

Le widget QListView fait partie des mécanismes de programmation Modèle / Vue de Qt. Fondamentalement, il permet d'afficher les éléments stockés dans un modèle sous la forme d'une liste. Dans cette rubrique, nous ne nous intéresserons pas aux mécanismes Model / View de Qt, mais plutôt à l'aspect graphique d'un widget View: le QListView, et surtout comment ajouter un en-tête au-dessus de cet objet via QPaintEvent. objet.

Déclaration QListView personnalisée

 * \class MainMenuListView
 * \brief The MainMenuListView class is a QListView with a header displayed
 *        on top. 
class MainMenuListView : public QListView
     * \class Header
     * \brief The header class is a nested class used to display the header of a
     *        QListView. On each instance of the MainMenuListView, a header will
     *        be displayed.
    class Header : public QWidget
         * \brief Constructor used to defined the parent/child relation
         *        between the Header and the QListView.
         * \param parent Parent of the widget. 
        Header(MainMenuListView* parent);

         * \brief Overridden method which allows to get the recommended size 
         *        for the Header object.
         * \return The recommended size for the Header widget.
        QSize sizeHint() const;

         * \brief Overridden paint event which will allow us to design the
         *        Header widget area and draw some text.
         * \param event Paint event.
        void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);

        MainMenuListView* menu;    /*!< The parent of the Header. */

     * \brief Constructor allowing to instanciate the customized QListView.
     * \param parent Parent widget.
     * \param header Text which has to be displayed in the header 
     *        (Header by default)
    MainMenuListView(QWidget* parent = nullptr, const QString& header = QString("Header"));

     * \brief Catches the Header paint event and draws the header with
     *        the specified text in the constructor.
     * \param event Header paint event.
    void headerAreaPaintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);

     * \brief Gets the width of the List widget.
     *        This value will also determine the width of the Header.
     * \return The width of the custom QListView.
    int headerAreaWidth();

     * \brief Overridden method which allows to resize the Header.
     * \param event Resize event.
    void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event);

   QWidget*    headerArea;    /*!< Header widget. */
   QString     headerText;    /*!< Header title. */

Implémentation de la QListView personnalisée

QSize MainMenuListView::Header::sizeHint() const
    // fontmetrics() allows to get the default font size for the widget.
    return QSize(menu->headerAreaWidth(), fontMetrics().height());

void MainMenuListView::Header::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
    // Catches the paint event in the parent.

MainMenuListView::MainMenuListView(QWidget* parent, const QString& header) : QListView(parent), headerText(header)
    headerArea = new Header(this);

    // Really important. The view port margins define where the content
    // of the widget begins.
    setViewportMargins(0, fontMetrics().height(), 0, 0);

void MainMenuListView::headerAreaPaintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
    // Paints the background of the header in gray. 
    QPainter painter(headerArea);
    painter.fillRect(event->rect(), Qt::lightGray);

    // Display the header title in black.

    // Writes the header aligned on the center of the widget. 
    painter.drawText(0, 0, headerArea->width(), fontMetrics().height(), Qt::AlignCenter, headerText);

int MainMenuListView::headerAreaWidth()
    return width();

void MainMenuListView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event)
    // Executes default behavior.
    // Really important. Allows to fit the parent width.   

Cas d'utilisation: déclaration MainWindow

class MainMenuListView;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

    MainWindow(QWidget* parent = 0);

    MainMenuListView* menuA;
    MainMenuListView* menuB;
    MainMenuListView* menuC;

Cas d'utilisation: Implémentation

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
    QWidget* w = new QWidget(this);

    QHBoxLayout* hbox = new QHBoxLayout();

    QVBoxLayout* vBox = new QVBoxLayout();
    menuA = new MainMenuListView(w, "Images");
    menuB = new MainMenuListView(w, "Videos");
    menuC = new MainMenuListView(w, "Devices");

    QPlainTextEdit* textEdit = new QPlainTextEdit(w);


    move((QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().width() / 2) - (size().width() / 2),
         (QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height() / 2) - (size().height() / 2));


MainWindow::~MainWindow() {}

Cas d'utilisation: exemple de sortie

Voici un exemple de sortie:

Widgets QListView empilés

Comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessus, cela peut être utile pour créer des menus empilés. Notez que cet exemple est trivial. Les deux widgets ont les mêmes contraintes de taille.

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