int DoAThing() {
return 42;
// You get the idea...
// Then in your native initialization, you have to register your classes to their interfaces like so:
public class MainActivity : Activity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
var locator = ServiceLocator.GetInstance();
locator.Register(typeof(IA), new DroidA());
locator.Register(typeof(IB), new DroidB());
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
UIWindow window;
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
window.RootViewController = new UIViewController();
var locator = ServiceLocator.GetInstance();
locator.Register(typeof(IA), new IosA());
locator.Register(typeof(IB), new IosB());
return true;
// Finally, to use your native implementations from non-native code, do as follows:
public void SomeMethodUsingNativeCodeFromNonNativeContext() {
// Some boring code here
// Grabbing our native implementations for the current platform
var locator = ServiceLocator.GetInstance();
IA myIA = locator.Resolve<IA>();
IB myIB = locator.Resolve<IB>();
// Method goes on to use our fancy native classes