
Configurazione del campo

Quando si aggiungono campi personalizzati a un indice di Lucene, è possibile aggiungere nuovi campi all'indice utilizzando la seguente configurazione:

 <configuration ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/defaultLuceneIndexConfiguration">
  <fieldNames hint="raw:AddFieldByFieldName">
      <field fieldName="title" storageType="YES" indexType="TOKENIZED"   vectorType="NO" boost="1f" type="System.String" 
             settingType="Sitecore.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.LuceneSearchFieldConfiguration, Sitecore.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider"/>

Un campo ha un paio di proprietà possibili:

  • storageType
  • indexType
  • vectorType
  • boost

Questi campi si riferiscono direttamente al contenuto della classe Sitecore.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.LuceneSearchFieldConfiguration . Se riflettiamo i valori di questa classe, possiamo vedere i loro possibili valori, ecc.


/// <summary>Specifies whether and how a field should be stored. </summary>
public enum Store
    /// <summary>Store the original field value in the index. This is useful for short texts
    /// like a document's title which should be displayed with the results. The
    /// value is stored in its original form, i.e. no analyzer is used before it is
    /// stored.
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>Do not store the field value in the index. </summary>


/// <summary>Specifies whether and how a field should be indexed. </summary>
public enum Index
    /// <summary>Do not index the field value. This field can thus not be searched,
    /// but one can still access its contents provided it is
    /// <see cref="T:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.Store">stored</see>. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>Index the tokens produced by running the field's
    /// value through an Analyzer.  This is useful for
    /// common text. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>Index the field's value without using an Analyzer, so it can be searched.
    /// As no analyzer is used the value will be stored as a single term. This is
    /// useful for unique Ids like product numbers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>Expert: Index the field's value without an Analyzer,
    /// and also disable the storing of norms.  Note that you
    /// can also separately enable/disable norms by calling
    /// <see cref="!:AbstractField.SetOmitNorms" />.  No norms means that
    /// index-time field and document boosting and field
    /// length normalization are disabled.  The benefit is
    /// less memory usage as norms take up one byte of RAM
    /// per indexed field for every document in the index,
    /// during searching.  Note that once you index a given
    /// field <i>with</i> norms enabled, disabling norms will
    /// have no effect.  In other words, for this to have the
    /// above described effect on a field, all instances of
    /// that field must be indexed with NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS
    /// from the beginning. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>Expert: Index the tokens produced by running the
    /// field's value through an Analyzer, and also
    /// separately disable the storing of norms.  See
    /// <see cref="F:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS" /> for what norms are
    /// and why you may want to disable them. 
    /// </summary>


/// <summary>Specifies whether and how a field should have term vectors. </summary>
public enum TermVector
    /// <summary>Do not store term vectors. </summary>
    /// <summary>Store the term vectors of each document. A term vector is a list
    /// of the document's terms and their number of occurrences in that document. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary> Store the term vector + token position information
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="F:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.TermVector.YES">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <summary> Store the term vector + Token offset information
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="F:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.TermVector.YES">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <summary> Store the term vector + Token position and offset information
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="F:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.TermVector.YES">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="F:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="F:Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS">
    /// </seealso>


Aggiungi è un valore di potenziamento dell'indice di Lucene per questo articolo

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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