

Nombre Descripción
controllerAs es un nombre de alias al que se pueden asignar variables o funciones. @see: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive
$inject Lista de inyección de dependencias, se resuelve de forma angular y pasa como un argumento a las funciones constuctor.


Al realizar la directiva en TypeScript, tenga en cuenta el poder de este lenguaje de tipo personalizado e interfaces que puede crear. Esto es extremadamente útil cuando se desarrollan aplicaciones enormes. La finalización del código soportado por muchos IDE le mostrará el valor posible por el tipo correspondiente con el que está trabajando, por lo que hay mucho más que debe tener en cuenta (en comparación con VanillaJS).

"Código contra interfaces, no implementaciones"


interface IMyDirectiveController {
    // specify exposed controller methods and properties here
    getUrl(): string;

class MyDirectiveController implements IMyDirectiveController {

    // Inner injections, per each directive 
    public static $inject = ["$location", "toaster"];

    constructor(private $location: ng.ILocationService, private toaster: any) {
        // $location and toaster are now properties of the controller

    public getUrl(): string {
        return this.$location.url(); // utilize $location to retrieve the URL

 * Outer injections, for run once controll. 
 * For example we have all templates in one value, and we wan't to use it.
export function myDirective(templatesUrl: ITemplates): ng.IDirective {
    return {
        controller: MyDirectiveController,
        controllerAs: "vm",

        link: (scope: ng.IScope,
               element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery,
               attributes: ng.IAttributes,
               controller: IMyDirectiveController): void => {

            let url = controller.getUrl();
            element.text("Current URL: " + url);


        replace: true,
        require: "ngModel",
        restrict: "A",
        templateUrl: templatesUrl.myDirective,

myDirective.$inject = [

// Using slug naming across the projects simplifies change of the directive name
myDirective.prototype.slug = "myDirective";

// You can place this in some bootstrap file, or have them at the same file
    directive(myDirective.prototype.slug, myDirective);

Ejemplo simple

export function myDirective($location: ng.ILocationService): ng.IDirective {
    return {

        link: (scope: ng.IScope,
            element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery,
            attributes: ng.IAttributes): void => {

            element.text("Current URL: " + $location.url());


        replace: true,
        require: "ngModel",
        restrict: "A",
        templateUrl: templatesUrl.myDirective,

// Using slug naming across the projects simplifies change of the directive name
myDirective.prototype.slug = "myDirective";

// You can place this in some bootstrap file, or have them at the same file
    directive(myDirective.prototype.slug, [


Para una transición más fácil a Angular 2, se recomienda usar Component , disponible desde Angular 1.5.8


import { MyModuleComponent } from "./components/myModuleComponent";
import { MyModuleService } from "./services/MyModuleService";

    .module("myModule", [])
    .component("myModuleComponent", new MyModuleComponent())
    .service("myModuleService", MyModuleService);

componentes / myModuleComponent.ts

import IComponentOptions = angular.IComponentOptions;
import IControllerConstructor = angular.IControllerConstructor;
import Injectable = angular.Injectable;
import { MyModuleController } from "../controller/MyModuleController";

export class MyModuleComponent implements IComponentOptions {
    public templateUrl: string = "./app/myModule/templates/myComponentTemplate.html";
    public controller: Injectable<IControllerConstructor> = MyModuleController;
    public bindings: {[boundProperty: string]: string} = {};

templates / myModuleComponent.html

<div class="my-module-component">

controlador / MyModuleController.ts

import IController = angular.IController;
import { MyModuleService } from "../services/MyModuleService";

export class MyModuleController implements IController {
    public static readonly $inject: string[] = ["$element", "myModuleService"];
    public someContent: string = "Hello World";

    constructor($element: JQuery, private myModuleService: MyModuleService) {
        console.log("element", $element);

    public doSomething(): void {
        // implementation..

servicios / MyModuleService.ts

export class MyModuleService {
    public static readonly $inject: string[] = [];

    constructor() {

    public doSomething(): void {
        // do something



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