Usando el administrador de pantalla
Importaciones circulares
Este es un gran problema en Kivy, Python y muchos lenguajes de programación
Cuando dos recursos requieren un recurso, es normal colocar este recurso en el archivo que más lo utilizará. Pero si esto sucede con dos recursos, y terminan en archivos opuestos, la importación de ambos en Python resultará en una importación circular.
Python importará el primer archivo, pero este archivo importará el segundo. En el segundo, esto importa el primer archivo, que a su vez importa el segundo y así sucesivamente. Python lanza el error ImportError : cannot import name <classname>
Esto se puede resolver utilizando un tercer archivo e importando este tercer archivo a los dos primeros. Esto es
en el segundo ejemplo.
Uso simple del administrador de pantalla
# A line used mostly as the first one, imports App class
# that is used to get a window and launch the application
from import App
# Casual Kivy widgets that reside in kivy.uix
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import SlideTransition
# Inherit Screen class and make it look like
# a simple page with navigation
class CustomScreen(Screen):
# It's necessary to initialize a widget the class inherits
# from to access its methods such as 'add_widget' with 'super()'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Py2/Py3 note: although in Py3 'super()' is simplified
# it's a good practice to use Py2 syntax, so that the
# code is compatibile in both versions
super(CustomScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Put a layout in the Screen which will take
# Screen's size and pos.
# The 'orientation' represents a direction
# in which the widgets are added into the
# BoxLayout - 'horizontal' is the default
layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
# Add a Label with the name of Screen
# and set its size to 50px
layout.add_widget(Label(, font_size=50))
# Add another layout to handle the navigation
# and set the height of navigation to 20%
# of the CustomScreen
navig = BoxLayout(size_hint_y=0.2)
# Create buttons with a custom text
prev = Button(text='Previous')
next = Button(text='Next')
# Bind to 'on_release' events of Buttons
# Add buttons to navigation
# and the navigation to layout
# And add the layout to the Screen
# *args is used to catch arguments that are returned
# when 'on_release' event is dispatched
def switch_prev(self, *args):
# 'self.manager' holds a reference to ScreenManager object
# and 'ScreenManager.current' is a name of a visible Screen
# Methods 'ScreenManager.previous()' and ''
# return a string of a previous/next Screen's name
self.manager.transition = SlideTransition(direction="right")
self.manager.current = self.manager.previous()
def switch_next(self, *args):
self.manager.transition = SlideTransition(direction="right")
self.manager.current =
class ScreenManagerApp(App):
# 'build' is a method of App used in the framework it's
# expected that the method returns an object of a Kivy widget
def build(self):
# Get an object of some widget that will be the core
# of the application - in this case ScreenManager
root = ScreenManager()
# Add 4 CustomScreens with name 'Screen <order>`
for x in range(4):
root.add_widget(CustomScreen(name='Screen %d' % x))
# Return the object
return root
# This is only a protection, so that if the file
# is imported it won't try to launch another App
if __name__ == '__main__':
# And run the App with its method 'run'
Gestor de pantalla
En el siguiente ejemplo hay 2 pantallas: SettingsScreen y MenuScreen
Usando el primer botón, en la pantalla actual cambiará su pantalla a la otra pantalla.
Aquí está el código:
from import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
# Create both screens. Please note the root.manager.current: this is how
# you can control the ScreenManager from kv. Each screen has by default a
# property manager that gives you the instance of the ScreenManager used.
text: 'First Button on Menu'
on_press: root.manager.current = 'settings'
text: 'Second Button on Menu'
text: 'First Button on Settings'
on_press: root.manager.current = 'menu'
text: 'Second Button on Settings'
# Declare both screens
class MenuScreen(Screen):
class SettingsScreen(Screen):
# Create the screen manager
sm = ScreenManager()
class TestApp(App):
def build(self):
return sm
if __name__ == '__main__':