

La declaración MERGE fusionará uno o más archivos de datos COBOL con formato similar en un solo archivo de salida. El programador puede asumir el control sobre el OUTPUT PROCEDURE , que usa la instrucción RELEASE , o usar mecanismos internos de tiempo de ejecución COBOL con la cláusula GIVING .

Diagrama de sintaxis de la sentencia MERGE

MERGE datos regionales en maestro

      *> ***************************************************************
      *> Purpose:   Demonstrate a merge pass
      *> Tectonics: cobc -x gnucobol-merge-sample.cob
      *> ***************************************************************
       identification division.
       program-id. gnucobol-merge-sample.

       environment division.
       configuration section.
           function all intrinsic.

files  input-output section.
           select master-file
               assign to "master-sample.dat"
               organization is line sequential.

           select eastern-transaction-file
               assign to "east-transact-sample.dat"
               organization is line sequential.

           select western-transaction-file
               assign to "west-transact-sample.dat"
               organization is line sequential.

           select merged-transactions
               assign to "merged-transactions.dat"
               organization is line sequential.

           select working-merge
               assign to "merge.tmp".

data   data division.
       file section.
       fd master-file.
          01 master-record     pic x(64).

       fd eastern-transaction-file.
          01 transact-rec      pic x(64).

       fd western-transaction-file.
          01 transact-rec      pic x(64).

       fd merged-transactions.
          01 new-rec           pic x(64).

       sd working-merge.
          01 merge-rec.
             02 master-key     pic 9(8).
             02 filler         pic x.
             02 action         pic xxx.
             02 filler         PIC x(52).

      *> ***************************************************************
      *> not much code
      *>     trick.  DEP, CHQ, BAL are action keywords.  They sort
      *>     descending as DEP, CHQ, BAL, so main can do all deposits,
      *>     then all withdrawals, then balance reports, for each id.
      *> ***************************************************************
code   procedure division.
       merge working-merge
           on ascending key master-key
              descending key action
           using eastern-transaction-file,
           giving merged-transactions
done   goback.
       end program gnucobol-merge-sample.

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