
SS 1.0

var recordType = 'customer'; // The type of record to load. The string internal id.
var recordID = 100; // The specific record instances numeric internal id.
var initializeValues = null;
/* The first two parameters are required but the third -- 
*  in this case the variable initializeValues -- is optional. */
var loadedRecord = nlapiLoadRecord(recordType, recordID, initializeValues);

SS 2.0

Questo esempio presuppone che il modulo di registrazione sia impostato sulla variabile RECORDMODULE, come mostrato di seguito.

require(['N/record'], function(RECORDMODULE){

    var recordType = RECORDMODULE.Type.SALES_ORDER; //The type of record to load.
    var recordID = 100; //The internal ID of the existing record instance in NetSuite.
    var isDynamic = true; //Determines whether to load the record in dynamic mode.

    var loadedRecord = RECORDMODULE.load({
        type: recordType, 
        id: recordID,
        isDynamic: isDynamic,

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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