

Dieser Artikel soll eine einfache und professionelle Praxis für die Verwendung von Entity Framework einführen.

Einfach: weil es nur eine Klasse benötigt (mit einer Schnittstelle)

Professionell: weil es die Prinzipien der SOLID-Architektur anwendet

Ich möchte nicht mehr reden ... lasst es uns genießen!

1- Entity Framework @ Data Layer (Grundlagen)

In diesem Artikel verwenden wir eine einfache Datenbank namens "Company" mit zwei Tabellen:

[dbo]. [Kategorien] ([CategoryID], [CategoryName])

[dbo]. [Produkte] ([ProductID], [CategoryID], [ProductName])

1-1 Entity Framework-Code generieren

In dieser Ebene generieren wir den Entity Framework-Code (in der Projektbibliothek) (in diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie dies tun können). Dann haben Sie die folgenden Klassen

public partial class CompanyContext : DbContext
public partial class Product
public partial class Category

1-2 Erstellen Sie eine grundlegende Schnittstelle

Wir werden eine Schnittstelle für unsere Basisfunktionen erstellen

public interface IDbRepository : IDisposable
    #region Tables and Views functions

    IQueryable<TResult> GetAll<TResult>(bool noTracking = true) where TResult : class;
    TEntity Add<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class;
    TEntity Delete<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class;
    TEntity Attach<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class;
    TEntity AttachIfNot<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class;

    #endregion Tables and Views functions

    #region Transactions Functions

    int Commit();
    Task<int> CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));

    #endregion Transactions Functions

    #region Database Procedures and Functions

    TResult Execute<TResult>(string functionName, params object[] parameters);

    #endregion Database Procedures and Functions

1-3 Basisschnittstelle implementieren

/// <summary>
/// Implementing basic tables, views, procedures, functions, and transaction functions
/// Select (GetAll), Insert (Add), Delete, and Attach
/// No Edit (Modify) function (can modify attached entity without function call)
/// Executes database procedures or functions (Execute)
/// Transaction functions (Commit)
/// More functions can be added if needed
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Entity Framework table or view</typeparam>
public class DbRepository : IDbRepository
    #region Protected Members

    protected DbContext _dbContext;

    #endregion Protected Members

    #region Constractors

    /// <summary>
    /// Repository constructor 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dbContext">Entity framework databse context</param>
    public DbRepository(DbContext dbContext)
        _dbContext = dbContext;


    #endregion Constractors

    #region IRepository Implementation

    #region Tables and Views functions

    /// <summary>
    /// Query all
    /// Set noTracking to true for selecting only (read-only queries)
    /// Set noTracking to false for insert, update, or delete after select
    /// </summary>
    public virtual IQueryable<TResult> GetAll<TResult>(bool noTracking = true) where TResult : class
        var entityDbSet = GetDbSet<TResult>();

        if (noTracking)
            return entityDbSet.AsNoTracking();

        return entityDbSet;

    public virtual TEntity Add<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        return GetDbSet<TEntity>().Add(entity);

    /// <summary>
    /// Delete loaded (attached) or unloaded (Detached) entitiy
    /// No need to load object to delete it
    /// Create new object of TEntity and set the id then call Delete function
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="entity">TEntity</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public virtual TEntity Delete<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        if (_dbContext.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached)
            _dbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            return entity;
            return GetDbSet<TEntity>().Remove(entity);

    public virtual TEntity Attach<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        return GetDbSet<TEntity>().Attach(entity);

    public virtual TEntity AttachIfNot<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        if (_dbContext.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached)
            return Attach(entity);

        return entity;

    #endregion Tables and Views functions

    #region Transactions Functions

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves all changes made in this context to the underlying database.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The number of objects written to the underlying database.</returns>
    public virtual int Commit()
        return _dbContext.SaveChanges();

    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the underlying database.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">A System.Threading.CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete.</param>
    /// <returns>A task that represents the asynchronous save operation.  The task result contains the number of objects written to the underlying database.</returns>
    public virtual Task<int> CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
        return _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

    #endregion Transactions Functions

    #region Database Procedures and Functions

    /// <summary>
    /// Executes any function in the context
    /// use to call database procesdures and functions
    /// </summary>>
    /// <typeparam name="TResult">return function type</typeparam>
    /// <param name="functionName">context function name</param>
    /// <param name="parameters">context function parameters in same order</param>
    public virtual TResult Execute<TResult>(string functionName, params object[] parameters)
        MethodInfo method = _dbContext.GetType().GetMethod(functionName);

        return (TResult)method.Invoke(_dbContext, parameters);

    #endregion Database Procedures and Functions

    #endregion IRepository Implementation

    #region IDisposable Implementation

    public void Dispose()

    #endregion IDisposable Implementation

    #region Protected Functions

    /// <summary>
    /// Set Context Configuration
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void ConfigureContext()
        // set your recommended Context Configuration
        _dbContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

    #endregion Protected Functions

    #region Private Functions

    private DbSet<TEntity> GetDbSet<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
        return _dbContext.Set<TEntity>();

    #endregion Private Functions


2- Entity Framework @ Business-Schicht

In dieser Schicht schreiben wir das Anwendungsgeschäft.

Es wird empfohlen, für jeden Präsentationsbildschirm die Geschäftsschnittstelle und die Implementierungsklasse zu erstellen, die alle für den Bildschirm erforderlichen Funktionen enthalten.

Nachfolgend schreiben wir das Geschäft für den Produktbildschirm als Beispiel

/// <summary>
/// Contains Product Business functions
/// </summary>
public interface IProductBusiness
    Product SelectById(int productId, bool noTracking = true);
    Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> SelectByCategoryAsync(int CategoryId);
    Task<Product> InsertAsync(string productName, int categoryId);
    Product InsertForNewCategory(string productName, string categoryName);
    Product Update(int productId, string productName, int categoryId);
    Product Update2(int productId, string productName, int categoryId);
    int DeleteWithoutLoad(int productId);
    int DeleteLoadedProduct(Product product);
    IEnumerable<GetProductsCategory_Result> GetProductsCategory(int categoryId);

/// <summary>
/// Implementing Product Business functions
/// </summary>
public class ProductBusiness : IProductBusiness
    #region Private Members

    private IDbRepository _dbRepository;

    #endregion Private Members

    #region Constructors

    /// <summary>
    /// Product Business Constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dbRepository"></param>
    public ProductBusiness(IDbRepository dbRepository)
        _dbRepository = dbRepository;

    #endregion Constructors

    #region IProductBusiness Function

    /// <summary>
    /// Selects Product By Id
    /// </summary>
    public Product SelectById(int productId, bool noTracking = true)
        var products = _dbRepository.GetAll<Product>(noTracking);

        return products.FirstOrDefault(pro => pro.ProductID == productId);

    /// <summary>
    /// Selects Products By Category Id Async
    /// To have async method, add reference to EntityFramework 6 dll or higher
    /// also you need to have the namespace "System.Data.Entity"
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="CategoryId">CategoryId</param>
    /// <returns>Return what ever the object that you want to return</returns>
    public async Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> SelectByCategoryAsync(int CategoryId)
        var products = _dbRepository.GetAll<Product>();
        var categories = _dbRepository.GetAll<Category>();

        var result = (from pro in products
                      join cat in categories
                      on pro.CategoryID equals cat.CategoryID
                      where pro.CategoryID == CategoryId
                      select new
                          ProductId = pro.ProductID,
                          ProductName = pro.ProductName,
                          CategoryName = cat.CategoryName

        return await result.ToListAsync();

    /// <summary>
    /// Insert Async new product for given category
    /// </summary>
    public async Task<Product> InsertAsync(string productName, int categoryId)
        var newProduct = _dbRepository.Add(new Product() { ProductName = productName, CategoryID = categoryId });

        await _dbRepository.CommitAsync();

        return newProduct;

    /// <summary>
    /// Insert new product and new category
    /// Do many database actions in one transaction
    /// each _dbRepository.Commit(); will commit one transaction
    /// </summary>
    public Product InsertForNewCategory(string productName, string categoryName)
        var newCategory = _dbRepository.Add(new Category() { CategoryName = categoryName });
        var newProduct = _dbRepository.Add(new Product() { ProductName = productName, Category = newCategory });


        return newProduct;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update given product with tracking
    /// </summary>
    public Product Update(int productId, string productName, int categoryId)
        var product = SelectById(productId,false);
        product.CategoryID = categoryId;
        product.ProductName = productName;


        return product;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update given product with no tracking and attach function
    /// </summary>
    public Product Update2(int productId, string productName, int categoryId)
        var product = SelectById(productId);

        product.CategoryID = categoryId;
        product.ProductName = productName;


        return product;

    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes product without loading it
    /// </summary>
    public int DeleteWithoutLoad(int productId)
        _dbRepository.Delete(new Product() { ProductID = productId });

        return _dbRepository.Commit();

    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes product after loading it
    /// </summary>
    public int DeleteLoadedProduct(Product product)

        return _dbRepository.Commit();

    /// <summary>
    /// Assuming we have the following procedure in database
    /// PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetProductsCategory] @CategoryID INT, @OrderBy VARCHAR(50)
    /// </summary>
    public IEnumerable<GetProductsCategory_Result> GetProductsCategory(int categoryId)
        return _dbRepository.Execute<IEnumerable<GetProductsCategory_Result>>("GetProductsCategory", categoryId, "ProductName DESC");

    #endregion IProductBusiness Function

3- Verwenden der Business-Schicht @ Präsentationsschicht (MVC)

In diesem Beispiel verwenden wir die Business-Schicht in der Präsentationsschicht. Wir verwenden MVC als Beispiel für die Präsentationsschicht (Sie können jedoch auch jede andere Präsentationsschicht verwenden).

Wir müssen zuerst die IoC registrieren (wir werden Unity verwenden, aber Sie können jede IoC verwenden) und schreiben dann unsere Präsentationsebene

3-1 Registrieren Sie Unity-Typen in MVC

3-1-1 Fügen Sie den NuGet-Backage „Unity-Bootstrapper für ASP.NET MVC“ hinzu

3-1-2 UnityWebActivator.Start () hinzufügen; in der Datei "Global.asax.cs" (Funktion Application_Start ())

3-1-3 Ändern Sie UnityConfig.RegisterTypes wie folgt

    public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
        // Data Access Layer
        container.RegisterType<DbContext, CompanyContext>(new PerThreadLifetimeManager());
        container.RegisterType(typeof(IDbRepository), typeof(DbRepository), new PerThreadLifetimeManager());

        // Business Layer
        container.RegisterType<IProductBusiness, ProductBusiness>(new PerThreadLifetimeManager());


3-2 Verwenden der Business-Schicht @ Präsentationsschicht (MVC)

public class ProductController : Controller
    #region Private Members

    IProductBusiness _productBusiness;

    #endregion Private Members

    #region Constractors

    public ProductController(IProductBusiness productBusiness)
        _productBusiness = productBusiness;

    #endregion Constractors

    #region Action Functions

    public ActionResult InsertForNewCategory(string productName, string categoryName)
            // you can use any of IProductBusiness functions
            var newProduct = _productBusiness.InsertForNewCategory(productName, categoryName);

            return Json(new { success = true, data = newProduct });
        catch (Exception ex) 
        {   /* log ex*/
            return Json(new { success = false, errorMessage = ex.Message});

    public ActionResult SmartDeleteWithoutLoad(int productId)
            // deletes product without load
            var deletedProduct = _productBusiness.DeleteWithoutLoad(productId);

            return Json(new { success = true, data = deletedProduct });
        catch (Exception ex)
        {   /* log ex*/
            return Json(new { success = false, errorMessage = ex.Message });

    public async Task<ActionResult> SelectByCategoryAsync(int CategoryId)
            var results = await _productBusiness.SelectByCategoryAsync(CategoryId);

            return Json(new { success = true, data = results },JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        catch (Exception ex)
        {   /* log ex*/
            return Json(new { success = false, errorMessage = ex.Message },JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
    #endregion Action Functions

4- Entity Framework @ Unit Test Layer

In der Einheitentestebene testen wir normalerweise die Business Layer-Funktionen. Dazu entfernen wir die Abhängigkeiten von Data Layer (Entity Framework).

Nun stellt sich die Frage: Wie kann ich die Entity Framework-Abhängigkeiten entfernen, um die Business Layer-Funktionen zu testen?

Und die Antwort ist einfach: Wir werden eine gefälschte Implementierung für die IDbRepository-Schnittstelle durchführen und dann unseren Komponententest durchführen

4-1 Implementieren einer Basisschnittstelle (gefälschte Implementierung)

class FakeDbRepository : IDbRepository
    #region Protected Members

    protected Hashtable _dbContext;
    protected int _numberOfRowsAffected;
    protected Hashtable _contextFunctionsResults;

    #endregion Protected Members

    #region Constractors

    public FakeDbRepository(Hashtable contextFunctionsResults = null)
        _dbContext = new Hashtable();
        _numberOfRowsAffected = 0;
        _contextFunctionsResults = contextFunctionsResults;

    #endregion Constractors

    #region IRepository Implementation

    #region Tables and Views functions

    public IQueryable<TResult> GetAll<TResult>(bool noTracking = true) where TResult : class
        return GetDbSet<TResult>().AsQueryable();

    public TEntity Add<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        return entity;

    public TEntity Delete<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        return entity;

    public TEntity Attach<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        return Add(entity);

    public TEntity AttachIfNot<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
        if (!GetDbSet<TEntity>().Contains(entity))
            return Attach(entity);

        return entity;

    #endregion Tables and Views functions

    #region Transactions Functions

    public virtual int Commit()
        var numberOfRowsAffected = _numberOfRowsAffected;
        _numberOfRowsAffected = 0;
        return numberOfRowsAffected;

    public virtual Task<int> CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
        var numberOfRowsAffected = _numberOfRowsAffected;
        _numberOfRowsAffected = 0;
        return new Task<int>(() => numberOfRowsAffected);

    #endregion Transactions Functions

    #region Database Procedures and Functions

    public virtual TResult Execute<TResult>(string functionName, params object[] parameters)
        if (_contextFunctionsResults != null && _contextFunctionsResults.Contains(functionName))
            return (TResult)_contextFunctionsResults[functionName];

        throw new NotImplementedException();

    #endregion Database Procedures and Functions

    #endregion IRepository Implementation

    #region IDisposable Implementation

    public void Dispose()


    #endregion IDisposable Implementation

    #region Private Functions

    private List<TEntity> GetDbSet<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
        if (!_dbContext.Contains(typeof(TEntity)))
            _dbContext.Add(typeof(TEntity), new List<TEntity>());

        return (List<TEntity>)_dbContext[typeof(TEntity)]; 

    #endregion Private Functions

4-2 Führen Sie den Gerätetest durch

public class ProductUnitTest
    public void TestInsertForNewCategory()
        // Initialize repositories
        FakeDbRepository _dbRepository = new FakeDbRepository();

        // Initialize Business object
        IProductBusiness productBusiness = new ProductBusiness(_dbRepository);

        // Process test method
        productBusiness.InsertForNewCategory("Test Product", "Test Category");

        int _productCount = _dbRepository.GetAll<Product>().Count();
        int _categoryCount = _dbRepository.GetAll<Category>().Count();

        Assert.AreEqual<int>(1, _productCount);
        Assert.AreEqual<int>(1, _categoryCount);

    public void TestProceduresFunctionsCall()
        // Initialize Procedures / Functions result
        Hashtable _contextFunctionsResults = new Hashtable();
        _contextFunctionsResults.Add("GetProductsCategory", new List<GetProductsCategory_Result> { 
            new GetProductsCategory_Result() { ProductName = "Product 1", ProductID = 1, CategoryName = "Category 1" },
            new GetProductsCategory_Result() { ProductName = "Product 2", ProductID = 2, CategoryName = "Category 1" },
            new GetProductsCategory_Result() { ProductName = "Product 3", ProductID = 3, CategoryName = "Category 1" }});

        // Initialize repositories
        FakeDbRepository _dbRepository = new FakeDbRepository(_contextFunctionsResults);

        // Initialize Business object
        IProductBusiness productBusiness = new ProductBusiness(_dbRepository);

        // Process test method
        var results = productBusiness.GetProductsCategory(1);

        Assert.AreEqual<int>(3, results.Count());

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